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File metadata and controls

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Running on Amazon Web Services

As Model Catalogue is shipped as Docker image it can be easily run using Amazon Elastic Container Service.


Amazon S3

You need a Amazon S3 bucket to store assets into.

Amazon RSD

You need one db.t2.small MySQL instance running. The security group must allow inbound connections from the ECS registered instance (see bellow).

ECS Cluster

You need Cluster available with enough registered container instances. There is Cluster called default always available but it's recommended to create new cluster fo reach server. You need to start new Amazon ESC container instance for it if not set up yet. Follow the guide here: Amazon ECS Container Instances. The instance should be m3.xlarge to allow running Model Catalogue with enough memory. Don't forget to assign the cluster name to the newly created instance as described in the step 10. If you've setup the instance properly it should appear at Clusters / ESC Instances table.

Task Definitions

Task definition are quite similar to Dockerfile or docker-compose.yml files. They specify the containers to be run with some additional settings such as environmental variables. You need two task definitions:

  1. Model Catalogue container based on metadata/registry
  2. Elasticsearch container based on metadata/registry-elasticsearch

You can easily create new Task Definition using following JSON definition if you go to Task Definitions / _Crate new Task Definition / Configure via JSON.

    "containerDefinitions": [
            "volumesFrom": [],
            "memory": 10240,
            "extraHosts": null,
            "dnsServers": null,
            "disableNetworking": null,
            "dnsSearchDomains": null,
            "portMappings": [
                    "hostPort": 80,
                    "containerPort": 8080,
                    "protocol": "tcp"
            "hostname": null,
            "essential": true,
            "entryPoint": null,
            "mountPoints": [],
            "name": "mc",
            "ulimits": null,
            "dockerSecurityOptions": null,
            "environment": [
                    "name": "MC_ALLOW_SIGNUP",
                    "value": "true"
                    "name": "MC_MAIL_USERNAME",
                    "value": "[email protected]"
                    "name": "MC_MAIL_PASSWORD",
                    "value": "c00lpwd"
                    "name": "MC_MAIL_PORT",
                    "value": "587"
                    "name": "MC_MAIL_HOST",
                    "value": ""
                    "name": "MC_NAME",
                    "value": "Model Catalogue"
                    "name": "CATALINA_OPTS",
                    "value": "-Djava.awt.headless=true -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -server -Xms4g -Xmx10g -XX:NewSize=2048m -XX:MaxNewSize=2048m -XX:PermSize=2048m -XX:MaxPermSize=2048m -XX:+DisableExplicitGC"
                    "name": "METADATA_JDBC_URL",
                    "value": "jdbc:mysql://"
                    "name": "METADATA_USERNAME",
                    "value": "username"
                    "name": "METADATA_PASSWORD",
                    "value": "strongpwd"
                    "name": "MC_S3_SECRET",
                    "value": "S3CR3T"
                    "name": "MC_S3_BUCKET",
                    "value": ""
                    "name": "MC_S3_KEY",
                    "value": "THEKEY"
                    "name": "MC_ES_ELEMENTS_PER_BATCH",
                    "value": "20"
                    "name": "MC_ES_DELAY_AFTER_BATCH",
                    "value": "200"
                    "name": "METADATA_HOST",
                    "value": ""
            "links": [
            "workingDirectory": null,
            "readonlyRootFilesystem": null,
            "image": "metadata/registry:2",
            "command": null,
            "user": null,
            "dockerLabels": null,
            "logConfiguration": {
                "logDriver": "syslog",
                "options": null
            "cpu": 2048,
            "privileged": null
            "volumesFrom": [],
            "memory": 4096,
            "extraHosts": null,
            "dnsServers": null,
            "disableNetworking": null,
            "dnsSearchDomains": null,
            "portMappings": [],
            "hostname": null,
            "essential": true,
            "entryPoint": null,
            "mountPoints": [
                    "containerPath": "/usr/share/elasticsearch/data",
                    "sourceVolume": "mc-es-data",
                    "readOnly": null
            "name": "mc-es",
            "ulimits": null,
            "dockerSecurityOptions": null,
            "environment": [],
            "links": null,
            "workingDirectory": null,
            "readonlyRootFilesystem": null,
            "image": "metadata/registry-elasticsearch:2",
            "command": [],
            "user": null,
            "dockerLabels": null,
            "logConfiguration": {
                "logDriver": "json-file",
                "options": null
            "cpu": 1024,
            "privileged": null
    "volumes": [
            "host": {
                "sourcePath": "/opt/docker-volumes/mc-es-data"
            "name": "mc-es-data"
    "family": "your-mc-all-task-definition"

You need to update the Task Definition Name after saving the JSON configuration to something more meaningful than your-mc-all-task-definition-name and click create.

You need to update environmental variables to reflect your own settings such as mail server, database host and credentials or catalogue URL. See the environmental variables description

The Elasticsearch indicies are considered ephemeral yet they are persisted in separate volume /opt/docker-volumes/mc-es-data between container restarts. If the indicies are lost they can always be recreated using Reindex Catalogue admin action of the Model Catalogue from the data stored in the database.


When you have your Task Definition ready you can Create new service based on it. Call it for example mc and set the minimal tasks number to one.

Model Catalogue Upgrade

There are several way how to keep your Model Catalogue up to date. One of them is to always point to specific version such e.g. metadata/registry:2.0.0-beta-10 instead of just metadata/registry:2 in your task definition. If you want to update to newer version then create new Task Definition Revision change the version tag and restart the service with the new revision as described bellow.

If you want to use the latest metadata/registry:2 then you have to SSH into the container instance and pull the latest version manually.

ssh -i ~/.ssh/ec2containers.pem [email protected]
docker pull metadata/registry:2

Restart the service using following steps:

  1. Update the Model Catalogue service (mc in previous example) and set the number of tasks required to 0
  2. Wait until the task is stopped
  3. Update the Model Catalogue service (mc in previous example) and set the number of tasks required to 1