The aim of this section is to provide some flowcharts representation for some parts of Tuleap.
See dedicated flowchart in Security user-authentication-flowchart
Last revision of the graph: February 8th, 2023
graph TD
Start[/Register form/] --> Register
Register --> captcha{Captcha <br>ok?}
captcha -->|no| Errors!
captcha -->|yes| create[Create account]
Errors! --> Start
create --> created?{Account <br>created?}
created? -->|no| Errors!:::danger
created? -->|yes| oidc[OIDC link<br> registering account]
oidc --> admin?{User created <br> by site admin?}
email? -->|no| admin_creation[/The user account was created.<br>Please note the login and pwd/]:::success
admin? -->|yes| email?{Should send <br>an email?}
admin? -->|no| no_approval?{sys_user_approval<br>=0?}
email? -->|yes| email[Send email to user<br> with login and pwd]
email --> admin_creation
no_approval? -->|no| approval![/Wait for approval/]:::success
no_approval? -->|yes| invitation?{User invited<br>with token?}
invitation? --> |no| confirmation[Send<br> confirmation email]
invitation? --> |yes| log[Log user]
log --> in_project?{Invited in<br> project?}
in_project? -->|no| my[Redirect to<br> /my/ page]
in_project? -->|yes| project[Redirect to<br> project dashboard]
project --> welcome_project[/Welcome modal<br>on project dashboard/]:::success
my --> welcome_my[/Welcome modal<br>on /my/ page/]:::success
confirmation --> delivery?{Mail accepted <br>for delivery?}
delivery? -->|no| nodelivery[/Action required<br>The confirmation email<br>couldn't be sent./]:::danger
delivery? -->|yes| sent![/Confirmation link<br> sent/]:::success
classDef success fill:#f4f8e9,stroke:#6abf1d,color:#137900
classDef danger fill:#ffe5e5,stroke:#f02727,color:#b70d0d