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File metadata and controls

157 lines (123 loc) · 4.19 KB


Widgets allow to display content on Dashboards. They can be made either for personal dashboard, project dashboard or both.

Widget concept is rather old in Tuleap but they got a major rewamp in Spring 2017. While most of the architecture was cleaned up some oddities are still inherited from the past (mainly comes from Widget class inheritance).

Basic widget: "Welcome message"

The most basic widget you might imagine is the Welcome message:

  • It comes from Core
  • It's only static text
  • No interactions, no preferences.

Step 1: Widget class

All widgets must inherit from Widget class and have a NAME constant. Most of the time name is the 'slug' version of the class name: MyWelcomeMessage => mywelcomemessage. Then NAME is important because this is the identifier that will be stored in database (dashboards_lines_columns_widgets).

it's a bad idea to change NAME after integration as you will have to write a forgeupgrade migration bucket otherwise the widget will disappear from all dashboards.

The convention is to prefix personal widgets with "MyXXX" and project widgets with "ProjectXXX".

You create the MyWelcomeMessage.php file in src/common/widget with following content:

/** src/common/widget/MyWelcomeMessage.php */


namespace Tuleap\Widget;

use Widget;

class MyWelcomeMessage extends Widget
    public const NAME = 'mywelcomemessage';

    public function __construct()

    public function getTitle(): string
        return _('Welcome aboard');

    public function getDescription(): string
        return _('Welcome message and information for users');

    public function getContent(): string
        return 'Welcome';

and run make composer to refresh autoload files.

Step 2: Reference the widget

The widget must be referenced in 2 places:

  • src/common/widget/WidgetFactory.php in getInstanceByWidgetName method

    case MyWelcomeMessage::NAME:
        $widget = new MyWelcomeMessage($user);
  • src/common/Dashboard/Widget/Add/AddWidget/Controller.php in getWidgetsForOwnerType method according to widget type (project or personal)

    switch ($owner_type) {
        case UserDashboardController::LEGACY_DASHBOARD_TYPE:
            $widgets = [

You can now add a new widget on your personal page, it will display a simple message within.

Javascript and CSS dependencies

It's becoming common to have complicated widgets with lots of user interaction. When you need to include Javascript files or CSS files, you'll need to override those two functions:

/** src/common/widget/MyWelcomeMessage.php */
public function getJavascriptDependencies(): array
    $assets = $this->getAssets();
    return [
        ['file' => $assets->getFileURL('angular.js'), 'unique-name' => 'angular'],
        ['snippet' => 'window.CKEDITOR_BASEPATH = "' . $ckeditor_path . '";'],
        ['file' => $ckeditor_path . 'ckeditor.js'],
        ['file' => $assets->getFileURL('kanban.js')],

public function getAssets(): IncludeAssets
    return new IncludeAssets(
        __DIR__. '/../../www/assets/agiledashboard',

The previous code block shows an example with the Kanban widget. It returns an array of arrays. Each array must have either a 'file' key or a 'snippet' key. 'file' keys can have a 'unique-name'. 'unique-name' files will be included only once for all widgets present on the page.

/** src/common/widget/MyWelcomeMessage.php */
public function getStylesheetDependencies(): CssAssetCollection
    return new CssAssetCollection([new CssAsset($this->getAssets(), 'kanban')]);

The previous code block shows an example, again with the Kanban widget. It returns a CssAssetCollection object which helps to deduplicate CSS files. That way, if there are two identical widgets on the same dashboard, their CSS will be loaded only once.