Proof of concept to sketch in canvas and svg in one library.
CC-Sketch is a creative coding library written in Javascript via Haxe. This project started when I did a 30-days-challenge and I decided it should be open-source.
import Globals.Globals.*;
import Settings.SizeType;
import sketcher.util.ColorUtil;
import sketcher.util.MathUtil;
class Main {
public function new() {
function sketchSVG() {
// var size = (Paper.inPixel(Paper.PaperSize.A4));
var size = (Paper.inMM(Paper.PaperSize.A4));
var sketchWidth = size.width;
var sketchHeight = size.height;
// Make an instance of two and place it on the page.
var settings:Settings = new Settings(Math.round(sketchWidth), Math.round(sketchHeight), 'svg');
settings.isAnimation = false; // default is true (based upon canvas)
settings.padding = 0;
settings.isScaled = true; // (default is false)
settings.sizeType = SizeType.MM;
settings.viewBox = [0, 0, sketchWidth, sketchHeight];
var sketch = SketcherSVG.create(settings).setup();
var bg = sketch.makeBackground('white');
for (i in 0...10) {
var circle = sketch.makeCircle(MathUtil.random(w), MathUtil.random(h), MathUtil.clamp(MathUtil.random(200), 50, 200));
var color = ColorUtil.niceColor100[MathUtil.randomInt(ColorUtil.niceColor100.length - 1)];
writeFile('export', 'test_node.svg', sketch.update());
* simply write the files
* @param path folder to write the files
* @param filename (with extension) the file name
* @param content what to write to the file (in our case markdown)
function writeFile(path:String, filename:String, content:String) {
if (!sys.FileSystem.exists(path)) {
// write the file + '/${filename}', content);
trace('written file: ${path}/${filename}');
static public function main() {
var app = new Main();
build file
// build.hxml
-lib cc-sketch-plus
-cp src
-D analyzer-optimize
-main Main
haxe build.hxml
I have gotten some inspiration for this project from
example can be found
How to install cc-sketch-plus
Use this git repos as a development directory:
haxelib dev cc-sketch-plus path/to/folder
or use this git-repository directly
haxelib git cc-sketch-plus
don't forget to add it to your build file
-lib cc-sketch-plus