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waarop de persoon volgens het brondocument is geboren.", + "@language": "nl" + }, + { + "@value": "The date on which the person was born according to the source document.", + "@language": "en" + } + ] + }, + { + "@id": "https://regels.overheid.nl/termen/aow_leeftijd_service", + "@type": [ + "http://data.europa.eu/m8g/PublicService" + ], + "http://purl.org/dc/terms/title": [ + { + "@value": "Bepaling leeftijd AOW", + "@language": "nl" + }, + { + "@value": "Determination of AOW age", + "@language": "en" + } + ], + "http://purl.org/dc/terms/description": [ + { + "@value": "Bepaling van de leeftijd AOW (Algemene Ouderdomswet).", + "@language": "nl" + }, + { + "@value": "Determination of AOW age (General Old Age Act).", + "@language": "en" + } + ], + "http://purl.org/dc/terms/identifier": [ + { + "@id": "https://standaarden.overheid.nl/owms/terms/aow-leeftijd" + } + ], + "https://regels.overheid.nl/ronl/ns#analysis": [ + { + "@id": "https://regels.overheid.nl/ronl/ns#WetsanalyseJAS" + } + 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"2023-06-12", + "@type": "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#date" + } + ], + "http://purl.org/dc/terms/modified": [ + { + "@value": "2024-12-09", + "@type": "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#date" + } + ], + "http://purl.org/dc/terms/language": [ + { + "@value": "nld" + } + ], + "http://data.europa.eu/m8g/implements": [ + { + "@id": "https://regels.overheid.nl/termen/BerekenAOW" + } + ], + "http://data.europa.eu/m8g/hasOutput": [ + { + "@id": "_:b3" + } + ], + "http://data.europa.eu/m8g/hasCost": [ + { + "@id": "_:b4" + } + ], + "http://purl.org/dc/terms/publisher": [ + { + "@id": "https://organisaties.overheid.nl/28212263/Sociale_Verzekeringsbank" + } + ] + }, + { + "@id": "https://regels.overheid.nl/termen/birthcertificate_date_requirement", + "@type": [ + "http://data.europa.eu/m8g/CriterionRequirement" + ], + "http://purl.org/dc/terms/description": [ + { + "@value": "Geboortecertificaat datum die wordt gebruikt voor leeftijdsbepaling.", + "@language": "nl" + }, + { + "@value": "Birth certificate date used for age determination.", + "@language": "en" + } + ] + }, + { + "@id": "https://regels.overheid.nl/termen/persoonlijke_gegevens_dataset", + "@type": [ + "http://www.w3.org/ns/dcat#Dataset" + ], + "http://purl.org/dc/terms/title": [ + { + "@value": "Persoonlijke gegevens.", + "@language": "nl" + }, + { + "@value": "Personal data.", + "@language": "en" + } + ], + "http://purl.org/dc/terms/description": [ + { + "@value": "Al uw persoonlijke gegevens, zoals naam, adres en geboortedatum, maar ook vingerafdrukken en burgerservicenummer.", + "@language": "nl" + }, + { + "@value": "All your personal data, such as name, address and date of birth, but also fingerprints and citizen service number.", + "@language": "en" + } + ], + "http://www.w3.org/ns/dcat#accessURL": [ + { + "@id": "https://brp-api.github.io/Haal-Centraal-BRP-bevragen/" + } + ], + "http://purl.org/dc/terms/publisher": [ + { + "@id": "https://identifier.overheid.nl/tooi/id/oorg/oorg10103" + } + ], + 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"http://eurovoc.europa.eu/100141" + } + ], + "http://purl.org/dc/terms/temporal": [ + { + "@id": "_:b8" + } + ], + "http://www.w3.org/ns/dcat#keyword": [ + { + "@value": "System Date" + }, + { + "@value": "Current Date", + "@language": "en" + } + ], + "http://purl.org/dc/terms/publisher": [ + { + "@id": "_:b9" + } + ] + }, + { + "@id": "https://regels.overheid.nl/termen/system_date_requirement", + "@type": [ + "http://data.europa.eu/m8g/CriterionRequirement" + ], + "http://purl.org/dc/terms/description": [ + { + "@value": "Peildatum.", + "@language": "nl" + }, + { + "@value": "Reference date.", + "@language": "en" + } + ] + }, + { + "@id": "https://schema.example.org/AOWRulesModel" + }, + { + "@id": "https://standaarden.overheid.nl/owms/terms/aow-leeftijd" + }, + { + "@id": "https://wetten.overheid.nl/jci1.3:c:BWBR0002221" + }, + { + "@id": "https://wetten.overheid.nl/jci1.3:c:BWBR0002221&hoofdstuk=III¶graaf=1&artikel=7&z=2023-01-01&g=2023-01-01" + }, + { + "@id": "https://wetten.overheid.nl/jci1.3:c:BWBR0002221&hoofdstuk=III¶graaf=1&artikel=7a&z=2023-01-01&g=2023-01-01" + }, + { + "@id": "https://www.example.org/contact" + }, + { + "@id": "https://www.rvig.nl/" + }, + { + "@id": "https://www.svb.nl/nl/" + }, + { + "@id": "https://www.svb.nl/nl/aow/" + }, + { + "@id": "mailto:algoritmenenai@svb.nl" + }, + { + "@id": "tel:+1234567890" + } +] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/apps/register/concordialegal/AOW/AOW-CPSV-AP-RONL.rdf b/apps/register/concordialegal/AOW/AOW-CPSV-AP-RONL.rdf new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ed4d7a7e --- /dev/null +++ b/apps/register/concordialegal/AOW/AOW-CPSV-AP-RONL.rdf @@ -0,0 +1,190 @@ + + + + + Sociale Verzekeringsbank (SVB) + Social insurance bank (SVB) + + + + + + + Bepaling leeftijd AOW + Determination of AOW age + Bepaling van de leeftijd AOW (Algemene Ouderdomswet). + Determination of AOW age (General Old Age Act). + + + + + Sociale zekerheid + Social security. + + + Online portaal. + Online portal. + + Het online portaal waar iedereen zijn/haar AOW leeftijd kan berekenen. + The online portal where everyone can calculate his/her AOW age. + + + Web Portal + + + + + + + + + + Customer Service + + + + + + + + + + + + + Landelijk herbruikbare service voor gevalideerde bepaling van de leeftijd AOW. + Nationally reusable service for validated determination of the AOW age. + + + Algemene Ouderdomswet (AOW) + General Old Age Pensions Act (AOW) + + + + + + + 2023-06-12 + 2024-12-09 + nld + + + Bedrijfsregels voor bepaling van de AOW-leeftijd + Business Rules for AOW Age Determination + Een op regels gebaseerd beslismodel voor het vaststellen van de AOW-leeftijd volgens de Algemene Ouderdomswet (AOW). + A rules-based decision model for determining the AOW age according to the Algemene Ouderdomswet (AOW). + + + text/markdown + + + Datamodel voor bedrijfsregels + Data Model for Business Rules + Dit model definieert de vereiste gegevensbronnen voor het bepalen van AOW-gerechtigdheid en leeftijd. + This model defines the required data sources for determining AOW eligibility and age. + + + + + + + + + Geboortecertificaat datum die wordt gebruikt voor leeftijdsbepaling. + Birth certificate date used for age determination. + + + + + + Peildatum. + Reference date. + + + + + + Persoonlijke gegevens. + Personal data. + Al uw persoonlijke gegevens, zoals naam, adres en geboortedatum, maar ook vingerafdrukken en burgerservicenummer. + All your personal data, such as name, address and date of birth, but also fingerprints and citizen service number. + + + 2023-01-01 + + + + Geboortedaum. + Date of birth. + De datum waarop de persoon volgens het brondocument is geboren. + The date on which the person was born according to the source document. + + + + + + + + + System Date for Age Calculation + The current date is used as a reference to determine eligibility age for AOW. + 1990-01-01 + + + + 1990-01-01 + + + + System Date + Current Date + + + + Sociale Verzekeringsbank + + + + + + + + + + 1.0 + + + + + + Vastgestelde AOW-leeftijd op peildatum. + Established AOW age on reference date. + + + + + + The dienst is gratis. + The service is free of charge. + + + + + + + + Rijksdienst voor Identiteitsgegevens (RvIG). + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/apps/register/concordialegal/AOW/AOW-CPSV-AP-RONL.ttl