- Use SCAQMD archive at https://airsensor.aqmd.gov/PurpleAir/v1/
- Updated to AirSensor 1.0.5
- Changed label "PWFSL" to "Monitor" in correlation plot.
- Clean deprecated code
- Added bookmark modal
- Fixed tooltips
- Improved notifications
- Bugfixes
- Updated Help Modal
- Added units to headers in downloaded CSV file.
- Explicit timezone used throughout.
- Added
behavior to Compare tab. - Improved titles on Daily Patterns tab.
- Additional logging.
- Raw plot timezone now set to local time.
- Various package version updates.
- Removed barchart show/hide.
- Return to use of worldmet package for wind data.
- Video URLs now point to http://data.mazamascience.com/PurpleAir/v1/videos
- Added calendar legend.
- Default timezone now set in
. - Reduced usage of waiter spinner.
- Additional logging.
- Release Candidate 1.0.0!
- Updated the date selector
- Added visual tweaks
- Makefile tweaks
- Separated out base docker image
- Various cleanup to reduce R CMD check errors
- Removed worldmet dependency.
- Revamped codebase to follow
shiny framework - Added tiotemp R package for visualizations
- Added User R6 OOP to control state and data of client session
- ...
- Same look - New Great Taste Update!
- Resturctured directory
- Refactored all code to utlize Shiny Modules
- Rewritten to utilize promise/future async evaluation
- New overview look
- New latest data look
- Updated help html
- Updated airdatepicker to be inline to avoid weird overlapping UI
- Resolved timezones
- Year 2020(Y2.02K) bug smashed :)
- Resolved menu selection bugs.
- Added bookmarks
- Summary plot converted to dygraph
- Update theme and looks
- Updated calendar plot
- UI reorder
- Added new shinyjs
- Added new shinyWidgets
- Function improvements
- Added more URL queries
- Added new tabs: overview, animation, compare, patterns, and raw.
- Added linear fit to
. - New colors
- Added calendar plot
- Added more reactive framework
- Create URL freindly website, where queries can be passed in via URL
- Updated UI to support new features, such as tabs and more functionality
- Added internal
script to support features - Refactored
to add functionality
- Modified Makefile and docker files to get things working on a Mac desktop machine.
- Added docker directory to house all docker related files
- Error Sanitization in
(plotting, tables, etc.) - Include initial Makefile for easy deployment