CUDA_CubeAttack aims to offer a flexible implementation of cube attack exploiting CUDA framework (sm_50).
Choose the proper bit/byte ordering in and file, setting the proper public and private key size.
Copy cipher's code in until the bottom delimiter.
Then just uncomment one of following lines in IV_gen and IV_gen_host functions:
iv[(cube_index[i]/8)] += to_MSB(c_i * (1<<(cube_index[i]%8))); //Trivium
//iv[(IV_dim-1)-(cube_index[i]/8)] += to_MSB(c_i * (1<<(cube_index[i]%8))); // Grain
//iv[(cube_index[i]/8)] += (c_i * (1<<((cube_index[i]%8)))); // Morus
choose the same order in key_gen_superpoly_reconstruction:
//k_start[(tid/8)] = (1<<(pos%8)); // Morus
k_start[(tid/8)] = to_MSB(1<<(pos%8)); // Trivium
//k_start[(K_dim-1) - (tid/8)] = to_MSB(1<<7-(pos%8)); //Grain
and finally edit
bin_assignment = reduce(lambda x,y:x+y,[('0'*(8-len(bin(c).split('b')[1]))+bin(c).split('b')[1]) for c in ks]) # this depends on the cipher, OK for Trivium
#bin_assignment = reduce(lambda x,y:x+y,[('0'*(8-len(bin(c).split('b')[1]))+bin(c).split('b')[1])[::-1] for c in ks]) # this depends on the cipher, OK for MORUS
#bin_assignment = reduce(lambda x,y:x+y,[('0'*(8-len(bin(c).split('b')[1]))+bin(c).split('b')[1])[::-1] for c in ks][::-1]) # this depends on the cipher, OK for Grain
Remember to set the proper K_dim.
Once set the proper N_ROUND in, after choosing the proper output bit position through BIT_POSITION_APP and BIT_POSITION, you can call as follow:
Then two files are produced:
- cubes_test.txt
- superpolies.txt
Where the line position links each maxterm with the corresponding superpoly.
Check results using
To integrate new cipher's code in, the following functions has to be implemented:
- encrypt: receive two byte arrays (public/private information), return a bit according to BIT_POSITION_APP and BIT_POSITION
- encrypt_exploit: receive only public key as parameter (the private key is in constant memory d_key_2_guess)
Then implement the corresponding host functions(encrypt_host, encrypt_exploit_host).
The following parameters must be defined according to cipher's specification:
- K_dim
- IV_dim
Checking literature results for cubes and superpolies. Write the candidate maxterm in cubes_test_window.txt in offline subdirectory (indexing start from 0).
Select one of the ordering in, call ./final_attack/offline/superpoly_rec/att1 and check in superpolies_window.txt the superpolies obtained.
The right ordering will generate the same published superpolies.
From you can select one of the following maxterm mining versions:
- version 5: trivial parallelized version without huge cube support
- version 6: proposed parallelized version without huge cube support
- version 7: trivial parallelized version with arbitrary huge cube support
Results against Trivium, Morus-640-128 and Grain-128AEAD are reported here.