This is a Next.js project bootstrapped with create-next-app
Make sure you're using the latest midas-sdk in this repo, by running
>>> yarn install
First, run the development server:
yarn dev
UI is only available in Chapel.
Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.
You can start editing the page by modifying pages/index.tsx
. The page auto-updates as you edit the file.
API routes can be accessed on http://localhost:3000/api/hello. This endpoint can be edited in pages/api/hello.ts
The pages/api
directory is mapped to /api/*
. Files in this directory are treated as API routes instead of React pages.
Coming soon
Refer to for Midas SDK Installation
import { MidasSdk } from '@midas-capital/sdk';
export const SDKProvider = ({
}: SDKProviderProps) => {
const sdk = useMemo(() => {
return new MidasSdk(signerProvider as Web3Provider, chainIdToConfig[]);
}, [signerProvider,]);
export function useSDK() {
const context = useContext(SDKContext);
if (context === undefined) {
throw new Error(`useSDK must be used within a SDKProvider`);
return context;
import { useSDK } from '@context/SDKContext';
const { sdk, address, currentChain } = useSDK();
//returns all pools on Midas & Relevant Data
const poolsData = await sdk.fetchPoolsManual({
options: {
from: address,
import { useSDK } from '@context/SDKContext';
import { BigNumber, utils } from 'ethers';
//returns TVL in Big Number format
const tvlNative = await useSDK().sdk.getTotalValueLocked(false)
//returns TVL in ETH value
import { MarketConfig } from '@midas-capital/sdk';
const marketConfig: MarketConfig = {
underlying: selectedAsset.underlying,
comptroller: poolData.comptroller,
adminFee: adminFee,
collateralFactor: collateralFactor,
interestRateModel: irm,
reserveFactor: reserveFactor,
plugin: undefined,
bypassPriceFeedCheck: true,
fuseFeeDistributor: sdk.chainDeployment.FuseFeeDistributor.address,
symbol: 'f' + selectedAsset.symbol + '-' + poolId,
name: + ' ' +,
//Adds an asset to a pool both defined under marketConfig
await sdk.deployAsset(marketConfig, { from: address });
import { useSDK } from '@context/SDKContext';
// This is Comptroller address, i.e., a Pool's Address
const comptrollerAddress = "0x3r3u20ur3290..."
const comptroller = sdk.createComptroller(comptroller.Address);
//This variable indicates whether borrowing is to be paused or not;
const paused = true || false;
//This is the Asset's cToken Address
const cTokenAddress = "0x657..."
//Sets borrowing possibility of Asset, either resumes or pauses borrowing;
const tx = await comptroller._setBorrowPaused(
await tx.wait();
import { useSDK } from '@context/SDKContext';
const { sdk } = useSDK();
//This is the Asset's cToken Address
const cTokenAddress = "0x657..."
//This Removes the Asset from The Pool
const tx = await comptroller._unsupportMarket(cTokenAddress);
await tx.wait();
import { utils } from 'ethers';
import { useSDK } from '@context/SDKContext';
const { sdk } = useSDK();
//adminFee should be a number between 0 - 30
const bigAdminFee = utils.parseUnits((Number(adminFee) / 100).toString());
const cToken = sdk.createCToken(selectedAsset.cToken);
//sets admin fee
const tx = await cToken._setAdminFee(bigAdminFee);
await tx.wait();
import { utils } from 'ethers';
import { useSDK } from '@context/SDKContext';
const { sdk } = useSDK();
//collateralFactor should be a number between 5 - 90
const bigCollateralFactor = utils.parseUnits((Number(collateralFactor) / 100).toString());
// This is Comptroller address, i.e., a Pool's Address
const comptrollerAddress = "0x3r3u20ur3290..."
