Lab Report 2
I thought this code would work, as each new request would add on "/n " into the String and enable for each line to be different. However, when I test it, the localhost website becomes pure white and does not respond. I am not sure what I did wrong.
Part 2 A failure inducing input regarding is the reversed() method with a parameter of a simple array such as {1, 2, 3}. The outcome would always be {1, 2, 3} because reversed() returns "arr" rather than newArrAy.
A non-failure inducing input regarding ArrayExample's reversed() method is it with a paramter of an array {1, 2, 1}. Because this array is the same forward and backwards, returning the original array would yield the favored results
Unfortunately, due to time and VSCode, I can't give a screenshot :( Here is me trying to run it and failing.
To fix the bug, all that needs to occur is make reversed() return newArray rather than arr.
Part 3 Beforehand, I did not realize there was a java import in which allowed us to create website servers just like that! Not only that, but understanding more about search links and how a question mark signifies a natural break in the URL is really intriguing. It allows me to manipulate code in the way that it treats characters separated by the question mark differently, as I can see how it differentiates new words or even new requests in updating the localhost URL.