This is a Google-findable repository of the original TimeAwareBPMN
TimeAwareBPMN-js is a tool for editing and verifying time-aware BPMN models, BPMN models having temporal constraints.
It is a web-application and consists of a graphical editor ( where it is possible to create or edit time-aware BPMN models and to select and run a plug-in for verifying temporal constraints.
Plug-in architecture allows the execution of different programs for verifying different temporal properties.
As a proof-of-concept, the application contains the CSTNU plug-in, that allows verifying if the model is dynamically controllable, i.e., it is possible to execute it whatever the duration of some activities, called contingent activities. Each contingent-activity duration is limited to stay in a temporal range, but the exact duration is decided at run-time by the external "agent" executing it. CSTNU plug-in verifies the dynamic controllability property using an external Java library.
This is a screenshot of the interface of the TimeAwareBPMN-js showing the graphical editor and the tool with buttons for the possible actions.
See original repository TimeAwareBPMN.
TimeAwareBPMN-Js: an editor and temporal verification tool for time-aware BPMN processes
Mario Ocampo-Pineda, Roberto Posenato, Francesca Zerbato
SoftwareX, 17 (2022), p. 100939,
CSTNU Tool: A java library for checking temporal networks
Roberto Posenato
SoftwareX, 17 (2022), p. 100905