b/apps/register/concordialegal/AOW/AOW-CPSV-AP-RONL.ttl index 48b6e86d..9519b0be 100644 --- a/apps/register/concordialegal/AOW/AOW-CPSV-AP-RONL.ttl +++ b/apps/register/concordialegal/AOW/AOW-CPSV-AP-RONL.ttl @@ -1,17 +1,32 @@ @prefix cpsv-ap: . @prefix dct: . +@prefix vcard: . +@prefix org: . @prefix dcat: . @prefix foaf: . @prefix xsd: . +@prefix ex: . @prefix ronl: . @prefix owl: . @prefix rdfs: . +@prefix prov: . +@prefix skos: . +# +# Define Sociale Verzekeringsbank (SVB) +# + a foaf:Organization ; + foaf:name "Sociale Verzekeringsbank (SVB)"@nl ; + foaf:name "Social insurance bank (SVB)"@en ; + foaf:homepage ; + foaf:uri . # # Public serivce area # -<#aow_age_determination_service> a cpsv-ap:PublicService ; + a cpsv-ap:PublicService ; dct:title "Bepaling leeftijd AOW"@nl ; + dct:title "Determination of AOW age"@en ; dct:description "Bepaling van de leeftijd AOW (Algemene Ouderdomswet)."@nl ; + dct:description "Determination of AOW age (General Old Age Act)."@en ; # # The unique identifier for this service as given by Uniforme Productnamenlijst (UPL) # https://standaarden.overheid.nl/owms/terms/aow-uitkering is a real example, (.../)/aow-leeftijd doesn't excist @@ -24,59 +39,67 @@ ronl:analysis ronl:WetsanalyseJAS ; ronl:method ronl:ConcordiaLegal ; # - dct:creator [ - a foaf:Organization ; - foaf:uri ; - foaf:name "Sociale Verzekeringsbank"@nl - ] ; + dct:creator ; dct:subject "Sociale zekerheid"@nl ; - cpsv-ap:status ; + dct:subject "Social security."@en ; + cpsv-ap:hasChannel [ + a cpsv-ap:Channel ; + dct:title "Online portaal."@nl ; + dct:title "Online portal."@en ; + cpsv-ap:accessURL ; + dct:description "Het online portaal waar iedereen zijn/haar AOW leeftijd kan berekenen."@nl ; + dct:description "The online portal where everyone can calculate his/her AOW age."@nl ; + cpsv-ap:channelType [ + a skos:Concept ; + skos:prefLabel "Web Portal"@en ; + skos:exactMatch ; + ] + ] ; + cpsv-ap:hasContactPoint [ + # + # Placeholder! + # + a vcard:Organization ; + vcard:fn "Customer Service"@en ; + vcard:hasEmail ; + vcard:hasTelephone [ + a vcard:Work, vcard:Voice ; + vcard:hasValue ; + ] ; + vcard:hasURL ; + ] ; cpsv-ap:goal "Landelijk herbruikbare service voor gevalideerde bepaling van de leeftijd AOW."@nl ; - cpsv-ap:proportionality ; + cpsv-ap:goal "Nationally reusable service for validated determination of the AOW age."@en ; cpsv-ap:hasLegalResource [ a cpsv-ap:LegalResource ; dct:title "Algemene Ouderdomswet (AOW)"@nl ; + dct:title "General Old Age Pensions Act (AOW)"@en ; dcat:accessURL ; dcat:accessURL ; dcat:accessURL ] ; dct:issued "2023-06-12"^^xsd:date ; - dct:modified "2024-01-05"^^xsd:date ; - dct:language "nld" ; # Dutch language code - cpsv-ap:hasContactPoint [ - a foaf:Person ; - foaf:mbox "mailto:algoritmenenai@svb.nl" - ] ; - cpsv-ap:hasInput <#birthcertificate_date_dataset>, <#system_date_dataset> ; + dct:modified "2024-12-09"^^xsd:date ; + dct:language "nld" ; + cpsv-ap:implements ; cpsv-ap:hasOutput [ a cpsv-ap:Output ; - dct:description "Established AOW age on reference date."@en - ] ; - cpsv-ap:hasChannel [ - a cpsv-ap:Channel ; - dcat:accessURL ; - dct:description "AOW age determination via the Social Insurance Bank (SVB) microservice."@en - ] ; - cpsv-ap:implements <#aow_business_rules> ; - cpsv-ap:hasCriterionRequirement [ - a cpsv-ap:CriterionRequirement ; - dct:description "AOW age is determined based on criteria defined in the Algemene Ouderdomswet (AOW)."@nl + dct:description "Vastgestelde AOW-leeftijd op peildatum."@nl ; + dct:description "Established AOW age on reference date."@en ; ] ; - dct:rights "Data use and processing are in line with privacy regulations (GDPR)."