Welcome to Beeno! We're a community platform for van-lifers and parking-stall-owners to book and offer overnight parking spaces around the world.
- create a personal account with your personal bookings and stall offerings
- user authentication on login
- search for available bookings for your selected location and date
- book a parking stall with a single press of a button
- view all of your booked parking stalls
- view all of your offered parking stalls as well as which stalls were booked for what days
- add a new parking stall offering with data like images, description, and location
Here's a quick screen recording of the web app: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JKggHhhjm4M
Right now, Beeno runs locally on your machine.
To get the app runnning, first run the backend, then run the frontend.
Instructions for running the backend locally
- make sure to have python3 and pip3 installed
- navigate to the backend folder in your terminal
- install the required packages with
pip3 install flask flask_cors
- run the backend with
python3 server.py
- you should now see that the server is running.
Instructions for running the frontend locally:
- open the "frontend" folder in visual studio code
- install the "Live Server" extension in vscode
- press the "go live" button in the bottom right status bar to run the server
- You should now be redirected to the frontend running in your preferred browser