This section describes how to find executables installed by jenkins and how to load the environment to run the application.
Taking COSMO as an example, the first step is to specify a spack spec that identifies an specific build with a set of variants. For example
COSMO_SPEC="cosmo@master%pgi real_type=float cosmo_target=gpu +cppdycore +claw"
Before we can use spack commands, we need to load the spack instance
module load python/3.7.4
. /project/g110/spack/user/tsa/spack/share/spack/
In order to find the location of that build,
spack location -i ${COSMO_SPEC}
The spec has to be complete and match all variants that were use to build the executable. Jenkins is not building all variant possibilities (it would not be possible). If you need to know the set of variants that are installed, run the following
spack find -v cosmo
==> 8 installed packages
-- linux-rhel7-skylake_avx512 / [email protected] -----------------------
cosmo@master~claw cosmo_target=cpu ~cppdycore~debug+dycoretest+eccodes+parallel~pollen~production real_type=double ~serialize slave=tsa ~verbose
cosmo@master~claw cosmo_target=cpu ~cppdycore~debug+dycoretest+eccodes+parallel~pollen~production real_type=float ~serialize slave=tsa ~verbose
-- linux-rhel7-skylake_avx512 / [email protected] ------------------------
cosmo@dev-build~claw cosmo_target=cpu ~cppdycore~debug+dycoretest~eccodes+parallel~pollen~production real_type=float +serialize slave=tsa ~verbose
[email protected]+claw cosmo_target=gpu +cppdycore~debug+eccodes+parallel+pollen+production real_type=double ~serialize slave=tsa ~verbose
[email protected]+claw cosmo_target=gpu +cppdycore~debug+eccodes+parallel+pollen+production real_type=float ~serialize slave=tsa ~verbose
Once you have localized a COSMO executable, you can run it provided you load first the needed environment. In order to use the executable on a compute node, we need first to load the spack module environment for COSMO.
module use /project/g110/modules/admin-tsa/linux-rhel7-skylake_avx512/
source <( spack module tcl loads ${SPACK_SPEC} )
For an example of how to run the COSMO testsuite on the compute nodes of tsa, see :ref:`Testing COSMO with the Testsuite`