const comptroller = sdk.createComptroller(poolData.comptroller);
//Sets Pool Collateral Factor
const tx = await comptroller._setCollateralFactor(
await tx.wait();
import { useSDK } from '@context/SDKContext';
import { useCTokenData } from '@hooks/useCTokenData';
const { sdk } = useSDK();
const { data: cTokenData } = useCTokenData(poolData?.comptroller, selectedAsset?.cToken);
//This is the Asset's cToken Address
const cTokenAddress = "0x657...";
const cToken = sdk.createCToken(cTokenAddress);
//TODO SHOULD I SPECIFY IRMADDRESS? to my knowledge we currently only Jump Rate Model & White Paper Model
const irmAddress =
cTokenData.interestRateModelAddress === sdk.chainDeployment.JumpRateModel.address
? sdk.chainDeployment.JumpRateModel.address
: sdk.chainDeployment.WhitePaperInterestRateModel.address;
//sets interest rate model
const tx = await cToken._setInterestRateModel(irmAddress);
await tx.wait();
const { sdk } = useSDK();
//This is the Asset's cToken Address
const cTokenAddress = "0x657..."
const cToken = sdk.createCToken(cTokenAddress);
//reserveFactor to be a number between 0 - 50;
const bigreserveFactor = utils.parseUnits((Number(reserveFactor) / 100).toString());
//Sets Asset's Reserve Factor in the corresponding Pool
const tx = await cToken._setReserveFactor(bigreserveFactor);
await tx.wait();
import { useSDK } from '@context/SDKContext';
const { sdk, address } = useSDK();
//This is the Comptroller address, i.e., a Pool's Address
const comptrollerAddress = "0x3r3u20ur3290..."
const comptroller = sdk.createComptroller(comptrollerAddress);
//adds rewardToken (address) to pool
const tx = await comptroller.functions._addRewardsDistributor(rewardToken, { from: address });
await tx.wait()
import { providers } from 'ethers';
import { FlywheelStaticRewards } from '@midas-capital/sdk/dist/cjs/lib/contracts/typechain/FlywheelStaticRewards';
import { FuseFlywheelCore } from '@midas-capital/sdk/dist/cjs/lib/contracts/typechain/FuseFlywheelCore';
import { useSDK } from '@context/SDKContext';
const { sdk, address } = useSDK();
//Deploys Flywheel Core
let fwCore: FuseFlywheelCore;
fwCore = await sdk.deployFlywheelCore(rewardToken, { from: address });
await fwCore.deployTransaction.wait();
//Sets type for FlyWheel Static Rewards;
let fwStaticRewards: FlywheelStaticRewards;
//Deploys Flywheel Rewards
fwStaticRewards = await sdk.deployFlywheelStaticRewards(fwCore.address, { from: address });
await fwStaticRewards.deployTransaction.wait();
let tx: providers.TransactionResponse;
//Adds Rewards To Flywheel
tx = await sdk.setFlywheelRewards(fwCore.address, fwStaticRewards.address, { from: address });
await tx.wait()
// This is Comptroller address, i.e., a Pool's Address
const comptrollerAddress = "0x3r3u20ur3290..."
//Adds FlyWheel To Pool
tx = await sdk.addFlywheelCoreToComptroller(fwCore.address, comptrollerAddress, { from: address });
await tx.wait()
import { useSDK } from '@context/SDKContext';
const { sdk, address } = useSDK();
//This is the Asset's cToken Address
const cTokenAddress = "0x657..."
//enables asset for reward
const tx = await sdk.addMarketForRewardsToFlywheelCore(
from: address,
await tx.wait();
import { Contract, utils } from 'ethers';
import { useSDK } from '@context/SDKContext';
const { sdk, address } = useSDK();
const token = new Contract(
// TODO use rewardsTokens decimals here *ALEX'S TODO*****
const tx = await token.transfer(
await tx.wait();
import { utils } from 'ethers';
import { useSDK } from '@context/SDKContext';
const { sdk, address } = useSDK();
//This is the Asset's cToken Address
const cTokenAddress = "0x657...";
//This is the borrowing amount
const borrowAmount = utils.parseUnits(amount, selectedAsset.underlyingDecimals);
//Sends Request To Borrow borrowAmount of the Asset, If Borrow Is Successfull errorCode is null;
const { tx, errorCode } = await sdk.borrow(
{ from: address }
await tx.wait()
import { utils } from 'ethers';
import { useSDK } from '@context/SDKContext';
const { sdk, address } = useSDK();
//This is the Asset's cToken Address
const cTokenAddress = "0x657..."
