diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 4823526..b7ea1fc 100644
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+++ b/README.md
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# Numerical Methods with Applications
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-**Curriculum Module**
-_Created with R2021b. Compatible with R2021b and later releases._
+[![View on File Exchange](https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/images/matlab-file-exchange.svg)](https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/111490-numerical-methods-with-applications) or [![Open in MATLAB Online](https://www.mathworks.com/images/responsive/global/open-in-matlab-online.svg)](https://matlab.mathworks.com/open/github/v1?repo=MathWorks-Teaching-Resources/Numerical-Methods-with-Applications&project=NumericalMethods.prj&file=README.mlx)
+![MATLAB Versions Tested](https://img.shields.io/endpoint?url=https%3A%2F%2Fraw.githubusercontent.com%2FMathWorks-Teaching-Resources%2FNumerical-Methods-with-Applications%2Frelease%2FImages%2FTestedWith.json)
+**Curriculum Module**
+_Created with R2021b. Compatible with R2021b and later releases._
# Information
This curriculum module contains interactive [MATLAB® live scripts](https://www.mathworks.com/products/matlab/live-editor.html) that teach fundamental concepts and basic terminology related to designing and implementing numerical methods related to interpolation, numerical integration and differentiation, and numerical solutions to ordinary and partial differential equations.
@@ -53,30 +53,30 @@ MATLAB® is used throughout. Tools from the Symbolic Math Toolbox™ are used fr
# Scripts
## [**Interpolation.mlx**](https://matlab.mathworks.com/open/github/v1?repo=MathWorks-Teaching-Resources/Numerical-Methods-with-Applications&project=NumericalMethods.prj&file=Interpolation.mlx)
| **In this script, students will...**
- define interpolation and explain how it is different from regression and extrapolation
- demonstrate multiple solutions to an interpolation problem, even when interpolating by polynomials
- implement three different interpolation functions
| **Applications**
- Drawing a smooth rendition of their hand
- Tracking the path of a cyclone
**Scaffolded Template Scripts**
| **In this script, students will...**
- define interpolation and explain how it is different from regression and extrapolation
- demonstrate multiple solutions to an interpolation problem, even when interpolating by polynomials
- implement three different interpolation functions
| **Applications**
- Drawing a smooth rendition of their hand
- Tracking the path of a cyclone
**Scaffolded Template Scripts**
| :-- | :-- | :-- |
## Supporting Scripts
- [Hand.mlx](https://matlab.mathworks.com/open/github/v1?repo=MathWorks-Teaching-Resources/Numerical-Methods-with-Applications&project=NumericalMethods.prj&file=Hand.mlx)
- [TrackStorms.mlx](https://matlab.mathworks.com/open/github/v1?repo=MathWorks-Teaching-Resources/Numerical-Methods-with-Applications&project=NumericalMethods.prj&file=TrackStorms.mlx)
## [**NumericalDerivatives.mlx**](https://matlab.mathworks.com/open/github/v1?repo=MathWorks-Teaching-Resources/Numerical-Methods-with-Applications&project=NumericalMethods.prj&file=NumericalDerivatives.mlx)
| **In this script, students will...**
- determine numerical derivative approximations formulas
- use Taylor's theorem to calculate the order of the error for a numerical approximation to a derivative
- demonstrate how numerical derivatives can magnify approximation errors
| **Applications**
- Numerical solutions to differential equations
| **In this script, students will...**
- determine numerical derivative approximations formulas
- use Taylor's theorem to calculate the order of the error for a numerical approximation to a derivative
- demonstrate how numerical derivatives can magnify approximation errors
| **Applications**
- Numerical solutions to differential equations
| :-- | :-- | :-- |
## [**NumericalIntegration.mlx**](https://matlab.mathworks.com/open/github/v1?repo=MathWorks-Teaching-Resources/Numerical-Methods-with-Applications&project=NumericalMethods.prj&file=NumericalIntegration.mlx)
| **In this script, students will...**
- implement Euler's method, Gaussian 2\-point approximations, and Simpson's rule for numerical integration
- explain why higher\-order approximations may not be appropriate in applications
| **Applications**
- Measure the area of a lake
**Scaffolded Template Scripts**
| **In this script, students will...**
- implement Euler's method, Gaussian 2\-point approximations, and Simpson's rule for numerical integration
- explain why higher\-order approximations may not be appropriate in applications
| **Applications**
- Measure the area of a lake
**Scaffolded Template Scripts**
| :-- | :-- | :-- |
## Supporting Scripts
- [MeasureLakeArea.mlx](https://matlab.mathworks.com/open/github/v1?repo=MathWorks-Teaching-Resources/Numerical-Methods-with-Applications&project=NumericalMethods.prj&file=MeasureLakeArea.mlx)
## [**NumericalODEs.mlx**](https://matlab.mathworks.com/open/github/v1?repo=MathWorks-Teaching-Resources/Numerical-Methods-with-Applications&project=NumericalMethods.prj&file=NumericalODEs.mlx)
| **In this script, students will...**
- implement Euler's method for first\-order initial value problems
- calculate the error of their numerical solution
- implement a trapezoidal method
- implement a four\-step Runge\-Kutta method
- compare results with the built\-in MATLAB solver ode45
| **Applications**
- Model a pendulum with increasingly realistic assumptions
**Scaffolded Template Scripts**
| **In this script, students will...**
- implement Euler's method for first\-order initial value problems
- calculate the error of their numerical solution
- implement a trapezoidal method
- implement a four\-step Runge\-Kutta method
- compare results with the built\-in MATLAB solver ode45
| **Applications**
- Model a pendulum with increasingly realistic assumptions
**Scaffolded Template Scripts**
| :-- | :-- | :-- |
## Supporting Scripts
- [PendulumModels.mlx](https://matlab.mathworks.com/open/github/v1?repo=MathWorks-Teaching-Resources/Numerical-Methods-with-Applications&project=NumericalMethods.prj&file=PendulumModels.mlx)
## [**NumericalPDEs.mlx**](https://matlab.mathworks.com/open/github/v1?repo=MathWorks-Teaching-Resources/Numerical-Methods-with-Applications&project=NumericalMethods.prj&file=NumericalPDEs.mlx)
| **In this script, students will...**
- identify errors from discretizing the problem and from discretizing the method and choose appropriate parameters to minimize overall error
- explain the importance of stability when choosing a numerical method
- implement explicit, implicit, and Crank\-Nicolson methods to solve a 1\-D heat equation
| **Applications**
- Solve a heat equation
**Scaffolded Template Scripts**
| **In this script, students will...**
- identify errors from discretizing the problem and from discretizing the method and choose appropriate parameters to minimize overall error
- explain the importance of stability when choosing a numerical method
- implement explicit, implicit, and Crank\-Nicolson methods to solve a 1\-D heat equation
| **Applications**
- Solve a heat equation
**Scaffolded Template Scripts**
| :-- | :-- | :-- |
# License
@@ -102,4 +102,5 @@ Looking for more? Find an issue? Have a suggestion? Please contact the [MathWork
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