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Tuleap's NeverThrow namespace can be split into two parts: Tuleap\NeverThrow\Fault and the rest of the namespace.


A better base type for error handling.


There are three ways to create a Fault:

Fault::fromMessage(string $message): Fault

fromMessage returns a new Fault with the supplied message. It also records the stack trace at the point it was called.


  • string $message: A message to explain what happened. This message could appear in log files or on-screen.

Returns: Fault


$fault = Fault::fromMessage("User does not have permission");

Fault::fromThrowable(\Throwable $throwable): Fault

fromThrowable wraps an existing Throwable and returns a new Fault with its message and stack trace. It preserves both the message and the stack trace from $throwable.


  • \Throwable $throwable: Wrapped throwable

Returns: Fault


$fault = Fault::fromThrowable($this->functionThrowingAnException());

Fault::fromThrowableWithMessage(\Throwable $throwable, string $message): Fault

fromThrowableWithMessage wraps an existing Throwable and returns a new Fault with the supplied message. It discards the message from $throwable. It preserves the stack trace from $throwable.


  • \Throwable $throwable: Wrapped throwable
  • string $message: A message to explain what happened. This message could appear in log files or on-screen.

Returns: Fault


$fault = Fault::fromThrowableWithMessage(
    "Could not retrieve data from storage"

$fault_instance->__toString(): string

__toString() allows casting the Fault to string.


$fault = Fault::fromMessage("User does not have permission");
$this->logger->error((string) $fault); // logs "User does not have permission"

$fault_instance->getStackTraceAsString(): string

getStackTraceAsString() allows to print a stack trace, like a \Throwable. Useful for debugging.


$fault = Fault::fromThrowable($this->functionThrowingAnException());

Specialized Fault

Faults can be extended to help distinguish them in error-handling. To do so, create a sub-class and use instanceof:


/** @psalm-immutable */
final readonly class PermissionFault extends \Tuleap\NeverThrow\Fault
    public static function build(): \Tuleap\NeverThrow\Fault // It should return Fault, otherwise Psalm will make you add every sub-type of Fault to docblocks.
        return new self('User does not have permission');
// In Fault handling code
if ($fault instanceof PermissionFault) {
    // ignore specifically Permission Denied error
} else {
    $this->logger->error((string) $fault);


Easier chaining of operations that can have an error. It lets you group error-handling in one place for many operations.


Result::ok(mixed $value): Ok

ok creates a new Ok variant of Result wrapping $value.


  • mixed $value: The wrapped value. Can be anything.

Returns: Ok


$result = Result::ok("A string value");

Result::err(mixed $error): Err

err creates a new Err variant of Result wrapping $error.


  • mixed $error: The wrapped error. Can be anything, but should be a Fault.

Returns: Err


$result = Result::err(Fault::fromMessage("An error occurred"));

Result::isOk(Ok|Err $result): bool

isOk returns true if $result is an Ok variant. It lets you safely access the wrapped property of the Ok or the Err you passed.


  • Ok|Err $result: The Result to detect.

Returns: bool


if (Result::isOk($result)) {
    // If it's an Ok, you can access its value
} else {
    // If it's an Err, you can access its error
    $this->logger->error((string) $result->error);

Result::isErr(Ok|Err $result): bool

isErr returns true if $result is an Err variant. It is the opposite operation to Result::isOk(). It lets you safely access the wrapped property of the Ok or the Err you passed.


  • Ok|Err $result: The Result to detect.

Returns: bool


if (Result::err($result)) {
    // If it's an Err, you can access its error
    $this->logger->error((string) $result->error);
} else {
    // If it's an Ok, you can access its value

$result_instance->andThen(callable $fn): Ok|Err

andThen applies $fn to an Ok value, leaving Err untouched. It is useful when you need to do a subsequent computation using the inner Ok value, but that computation might fail. It allows you to chain calls that could return an error.

If called on an Ok, it returns the result of calling $fn. $fn must return a new Ok|Err. It can change the type of both the "inner" Ok value and the "inner" Err value.

If called on an Err, it returns the same Err.

It can change the variant of the result: you can go from an Ok to an Err if $fn returns an Err variant.

Additionally, andThen can be used to flatten a nested Ok<Ok<ValueType> | Err<ErrorType>> | Err<OtherErrorType> into a Ok<ValueType> | Err<ErrorType>.


  • $fn: function(mixed $value): Ok|Err. A function returning a new Ok|Err. It will receive a single argument: the "inner" Ok value wrapped by $result_instance.

Returns: Ok|Err. It returns what is returned by $fn.


private function aFunctionThatMightFail(): Ok|Err
    return Result::ok("Inner value");

private function anotherFunctionThatMightFail(string $inner_value): Ok|Err
    return $this->makeADistantCallThatCouldFail(

public function chainTogether(): Ok|Err
    $second_result = $this->aFunctionThatMightFail()
        ->andThen([$this, 'anotherFunctionThatMightFail']);

    return $second_result;
// Flatten nested Ok result
// $result holds a Ok<Ok<ValueType> | Err<ErrorType>> | Err<OtherErrorType>
$flattened = $result->andThen(static fn($inner_result) => $inner_result);
// $flattened holds a Ok<ValueType> | Err<ErrorType>

$result_instance->orElse(callable $fn): Ok|Err

orElse applies $fn to an Err value, leaving Ok untouched. It is useful when you want to recover from an error and do a computation using the inner Err value, but that computation might fail again.

