Here you can find some guides to help you get started with the technical work at MetOs.
- Overview JupyterHub, VDI, servers, HPCs @ UiO developed by Anne Fouilloux
- Individual workflow. Answers branch, push, commit.
- Collaborative workflow. Forks and teams.
- Introductional lessons developed by the Software Carpentries (the unix shell, programming with python, R).
- Introductional lessons developed by CodeRefinery (generally these lessons are on a slightly more advanced level than the Software Carpentries lessons).
- The content of this workshop, last conducted at MetOs 11-15 January 2021, could be of interest for you. The workshop is a mix of git for the individual, common workflows and tricks for writing efficient code as a scientist.
- Content of the workshop for 1. year master students at MetOs September 2021 could be of interest to all beginners in scientific programming. The workshop comprises the basic lessons provided by CodeRefinery and Software Carpentry on shell, remote access, and git.
Check out the comperhensive and detailed recourses in An introduction to LaTex developed by Martin Helsø.