A real-time messaging application that utilizes WebSockets to allow bi-directional communication to occur between members within user generated chat rooms. Users will be asked to either log-in or to create an account before using the application. After the right credentials are inputted and verified through Firebase, the user will be asked to input a room name. If two users input the same room name, users who are inside that same room will be able to converse with each other. Socket.io and Node.js is what powers the backend by emitting events that allows each user connected to the server to communicate with each other. Also, the backend of this project is hosted on Heroku.
I wanted to build something that would make use of WebSocket technology. WebSockets are an interesting topic that I have never tackled before this application.
You can view the live demo of this project here: https://www.ms-spaces.com
Socket IO - https://socket.io/
Logo - https://logomakr.com/