This example measures the latency of an IPC transmission between two applications.
Create three terminals and run one command in each of them.
# If installed and available in PATH environment variable
# If build from scratch with script in tools
The counter can differ depending on startup of the applications and the performance of the hardware.
Reserving 99683360 bytes in the shared memory [/iceoryx_mgmt]
[ Reserving shared memory successful ]
Reserving 410709312 bytes in the shared memory [/username]
[ Reserving shared memory successful ]
Waiting to subscribe to Hardy ... done
Waiting for subscriber to Laurel ... done
Measurement for 1 kB payload ... done
Measurement for 2 kB payload ... done
Measurement for 4 kB payload ... done
Measurement for 8 kB payload ... done
Measurement for 16 kB payload ... done
Measurement for 32 kB payload ... done
Measurement for 64 kB payload ... done
Measurement for 128 kB payload ... done
Measurement for 256 kB payload ... done
Measurement for 512 kB payload ... done
Measurement for 1024 kB payload ... done
Measurement for 2048 kB payload ... done
Measurement for 4096 kB payload ... done
Waiting for subscriber to unsubscribe from Laurel ... done
#### Measurement Result ####
1000000 round trips for each payload.
| Payload Size [kB] | Average Latency [µs] |
| 1 | 0.34 |
| 2 | 0.34 |
| 4 | 0.34 |
| 8 | 0.34 |
| 16 | 0.34 |
| 32 | 0.34 |
| 64 | 0.34 |
| 128 | 0.34 |
| 256 | 0.34 |
| 512 | 0.34 |
| 1024 | 0.34 |
| 2048 | 0.34 |
| 4096 | 0.34 |
Waiting to subscribe to Laurel ... done
Waiting for subscriber to Hardy ... done
Waiting for subscriber to unsubscribe from Hardy ... done
This examples measures the latency of an IPC transmission between two applications with several payload sizes. The measured time is just allocating/releasing chunks and the time to send the chunk. The construction of the payload is not part of the measurement.
The iceperf-laurel application is allocating chunks with several payload sizes. For each payload size 1000000 round-trips with iceperf-hardy are performed, which results in 2000000 chunk allocations, transmissions and chunk releases per measurement.
At the end of the benchmark, the average latency for each payload size is printed.
First off let's include the publisher, subscriber, runtime and topic data:
#include "iceoryx_posh/popo/publisher.hpp"
#include "iceoryx_posh/popo/subscriber.hpp"
#include "iceoryx_posh/runtime/posh_runtime.hpp"
#include "topic_data.hpp"
Independent of the real payload size, this struct is used to transfer some information between the applications.
struct PerfTopic
uint64_t payloadSize {0};
bool run {true};
With payloadSize
as the payload size used for the current measurement and run
to shutdown iceperf-hardy at the end of the benchmark.
Let's set some constants to prevent magic values.
constexpr uint64_t NUMBER_OF_ROUNDTRIPS{1000000};
constexpr char APP_NAME[] = "/laurel";
constexpr char PUBLISHER[] = "Laurel";
constexpr char SUBSCRIBER[] = "Hardy";
For the communication with RouDi a runtime object is created. The parameter of the method getInstance()
contains a
unique string identifier for this publisher.
Now that RouDi knows our applications exist, let's create the publisher and subscriber instances and offer the iceperf-larry service and subscribe to iceperf-hardy service:
iox::popo::Publisher myPublisher({"Comedians", "Duo", PUBLISHER});
iox::popo::Subscriber mySubscriber({"Comedians", "Duo", SUBSCRIBER});
For the benchmark it's important that Laurel
is subscribed to Hardy
and vice versa.
while (mySubscriber.getSubscriptionState() != iox::popo::SubscriptionState::SUBSCRIBED)
while (!myPublisher.hasSubscribers())
The following payload sizes are used. The size is specified in kB.
const std::vector<int64_t> payloadSizesInKB{1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096};
For each payload, an initial sample is send. This specifies the payload for the measurement,
since in measureLatency(...)
this data is used to allocate the chunk for the response.
The publisher doesn't use a constant payload size, but a dynamic one. This has to be enabled
by setting the second parameter of allocateChunk(...)
to true
. If not set to true
a changed payload, while being subscribed, is assumed to be an error.
for (const auto payloadSizeInKB : payloadSizesInKB)
auto payloadSizeInBytes = payloadSizeInKB * 1024;
auto sample = static_cast<PerfTopic*>(myPublisher.allocateChunk(payloadSizeInBytes, true));
// Specify the payload size for the measurement
sample->payloadSize = payloadSizeInBytes;
sample->run = true;
// Send the initial sample to start the round-trips
// perform the actual measurement
auto latency = measureLatency(myPublisher, mySubscriber);
// Wait for hardy to send the last response
const void* receivedChunk;
while (!mySubscriber.getChunk(&receivedChunk))
// poll as fast as possible
The actual measurement is performed in the measureLatency(...)
function. For each round-trip,
at first the subscriber is polling for the chunk, then it allocates a new chunk with the payload
specified in the received PerfTopic
chunk, responds with that chunk and releases the old chunk.
The time for all round-trips is measured and the average latency is returned.
double measureLatency(iox::popo::Publisher& publisher, iox::popo::Subscriber& subscriber)
auto start = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
// run the performance test
for (uint64_t i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_ROUNDTRIPS; ++i)
const void* receivedChunk;
while (!subscriber.getChunk(&receivedChunk))
// poll as fast as possible
auto receivedSample = static_cast<const PerfTopic*>(receivedChunk);
auto sendSample = static_cast<PerfTopic*>(publisher.allocateChunk(receivedSample->payloadSize, true));
sendSample->payloadSize = receivedSample->payloadSize;
sendSample->run = true;
auto finish = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
constexpr uint64_t TRANSMISSIONS_PER_ROUNDTRIP{2};
auto duration = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::nanoseconds>(finish - start);
auto latencyInNanoSeconds = (duration.count() / (NUMBER_OF_ROUNDTRIPS * TRANSMISSIONS_PER_ROUNDTRIP));
auto latencyInMicroSeconds = latencyInNanoSeconds / 1000.;
return latencyInMicroSeconds;
After the benchmark, Hardy
needs to be shut down. This is done by setting the run
flag to false
on the last message to Hardy
const int64_t payloadSize = sizeof(PerfTopic);
auto stopSample = static_cast<PerfTopic*>(myPublisher.allocateChunk(payloadSize, true));
stopSample->payloadSize = payloadSize;
stopSample->run = false;
Then we unsubscribe, wait till Laurel
has no subscribers and stop offering our service.
while (!myPublisher.hasSubscribers())
At the end, the result of the benchmark is printed.
for (size_t i = 0; i < latencyInMicroSeconds.size(); ++i)
std::cout << "| " << std::setw(17) << << " | " << std::setw(20) << std::setprecision(2)
<< << " |" << std::endl;
The boilerplate code (getting runtime, publish and subscribe) for iceperf-hardy is similar to iceperf-laurel.
The main difference is in the main loop, where Hardy
is just waiting for data from Laurel
, immediately responses
and shuts down when requested.
bool run{true};
while (run)
const void* receivedChunk;
while (!mySubscriber.getChunk(&receivedChunk))
// poll as fast as possible
auto receivedSample = static_cast<const PerfTopic*>(receivedChunk);
auto sendSample = static_cast<PerfTopic*>(myPublisher.allocateChunk(receivedSample->payloadSize, true));
sendSample->payloadSize = receivedSample->payloadSize;
run = receivedSample->run;