All notable changes to AMICO will be documented in this file.
- Removed unused hasISO parameter in experimental VolumeFractions model
- Install information are stored (and taken from) amico/
- Possibility to fit different voxels in parallel
- Config options 'parallel_jobs' and 'parallel_backend' for better control of parallel execution
- Possibility to specify d_perp<>0 for the Stick in StickZeppelinBall
- Forcing SPAMS to use only one thread
- Added missing dependencies, e.g. wheel
- Replaced in-house progress bar to tqdm
- Warning message in fsl2scheme and sandi2scheme
- Controls if files exist before opening
- Wrong datatype when saving results
- SANDI model
- Possibility to set one single direction in the LUT resolution
- Function get_params to get the specific parameter values of a model
- Moved the documentation to the Wiki
- Added the parameter 'd_par_zep' in the StickZeppelinBall model
- Modify and fix spams dependency
- Checks if input mask is 3D.
- Use d_perps to set models instead of ICVFs.
- Canged case of some parameters for consistency
- Functions to colorize the output messages.
This version of AMICO is not compatible with COMMIT v1.2 of below. If you update AMICO to this version, please update COMMIT to version 1.3 or above.
- Changelog file to keep tracking of the AMICO versions.
- New feature that allows to decrease the LUT resolution. Example here.