If called on an Ok, it returns the same Ok.

If called on an Err, it returns the result of calling $fn. $fn must return a new Ok|Err. It can change the type of both the "inner" Ok value and the "inner" Err value.

Additionally, orElse can be used to flatten a nested Ok<OtherValueType> | Err<Ok<ValueType> | Err<ErrorType>> into a Ok<ValueType> | Err<ErrorType>.


  • $fn: function(mixed $error): Ok|Err. A function returning a new Ok|Err. It will receive a single argument: the "inner" error wrapped by $result_instance.

Returns: Ok|Err. It returns what is returned by $fn.


private function aFunctionThatMightFail(): Ok|Err
    return Result::err(Fault::fromMessage("Ooops"));

private function recoverFromError(Fault $inner_value): Ok|Err
    return $this->storeErrorInDatabase((string) $inner_value);

public function chainTogether(): Ok|Err
    $second_result = $this->aFunctionThatMightFail()
        ->orElse([$this, 'recoverFromError']);

    return $second_result;
// Flatten nested Err result
// $result holds a Ok<OtherValueType> | Err<Ok<ValueType> | Err<ErrorType>>
$flattened = $result->orElse(static fn($inner_result) => $inner_result);
// $flattened holds a Ok<ValueType> | Err<ErrorType>

$result_instance->match(callable $ok_fn, callable $err_fn): mixed

match applies $ok_fn on an Ok value, or applies $err_fn to an Err value. Both callbacks must have the same return type.

match is typically called at the end of a Ok|Err chain of operations, to deal with both the Ok and Err cases.

You don't need to return another Ok|Err (you can return void) but you can if you want to.


  • callable $ok_fn: A function that will receive a single argument: the inner Ok value wrapped by $result_instance. It must have the same return type as $err_fn.
  • callable $err_fn: A function that will receive a single argument: the inner error wrapped by $result_instance. It must have the same return type as $ok_fn.

Returns: mixed. It returns what is returned by $ok_fn or $err_fn.


private function handleResult(): Presenter
    return $this->aFunctionThatMightFail()
            static fn($value) => Presenter::fromSuccess($value),
            static fn($fault) => Presenter::fromFault($fault)

$result_instance->map(callable $fn): Ok|Err

map applies $fn to an Ok value, leaving Err untouched.

If called on an Ok, it returns a new Ok holding the result of calling $fn. It can change the type of the "inner" Ok value.

If called on an Err, it returns the same Err.

It maps from an Ok<TValue> | Err<TError> to an Ok<TNewValue> | Err<TError>.

$fn should not return a new Ok|Err. It works on the "inner" type.


  • callable $fn: A function that will receive a single argument: the inner Ok value wrapped by $result_instance. It can return any type, which will become the new inner Ok value.

Returns: Ok|Err. It returns a new Ok|Err wrapping what is returned by $fn.


/** @returns Ok<AnObject> | Err<Fault> */
private function aFunctionThatMightFail(): Ok|Err
    return Result::ok(new AnObject());

/** @returns Ok<JSONRepresentation> | Err<Fault> */
private function modifyInnerValue(): Ok|Err
    return $this->aFunctionThatMightFail()
        ->map(static fn($value) => JSONRepresentation::fromValue($value));

$result_instance->mapErr(callable $fn): Ok|Err

mapErr applies $fn to an Err value, leaving Ok untouched.

If called on an Ok, it returns the same Ok.

If called on an Err, it returns a new Err holding the result of calling $fn. It can change the type of the "inner" Err value.

It maps from an Ok<TValue> | Err<TError> to an Ok<TValue> | Err<TNewError>.

$fn should not return a new Ok|Err. It works on the "inner" type.


  • callable $fn: A function that will receive a single argument: the inner error value wrapped by $result_instance. It can return any type, which will become the new inner error value.

Returns: Ok|Err. It returns a new Ok|Err wrapping what is returned by $fn.


/** @returns Ok<AnObject> | Err<Fault> */
private function aFunctionThatMightFail(): Ok|Err
    return Result::err(Fault::fromMessage("Ooops"));

 * @returns Ok<AnObject> | Err<SpecializedFault>
private function modifyInnerError(): Ok|Err
    return $this->aFunctionThatMightFail()
        ->mapErr(static fn($fault) => new SpecializedFault(
            sprintf('Could not run operation: %s', (string) $fault)

$result_instance->unwrapOr(mixed $default_value): mixed

unwrapOr returns the "inner" Ok value or returns $default_value if called on Err.

If called on an Ok, it returns its "inner" value.

If called on an Err, it returns $default_value.


  • mixed $default_value: A default value to return if this function is called on an Err.

Returns: mixed. It returns either the "inner" Ok value or $default_value.


/** @returns Ok<string> | Err<Fault> */
private function aFunctionThatMightFail(): Ok|Err
    return Result::err(Fault::fromMessage("Ooops"));

private function defaultValue(): void
    $value = $this->aFunctionThatMightFail()->unwrapOr('Default value');
    // $value holds 'Default value'
