All notable changes to the script will be documented here.
- Migrated code to .NET 5.0
- Design overhaul.
- Added a top menu bar with an option to check for updates and an "About" section.
- Added an option to select multiple files at once.
- Added an option to choose a custom extension for transformed files and removed previous random extension.
- Switched encryption method from plain XOR to AES-256-GCM.
- Encrypting transformed files is no longer optional (using a default encryption key in case no key is chosen).
- File hash verification (and with that the file footer) were removed, now using GCM's authentication instead.
- Added a file signature for transformed files to easily identify whether chosen files are valid.
- Code optimization and better error handling.
- Trying to restore an invalid file / using a wrong decryption key causes the program to crash.
- Trying to read a file that's already open by a different program / service causes the program to crash.
- Initial release.