This is a step-by-step guide to getting you up and running with Spark so you can start developing as soon as possible.
- NodeJS ( ) (use latest version 8, we use ECMAScript 2015)
- MySQL ( )
- GIT ( )
Download and install as described on the websites.
- Fork the project on GitHub (this can be done in the GitHub web interface)
- clone your forked repo
git clone<YOUR_GITHUB_USER>/Spark.git
Enter into the new Repository Folder
cd Spark
git remote add midburn
To be able to sync with Midburn repository you should add it as a remote:
git pull midburn master
We use latest Node version 8, you can install it manually or using nvm
If you use nvm you can run the following from project directory to get the right node version:
nvm install
nvm use
We use Yarn to install dependencies, make sure you have the latest Yarn version
This command will install the latest yarn on Linux:
curl -o- -L | bash
this will install client dependencies as well.
(If you have problems, make sure you delete the node_moduels
directories first)
Hint: it can be much easier to use the docker-compose environment to get a DB prepopulated with data, see using spark with docker for more details.
Local development environment uses MySQL by default.
npm run newDevDB
which should create the DB, create a spark user, migrate to latest, and run initial seed. if you have a password on you'r MySQL root user, than go to package.json "createdb" and add "-p" after root. this is promet you to enter password (please remove the "-p" before pushing to git)
it the above doesn't work, trying follwing these step-by-step guide: Create the spark MySQL DB
npm run-script createdb
We use Knex to run and manage the migrations.
run Knex to initialize the DB tables structure.
knex migrate:latest
Create a new user.
by defulat spark connectes to MySql with user 'spark' and password 'spark',
set the a spark MySQL user (unless you are creating a local '/config.env' file)
Connect to MySql
mysql -u root -p
Create a new MySql user with all privileges to spark DB.
CREATE USER 'spark'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'spark';
If this fails, you might want to
delete from mysql.db where user = 'spark';
and then -
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON spark . * TO 'spark'@'localhost';
See /docs/ for more details about our database setup.
Fire up the server after installation, with nodemon
to monitor changes and re-run the server:
yarn run nodemon
or node server.js - no auto refresh.
And then,
Fire up the browser after installation, with browser-snyc
to refresh on changes (at 'public' 'view' 'locals' folders):
yarn run hot
or navigate to http://localhost:3000 - no auto refresh.
Note nodemon should take care of refreshing the server when you make changes.
After lighting the spark, if this is the first time or if you have recreated the DB browse to the development console at http://localhost:3000/dev and select Create admin user.
This will create a user: a, password: a
All the configurations are set in the config file in the /config
To override this configurations to match your development environment:
- Create a file named
- Open the file and copy all the settings you wish to override from
- You only need to copy the settings you need to override, not all the settings.
- The file format should be the same as