This service enables the control of different GPIO input & output devices for controlling the Phoniebox. It uses to a configuration file to configure the active devices.
- The service can be activated during installation with the installscript.
- If the service was not activated during installation, you can alternatively use
in this folder (components/gpio_control
The configuration file is located here: ~/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/settings/gpio_settings.ini
Editing the configuration file and restarting the service with sudo systemctl restart phoniebox-gpio-control
will activate the new settings.
In the following the different devices are described. Each device can have actions which correspond to function calls. Up to now the following input devices are implemented:
Button: A simple button which has a hold and repeat functionality as well as a delayed action. It can be configured using the keywords: Pin (use GPIO number here), hold_time, functionCall
RotaryEncoder: Control of a rotary encoder, for example KY040, see also in Wiki it can be configured using pinA (use GPIO number here), pinB (use GPIO number here), functionCallIncr, functionCallDecr, timeBase=0.1
TwoButtonControl: This Device uses two Buttons and implements a third action if both buttons are pressed together.
Each section needs to be activated by setting enabled: True
Many example files are located in ~/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/components/gpio_control/example_configs/