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File metadata and controls

103 lines (78 loc) · 3.39 KB


For years Tuleap routing has been a mess but it's not a reason to add more. All new routes must be handled by FrontRouter.

FrontRouter leverages Nikita Popov FastRoute package.


Adding a new route to core should be done in RouteCollector class (in src/common/request if you don't use an IDE). The route definition documentation can be found in FastRoute package. Here is a sample for the front homepage:

$r->get('/', [__CLASS__, 'getSlash']);

This means that instantiation of controller associated to / route will be done in getSlash method of RouteCollector class.

The handler associated to a route must implement a specific, DispatchableWithRequest, interface. See next for details


Plugins should not provide php front script either. If you need to register a route for a plugin there is an event to listen to: CollectRoutesEvent.

See bellow an example for 'stuff' plugin that want to expose the following routes:

  • GET /plugins/stuff
  • GET /plugins/stuff/admin
  • GET /plugins/stuff/admin/
  • GET /plugins/stuff/admin/index.php
  • POST /plugins/stuff/admin
public function routeGetAdmin(): Tuleap\Stuff\Admin\IndexController
    return new Tuleap\Stuff\Admin\IndexController();

public function routePostAdmin(): Tuleap\Stuff\Admin\UpdateController
    return new Tuleap\Stuff\Admin\UpdateController();

public function routeGetSlash(): Tuleap\Stuff\StuffIndexController
    return new Tuleap\Stuff\StuffIndexController();

public function collectRoutesEvent(\Tuleap\Request\CollectRoutesEvent $event) : void
    $event->getRouteCollector()->addGroup('/plugins/stuff', function (FastRoute\RouteCollector $r) {
        $r->get('/admin[/[index.php]]', $this->getRouteHandler('routeGetAdmin'));
        $r->post('/admin', $this->getRouteHandler('routePostAdmin'));
        $r->get('/', $this->getRouteHandler('routeGetSlash'));


Rule of thumb: you should have one controller per route. It's an anti-pattern to have a route that collect several verbs and return one controller for both. If you have common code between 2 controllers it should be extracted in a 3rd class and injected in constructor (no inheritance!)

Controllers must implements a DispatchableWithRequest route. As of today there are 2 options:

  • Tuleap\Request\DispatchableWithRequest
  • Tuleap\Request\DispatchableWithRequestNoAuthz

Tuleap\Request\DispatchableWithRequest is the preferred form and will handle for you a bunch of built-in protections (private / public projects, restricted users, platform access controls, etc). It's the preferred form to use.

Tuleap\Request\DispatchableWithRequestNoAuthz is the risky option where all Tuleap protections are off. You must re-implement all the access control logic (even authentication) when you implement this interface. It's a dangerous way to go but it's your only option when you need full control with HTTP handling, doing basic auth, etc.


In your controllers you can throw 2 exceptions that will be automatically converted in error messages:

  • Tuleap\Request\ForbiddenException when you refuse access to some one (leading to 403 error)
  • Tuleap\Request\NotFoundException when resource doesn't exist (leading to 404 error)

All other exceptions are caught and converted to 500 error.