Updated 2020-11-12
Note: These are example instructions and various specifics will need to be modified.
Go to https://portal.azure.com and log in
Click on "Virtual machines"
Click on "Add" or "Create a Virtual Machine"
Subscription: Free Trial
Resource group: ubuntu_trial (Create new if needed)
Virtual machine name: UbuntuTrial01
Region: East
Availability options: No infrastructure redundancy required
Image: Ubuntu Server 18.04 LTS
Size: Standard D2s v3 (2 vcpus, 8GiB memory)
RSA Alternative:
- Username: user
- SSH public key: (contents of .ssh/id_rsa.pub)
Password Alternative:
Authentication type: Password
Username: user
Password: pass
Public inbound ports: Allow selected ports
Selected inbound ports: HTTP, SSH
OS disk type: Premium SSD
Advanced: Use managed disks -- Yes; Use ephemeral OS disk -- No
Data disks: Create and attach a new disk
Name: UbuntuTrial01_DataDisk_0
Source type: None
Size: 1023 GiB (Premium SSD)
Click "OK" button
Virtual network: (new) ubuntu_trial-vnet
Subnet: (new) default (
Public IP: (new) UbunutuTrial01-ip
NIC network security group: Basic
Public inbound ports: Allow selected ports
Select inboundn ports: HTTP, HTTPS, SSH
Accelerated networking: Off
Load balancing: No
Enable basic plan for free
Boot diagnostics: On
OS guest diagnostics: Off
Diagnosstics storage account: ubuntutrialdiag
Identify: Off
Azure Active Directory: Off
Auto-shutdown: Off
Backup: Off
Click "Create"
Validation passed -- 0.0960 USD/hr
... Your deployment is underway ...
Various things appear:
- UbuntuTrial01 -- virtualMachines
- ubuntutrial01295 -- networkInterfaces
- UbuntuTrial01_DataDist_0 -- disks
- ubuntutrialdiag -- storageAccounts
- UbuntuTrial01-ip -- publicIpAddresses
- UbuntuTrial01-nsg -- networkSecurityGroups
- ubuntu_trial-vnet -- virtualNetworks
When everything is finished: Click "Go to resource"
Setup of the VM is now finished. From here on, provisioning takes place inside the instance.
ssh <ip address>
In this step we mount the "Data disk" we created and attached to the VM.
General instructions are available at: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/virtual-machines/linux/attach-disk-portal#connect-to-the-linux-vm-to-mount-the-new-disk
Use dmesg | grep SCSI
to find the data disk -- sdc
Skip the partitioning step
sudo mkfs.xfs /dev/sdc
From Bill Broomall:
xfs has a number of advantages, but two are especially convenient: it's much quicker to format; and it's very easy to grow (using xfs_growfs). When you make the filesystem directly on the volume, you don't have to resize the partition. In Azure, you have to detach the volume first (or shut down the VM), but once you resize the volume, on reboot just do 'xfs_growfs /var/www/html.
Write a file system with:
sudo mkdir -p /var/www/html
sudo mount /dev/sdc /var/www/html
Find the UUID of the new drive with:
sudo -i blkid | grep "/dev/sdc"
Edit /etc/fstab
to have this line:
UUID=<uuid-from-blkid-cmd> /var/www/html xfs defaults 0 0