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Michal Stanke edited this page Aug 1, 2018 · 6 revisions

Basic information

Pontoon Tools is an add-on integrating Pontoon into Firefox or Chromium based browsers. The aim is to ease localization work and provide tools beyond what a web app can do.


Pontoon Tools currently supports Firefox and Chrome.


If you use Firefox, visit the add-on page on AMO. To start the installation, click the blue button "+ Add to Firefox".

Note: Firefox is the browser used for development. Also because of the APIs differences, some features may be implemented Firefox-first and not available in other browsers.


If you use Chrome, Chromium or some Chromium based browser (e.g. Vivaldi), you can install the add-on by visiting this page on Chrome Web Store. To start the installation, click the blue button in the top right corner "+ Add to Chrome".


Opera supports installation from Chrome Web Store via Install Chrome Extensions add-on, that enables you to install Pontoon Tools from Chrome Web Store the same way like in Chrome.

Get involved

Pontoon Tools add-on started as a personal project of @MikkCZ, but is dedicated to all Mozilla localizers. You are welcome to report bugs, request new features or even get involved by code. Read more...

Data sources

Pontoon Tools add-on uses various data to display notifications from Pontoon, or the correct l10n team information. This page documents what data are needed for what features.

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