My rendition of Minecraft from scratch in java using opengl.
- Make Minecraft from scratch in java
create a voxel graphics libary from lwjgl or libgdx
- create a quad
- create a voxel (multiple quads)
- create multiple voxels
- textured voxels
- sprite sheet sys
- basic lighting
- create a camera sys
- dynamic lighting
- skybox
- particle system
nessacary i/o
- get multi platformed input and mabey an event sys idk
- preform Audio output
World Generation
- create chunks
- load chuncks dynamically
- procedualy generate chunks
- landscape
- biomes
- rivers
- caves
- structures
- edit voxels on the fly
- ...
Implement a networking system ( multiplayer ) <- how dunno?
Implement multiple threads <- ???