//This is the Repay Amount as a BigNumber
const repayAmount = utils.parseUnits(amount, selectedAsset.underlyingDecimals);
//This is a boolean indicating if you are Repaying the max amount, i.e. the total borrowed amount
const isRepayingMax = true || false;
//Repays amount or returns errorCode, if repay is successfull errorCode is null;
const { tx, errorCode } = await sdk.repay(
selectedAsset.underlyingToken, //TODO WHAT IS THIS?
{ from: address }
await tx.wait()
This section Covers either Adding or Removing an Asset as Collateral
import { ContractTransaction } from 'ethers';
import { useSDK } from '@context/SDKContext';
const { sdk } = useSDK();
// This is Comptroller address, i.e., a Pool's Address
const comptrollerAddress = "0x3r3u20ur3290..."
const comptroller = sdk.createComptroller(comptrollerAddress);
//This is the Asset's cToken Address
const cTokenAddress = "0x657..."
//Sets the transaction type as a ContractTransaction
let tx: ContractTransaction;
//Removes Asset As Collateral To Corresponding Pool
tx = await comptroller.exitMarket(cTokenAddress);
await tx.wait();
//Adds Asset(s) As Collateral To Corresponding Pool, Multiple Assets Can Be Added In The Array [cTokenAddress]
tx = await comptroller.enterMarkets([cTokenAddress]);
await tx.wait();
import { useSDK } from '@context/SDKContext';
const { sdk, address } = useSDK();
//This is the Asset's cToken Address
const cTokenAddress = "0x657..."
// This is Comptroller address, i.e., a Pool's Address
const comptrollerAddress = "0x3r3u20ur3290..."
const comptroller = sdk.createComptroller(comptrollerAddress);
//This is a Boolean Indicating Whether The Asset Is Enabled As Collateral
const enableCollateral = true || false;
//This is the amount as a BigNumber to be supplied
supplyAmount = utils.parseUnits(amount, selectedAsset.underlyingDecimals)
//This Makes The Call To Supply The Asset To Pool, errorCode is null if successful;
const { tx, errorCode } = await
selectedAsset.underlyingToken, //TO DO WHAT IS THIS??
{ from: address }
await tx.wait()
import { useSDK } from '@context/SDKContext';
const { sdk, address } = useSDK();
//This is the Asset's cToken Address
const cTokenAddress = "0x657..."
const withdrawAmount = utils.parseUnits(amount, selectedAsset.underlyingDecimals) //TODO define underlying decimals
//Withdraws Asset From Pool To Wallet (address), errorCode is null if successful;
const { tx, errorCode } = await sdk.withdraw(
{ from: address }
await tx.wait();
import { Contract, ContractTransaction } from 'ethers';
import { useSDK } from '@context/SDKContext';
import { usePoolData } from '@hooks/usePoolData';
import { usePoolsData } from '@hooks/usePoolsData';
const { sdk, address } = useSDK();
//This is the Asset's cToken Address
const cTokenAddress = "0x657..."
// This is Comptroller address, i.e., a Pool's Address
const comptrollerAddress = "0x3r3u20ur3290..."
//TODO Define unitroller
const unitroller = new (
sdk.artifacts.Unitroller.abi, //TODO define this
sdk.provider.getSigner() //TODO define this
//Renounces Ownership of Unitroller
const tx: ContractTransaction = await unitroller._toggleAdminRights(false);
import { useSDK } from '@context/SDKContext';
import { usePoolData } from '@hooks/usePoolData';
import { BigNumber, utils } from 'ethers';
const { sdk, address } = useSDK();
//liquidationIncentive should be a number between 0 - 50
const bigLiquidationIncentive: BigNumber = utils.parseUnits(
(Number(liquidationIncentive) / 100 + 1).toString()
// This is Comptroller address, i.e., a Pool's Address
const comptrollerAddress = "0x3r3u20ur3290..."
