Version 2.8.3RC8
Source, PCB, Manual (English, Italian, Russian):
brauduino semi automated single vessel RIMS created by s.mathison Copyright (C) 2012 Stephen Mathison
Modified by Mike Wilson
- Added INPUT_PULLUP to button inputs
- swapped I/O ports for Buzz and Pump
- changed to faherenheit
- added heat and pump (H and P) indicators to the LCD
- turned off pump during boil stage
- added direct output% control and display during boil
- saved boil heat % in EEPROM
- 2v5 fixed hop addition when hoptime == boiltime
- changed boil stage temp to 201 deg F.
Modified by Massimo Nevi (2014)
- Added Buzzer Modulation (NumBeep, Period)
- Added Stage CountDown in Automatic Mode
- Added Stage Watch in Manual Mode
- Modified Max Number of Hops (10)
- Modified stage Wait in Active Pause (PID Control On)
- Modified H e P indicator for ON-OFF and Active-Disactive Modulation
- Added Some Control Parameter in Configuration Menu
- Added Temp Pump Stop in Manual Mode
- Dual Scale Temp (°C-°F)
- Reorganized EEPROM
- Reorganized Configuration
- Added Delayed Start
- Added Alert before Mash In
- Jump Step whit Button Press in Automatic Mode
- Added Cooling Procedure
- Added Whirlpool Procedure
Added more configuration on PID Menu
Added Use Gas section
Set Histeresy for Gas Use
Set Calibration Temp
Modified PID on BOIL
Added Second Menu Configuration
- Set Scale Temp (°C-°F)
- Set Location of Temp Sensor
- Set Temp of Boil (°C-°F)
- Set Set Time Pump Cycle and Time Rest
- Set Pump ON-OFF before Mash In
- Set Pump ON-OFF during Mash
- Set Pump ON-OFF at Mash Out
- Set Pump ON-OFF at Boil
- Set Temp Pump Stop (°C-°F)
- Set Skip Pause at Add Malt
- Set Skip Pause at Remove Malt
- Set Skip Pause at Iodine Test
- Set Time Max Iodine Test
- Set Manage Whirlpool
Reorganized Automation
- Removed Number of Stages Setting
- Fixed Name of Stages (8)
- Dual A-Amylase Stage
- Correct Mash In Stage
- Auto Mash Design
- Correct Time Reset of Pump
- Added Iodine Test (Active Pause)
- Added WHIRLPOOL control
- Added COOLING control
Stage Managing
- Load Stage Set
- Save Stage Set
- Delete Stage Set
- Initialize EEPROM
LCD 16x2 wiew
LCD 20x4 wiew
Italian Language (Both)
English Language (Both)
Spanish Language (Both)
Portuguese Language (Both)
Russian Language (20x4)
Norwegian Language (20x4)
Romanian Language (Both)
compiled on Arduino V1.6.x
EEPROM MAP PID MENU 0 Use Gas 1 kP 2 kI 3 kD 4 SampleTime 5 WindowSize 6 Boil Heat % 7 Offset 8 Hysteresi 9 [ SPACE ]
10 Scale Temp
11 Sensor Type
12 Temp Boil °C
13 Temp Boil °F
14 Time Pump Cycle
15 Time Pump Rest
16 Pump PreMash
17 Pump on Mash
18 Pump on MashOut
19 Pump on Boil
20 Temp Pump Rest °C
21 Temp Pump Rest °F
22 PID Pipe
23 Skip Add Malt
24 Skip Remove Malt
25 Skip Iodine Test
26 Iodine Time
27 Whirlpool
28 - 31 [ SPACE ]
RUN (HTemp °C - LTemp °C - HTemp °F - LTemp °F - Time) 32 - 36 MashIn 37 - 41 Fitasi 42 - 46 Glucanasi 47 - 51 Proteasi 52 - 55 B-Amilasi 57 - 61 A-Amilasi 1 62 - 66 A-Amilasi 2 67 - 71 Mash Out
72 Numbers of Hops
73 Boil Time
74 Time Hop 1
75 Time Hop 2
76 Time Hop 3
77 Time Hop 4
78 Time Hop 5
79 Time Hop 6
80 Time Hop 7
81 Time Hop 8
82 Time Hop 9
83 Time Hop 10
84 FLAG Automode Started
RESUME 85 HANDLE Stage 86 HANDLE Time Rest 87 Hop Add
88 - 89 [ SPACE ]
RECIPE 90 - 99 Index 1-10 100 - 151 Recipe Data 1
152 - 203 Recipe Data 2 204 - 255 Recipe Data 3 256 - 307 Recipe Data 4 308 - 359 Recipe Data 5 360 - 411 Recipe Data 6 412 - 463 Recipe Data 7 464 - 515 Recipe Data 8 516 - 567 Recipe Data 9 568 - 619 Recipe Data 10
620 - 629 Recipe Name 1 630 - 639 Recipe Name 2 640 - 649 Recipe Name 3 650 - 659 Recipe Name 4 660 - 669 Recipe Name 5 670 - 679 Recipe Name 6 680 - 689 Recipe Name 7 690 - 699 Recipe Name 8 700 - 709 Recipe Name 9 710 - 719 Recipe Name 10