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File metadata and controls

175 lines (132 loc) · 6.27 KB

Creating Exports

Export are using the data stored in the catalogue to create new artifacts such as MS Word documents, MS Excel spreadsheets, XML or JSON files. See Technology Stack for a list of libraries you can use for building exports.

Transformation Class

You usually create a separate class to make the transformation from the internal data to external form. For example

DataModelToDocxExporter. The transformation class takes usually two parameters - an element to be exported and output stream to write the result as asset. All the dependencies has to be injected as well (usually manually using the constructor injection).

class DataModelToDocxExporter {

    DataClassService dataClassService
    DataModel rootModel


    DataModelToDocxExporter(DataModel rootModel, DataClassService dataClassService) { ... }

    void export(OutputStream outputStream) { ... }


It's good practice to accompany the class with integration test of at least following structure as seen in DataModelToDocxExporterSpec:

class DataModelToDocxExporterSpec extends IntegrationSpec {

    // injected dependencies
    ElementService elementService
    DataModelService dataModelService
    InitCatalogueService initCatalogueService
    DataClassService dataClassService

    // temporary folder to save the result
    @Rule TemporaryFolder temporaryFolder = new TemporaryFolder()

    def setup() {
        // starting with fresh catalogue just with the relationship types

    def "export model to docx"() {
        when: "we export the model to document"
        File file = temporaryFolder.newFile("${System.currentTimeMillis()}.docx")
        DataModel model = buildTestModel()

        new DataModelToDocxExporter(DataModel.get(, dataClassService).export(file.newOutputStream())

        // view the result file

        then: "nothing wrong happens"


    private DataModel buildTestModel() {
        // build the test model using the builder
        DefaultCatalogueBuilder builder = new DefaultCatalogueBuilder(dataModelService, elementService)

Controller Action

Controller as entry point to the application so we have to make an action using the transformation class. Most of the exports happens in background thread. See the following example:

    def exportGelSpecification() {
        // get the element to be transformed
        DataModel model = DataModel.get(

        // null guard
        if(!model) {
            response.status = 404

        // generally speaking, only primitives should be passes to the async closure writing the asset
        Long modelId =
        // create new asset and execute a asynchoronous write
        def assetId= assetService.storeReportAsAsset(
            // data model to be linked to created asset
            // name of the asset created
            name: "${} report as MS Word Document",
            // file name of the asset created
            originalFileName: "${}-${model.status}-${model.version}.docx",
            // content type of the asset
            contentType: "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document"
        )  { OutputStream out ->
            // code executed asynchronously writing the created export to asset
            new DataModelToDocxExporter(DataModel.get(modelId), dataClassService).export(out)

        // redirecting to the asset created
        redirect controller: 'asset', id: assetId, action: 'show'

See Notes on ExecutorService for details how to handle asynchronous code in controllers.

URL Mappings

There are no implicit mappings in the model Catalogue. Every controller's action has to be added to *UrlMappings.groovy file in grails-app/conf.

static mappings = {
    "/api/modelCatalogue/core/genomics/exportGelSpecification/$id" (controller: 'genomics', action: 'exportGelSpecification', method: HttpMethod.GET)

Registering Export (Report)

There is a reportsRegistry bean which registers new reports. Place the configuration in the *GrailsPlugin class declaring you plugin in doWithApplicationContext closure:

def doWithApplicationContext = { ctx ->

    ReportsRegistry reportsRegistry = ctx.getBean(ReportsRegistry)

    reportsRegistry.register {
        // creates new asset, user is asked for the new asset name
        creates asset
        // or just a link which is displayed in separate tab
        // creates link

        // the title displayed in the "Exports" dropdown
        title "GEL Data Specification Report"
        // or title { "$ Specification Report" }

        // Value to be displayed in export modal for depth of export. Uses
        // default value for export when set to null (or omitted).
        depth 3

        // Default name for export file.
        defaultName { "${} report as MS Excel Document" }

        // for which type this report applies
        type DataModel
        // or testing the item type in case of list exports
        // item DataModel
        // or more generic conditions which are stacked into one logical and expression
        // when { it.semanticVersion != null }
        // and { it.releaseNotes != null }

        link controller: 'genomics', action: 'exportGelSpecification', id: true
        // or create link with closure definition
        // link {
        //      controller = 'genomics'
        //      action = 'exportGelSpecification'
        //      id = true
        // }
        // or create link by uri
        // uri "/some/uri"
        // or absolute URL
        // url ""


See ReportDescriptorBuilder for full DSL definition.