const comptroller = sdk.createComptroller(comptrollerAddress);
//Sets Liquidation Incentive Of The Pool
const tx = await comptroller._setLiquidationIncentive(bigLiquidationIncentive);
await tx.wait();
import { useSDK } from '@context/SDKContext';
import { usePoolData } from '@hooks/usePoolData';
const { sdk, address } = useSDK();
const { data: poolData } = usePoolData(poolId);
//This is The Close Factor as a BigNumber. closeFactor should be a number between 5 - 90;
const bigCloseFactor: BigNumber = utils.parseUnits((Number(closeFactor) / 100).toString());
// This is Comptroller address, i.e., a Pool's Address
const comptrollerAddress = "0x3r3u20ur3290..."
const comptroller = sdk.createComptroller(comptrollerAddress);
//Sets the Pool's Close Factor
const tx: ContractTransaction = await comptroller._setCloseFactor(bigCloseFactor);
await tx.wait();
import { Contract } from 'ethers';
import { useSDK } from '@context/SDKContext';
const { sdk, address } = useSDK();
const FusePoolDirectory = new Contract(
//Sets or Changes Pool's Name
const tx = await FusePoolDirectory.setPoolName(poolId, poolName, { from: address });
await tx.wait();
import { providers } from 'ethers';
import { useSDK } from '@context/SDKContext';
import { useExtraPoolInfo } from '@hooks/useExtraPoolInfo';
const { sdk, address } = useSDK();
const extraData = useExtraPoolInfo(poolData?.comptroller || '');
// This is Comptroller address, i.e., a Pool's Address
const comptrollerAddress = "0x3r3u20ur3290..."
const comptroller = sdk.createComptroller(comptrollerAddress);
let tx: providers.TransactionResponse;
//This is a boolean that indicates if White List Enforcement is active
const enforce = true || false;
//This sets White List Enforcement
tx = await comptroller._setWhitelistEnforcement(enforce);
await tx.wait()
const newList = [...extraData.whitelist, validAddress];
//This is a list addresses allowed to interact with the Pool
const whiteList = [0x304..., 0x914..., 0x452...];
//This sets the White List Of The Pool
tx = await comptroller._setWhitelistStatuses(
await tx.wait();
import { useSDK } from '@context/SDKContext';
const { sdk, address } = useSDK();
//This is the address you would like to transfer ownership of the Pool to
const transferAddress = "0x341..."
// This is Comptroller address, i.e., a Pool's Address
const comptrollerAddress = "0x3r3u20ur3290..."
const unitroller = sdk.createUnitroller(comptrollerAddress);
//Transfers ownership of Pool to transferAddress
const tx = await unitroller._setPendingAdmin(transferAddress);
await tx.wait();
import { utils } from 'ethers';
import { useSDK } from '@context/SDKContext';
const { sdk, address } = useSDK();
//This is the name of the pool
const poolName: string = "Example Pool"
//closeFactor should be a number between 5 - 90
const bigCloseFactor: BigNumber = utils.parseUnits(closeFactor.toString(), 16);
//liquidationIncentive should be a number between 0 - 50
const bigLiquidationIncentive: BigNumber = utils.parseUnits((liquidationIncentive + 100).toString(), 16);
//This sets the oracle of the Pool, see for OracleTypes
const oracle : OracleTypes = "MasterPriceOracle"
//This is the addresses that are allowed to interact with the Pool (optional)
const whitelistedAddresses: Array<string> = [0x321...,0x647...,0x553,...]
//TO DO what is a reporter?
const reporter =
const deployResult = await sdk.deployPool(
whitelistedAddresses.length !== 0,
{ reporter },
{ from: address },
//TODO check this wording/trim this down
//This grabs the newly created Pool address and creates a new "implementation" address of the pool
const poolId = deployResult[3];
const poolData = await sdk.fetchFusePoolData(poolId.toString(), address);
const unitroller = sdk.createUnitroller(poolData.comptroller);
//This sets the Admin of the newly created pool to creator's address
const tx = await unitroller._acceptAdmin();
await tx.wait();