A proof-of-concept for simple CLI for generating AMT reports.
The tool can perform different actions.
A shap test can be performed against a model with testdata.
amt --action=shap --model=testdata/model/sample_bc_credit_sklearn_linear.LogisticRegression.sav
--data=testdata/data/sample_bc_credit_data_no_default.sav --outputdir=tests
Questionnaires can be filled out.
amt --action=questionnaire
Given a model and a dataset, an AMT explainer is used to generate results which are saved for future usage.
By default, the outputfile is saved to out/shap.yaml and contains:
- shap_values: list of shap values per feature
- base_values: list of base value per feature
- feature_names: list of the feature names
The basic functionallity of this CLI is the following.
- For each file
, the CLI will guide the user through the questions it contains and will emit a fileout/questionnaire_name.yaml
containing questions and answers. - A user can abort any time and the answers will be saved.
- If a yaml file with matching name to a questionnaire exists in
the answers it contains will be loaded in the CLI and the user has the option to update any of these ansers.
The directory questionnaires/
contains different questionnaires. A questionnaire is simply a json
file with questions. As two examples we have put general_info.json
and iama.json
in this
directory. The idea is that users can upload their own custom questionnaires. The file schema/question.json
contains a json schema the questionnaires in questionnaires/
should adhere to.
To run the CLI with defaults, run poetry run python amt/__main__.py
from the root directory of
this repository. This will guide the user through the questions in questionnaires/
. Users can abort
at any time by CTRL+C; this will save the intermediate results as yaml files to the out/
Optionnaly users can provide command line options to specify a path to the questionnaire validation schema, the questionnaire directory and the output directory:
amt [-h] [--schema SCHEMA] [--inputdir INPUTDIR] [--outputdir OUTPUTDIR]
The output file is standalone and must not have any hard reference to the source file.
Output files are in a machine processable format (yaml) which can be used to create final reports in different formats like MD or PDF.
The relation between an answer in the output file and the question in the source file, is the question itself (text) and the filename.
Answers in the output file are indexed by the name of the source file and the question, e.g. filename:question.
- A source file contains questions and must be in the sources folder and contain a reference to a known schema.