Please read and follow instructions of both clone-tuleap and install-docker sections before executing this one.
To retrieve the mandatory development dependencies, use
Nix and the shell.nix
available in the sources.
Tuleap uses Nix for its build process and to share an uniform configuration for its development environment. This is the preferred way to get a development environment as it is expected to always be up to date with Tuleap requirements.
- Install Nix
- With a terminal go to sources you previously cloned and type
, you will be dropped in a shell with all the needed tools to develop on Tuleap
It is recommended to browse the Nix documentation to understand the basics of how it works. At the very least you should know how to clean the unused packages.
Developers wanting to keep their custom shell configurations should take a look at direnv and lorri.
You can either use regular docker install on linux (for example your machine will run the docker server) or Docker Desktop. The documentation vary depending of this and will be denoted with "regular docker" for the former and "docker desktop" for the later.
$ cd /path/to/tuleap
$ make composer
$ pnpm install
$ pnpm run build
$ make dev-setup
## Choose the start command depending of your usage of Docker :
# When you use the regular docker :
$ make start
# When you use Docker Desktop
$ make start-dockerdesktop
$ make post-checkout
docker will download base images for mysql, tuleap, ... Please be patient!
Then you need to know the IP address of the web container, with
make show-ips
and edit (as root) the /etc/hosts
file: tuleap-web.tuleap-aio-dev.docker
Your /etc/hosts
file should have: tuleap-web.tuleap-aio-dev.docker
You can access the services with the following port (exposed on
- web access: 443 & 80
- ssh access for git: 2222
- db: 3306
- mailhog (capture emails): 8025
Now open your browser and go to
https://tuleap-web.tuleap-aio-dev.docker/. You should see the homepage
of your Tuleap instance. You can connect with admin
account, the
password will be given by make show-passwords
And voilà, your server is up and running!
You should never develop features by browsing as site administrators as it will bypass all permissions & access rights. You must create local users.
In order to be as close as possible to most deployments, the development stack is configured to authenticate against an LDAP. You can create a new user like:
make bash-web
[root@web tuleap]# ./tools/utils/tuleap-dev.php add-ldap-user disciplus_simplex "Disciplus Simplex" [email protected]
Then you will be able to log in as disciplus_simplex
in the web UI with the password you set when prompted.
You can also have a look at the dedicated LDAP documentation for developers.
make dev-setup
: This command generates some needed passwords (mysql, ldap, ...) and creates data containers. Those data containers are used as volumes to persist data (files, db, ...). This command needs to be run only once. -
make start
: This command is a wrapper arounddocker-compose up
. It starts 3 containers:web
for the front end,ldap
to manage users in an OpenLDAP server, anddb
for the mysql server.You can issue the following command in order to check that all containers are started:
$ docker ps --format "{{.ID}}: {{.Names}} — {{.Image}} {{.Ports}}" 149428f796ea: tuleap-web — enalean/tuleap-aio-dev:nodb 22/tcp, 80/tcp, 443/tcp 7cd1e645b3a9: tuleap_ldap_1 — enalean/ldap:latest 389/tcp, 636/tcp 9d026f381fbf: tuleap_db_1 — mysql:5.5 3306/tcp bfbd9f32b2ae: tuleap_reverse-proxy_1 — tuleap_reverse-proxy 22/tcp, 80/tcp, 443/tcp 742b540e876c: tuleap_realtime_1 — tuleap_realtime 443/tcp
make post-checkout
: Install dependencies, generate the javascript and CSS files to be used by the browser, deploy gettext translation... You need to run this command everytime you switch a branch.
Docker images are read-only, and every modification to the OS will be
lost at reboot. If you need to add/change anything and make it
persistant, fork and amend the
Everything but the OS (tuleap config, database, user home) is saved in
docker volumes held by tuleap_data
Emails sent by the platform are catched by MailHog (its ip address is
given during make start
If you need to connect to the server you can run:
$ make bash-web
And if you need to connect to the database:
$ docker run -it --link tuleap_db_1:mysql --rm mysql sh -c 'exec mysql -h"$MYSQL_PORT_3306_TCP_ADDR" -P"$MYSQL_PORT_3306_TCP_PORT" -uroot -p"$MYSQL_ENV_MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD" tuleap'
If your browser cannot manage to reach https://tuleap-web.tuleap-aio-dev.docker/:
- Check that all containers are up and running with
docker ps
. If it is not the case, inspect logsdocker-compose logs db
ordocker-compose logs web
. - Check that nginx serves files by executing a
wget -O - http://localhost/
once connected to theweb
container (see Pro-tips above). If you see a long html output that contains typical Tuleap homepage, then it means that there is an issue with the dns. (You may need toyum install wget
first). - Check that you can resolve tuleap-web.tuleap-aio-dev.docker:
dig '*.docker'
,dig '*.tuleap-aio-dev.docker'
anddig 'tuleap-web.tuleap-aio-dev.docker'
should return a suitable answer (typically172.17.42.4
for the web container, but it may vary).