@en ; cpsv-ap:hasCost [ a cpsv-ap:Cost ; - dct:description "The service is free of charge."@en + dct:description "The dienst is gratis."@nl ; + dct:description "The service is free of charge."@en ; ] ; - dct:publisher [ - a foaf:Organization ; - foaf:uri ; - foaf:name "Sociale Verzekeringsbank"@nl - ] . + dct:publisher . # -# Business rules area +# Define business rules # -<#aow_business_rules> a cpsv-ap:Rule ; + a cpsv-ap:Rule ; + dct:title "Bedrijfsregels voor bepaling van de AOW-leeftijd"@nl ; dct:title "Business Rules for AOW Age Determination"@en ; + dct:description "Een op regels gebaseerd beslismodel voor het vaststellen van de AOW-leeftijd volgens de Algemene Ouderdomswet (AOW)."@nl ; dct:description "A rules-based decision model for determining the AOW age according to the Algemene Ouderdomswet (AOW)."@en ; # # dct:conformsTo has a placeholder URI that could hypothetically point to a document or description of the AOWRulesModel @@ -86,7 +109,9 @@ dcat:mediaType "text/markdown" ; cpsv-ap:specifies [ a cpsv-ap:RuleSpecification ; + dct:title "Datamodel voor bedrijfsregels"@nl ; dct:title "Data Model for Business Rules"@en ; + dct:description "Dit model definieert de vereiste gegevensbronnen voor het bepalen van AOW-gerechtigdheid en leeftijd."@nl ; dct:description "This model defines the required data sources for determining AOW eligibility and age."@en ; # # ronl:source: Points to the authoritative, conceptual origin of the rule or model, like an official government document @@ -98,18 +123,66 @@ # dct:source ; # + # ronl:implementedBy specifies the software system involved in the calculations + # + ronl:implementedBy ; + # # rdfs:seeAlso: Optionally used for linking to additional documentation, such as a page or document that provides further # explanation of the rules # rdfs:seeAlso ; - cpsv-ap:hasInput <#birthcertificate_date_dataset>, <#system_date_dataset> + rdfs:seeAlso ; + rdfs:seeAlso ; + + cpsv-ap:hasCriterionRequirement + , + ; + cpsv-ap:hasInput , ; ] ; - cpsv-ap:hasHumanIntervention "Niet van toepassing."@nl ; dct:version "1.0" . # -# Dataset area +# Define service specific criteria +# + a cpsv-ap:CriterionRequirement ; + dct:description "Geboortecertificaat datum die wordt gebruikt voor leeftijdsbepaling."@nl ; + dct:description "Birth certificate date used for age determination."@en . + + a cpsv-ap:CriterionRequirement ; + dct:description "Peildatum."@nl ; + dct:description "Reference date."@en . +# +# Define registrars and datasets that hold the evidence for the applicable criteria +# +# +# Define Rijksdienst voor Identiteitsgegevens (RvIG) # -<#system_date_dataset> a dcat:Dataset ; + a foaf:Organization ; + foaf:name "Rijksdienst voor Identiteitsgegevens (RvIG)."@nl ; + foaf:homepage ; + foaf:uri . +# +# Define dataset +# + a dcat:Dataset ; + dct:title "Persoonlijke gegevens."@nl ; + dct:title "Personal data."@en ; + dct:description "Al uw persoonlijke gegevens, zoals naam, adres en geboortedatum, maar ook vingerafdrukken en burgerservicenummer."@nl ; + dct:description "All your personal data, such as name, address and date of birth, but also fingerprints and citizen service number."@en ; + dcat:accessURL ; + dct:publisher ; + dct:issued "2023-01-01"^^xsd:date ; + ronl:source ; + ex:hasAttribute . + + a ex:Attribute ; + rdfs:label "Geboortedaum."@nl ; + rdfs:label "Date of birth."@en ; + dct:description "De datum waarop de persoon volgens het brondocument is geboren."@nl ; + dct:description "The date on which the person was born according to the source document."@en . +# +# Defifne dataset +# + a dcat:Dataset ; dct:title "System Date for Age Calculation"@en ; dct:description "The current date is used as a reference to determine eligibility age for AOW."@en ; dct:issued "1990-01-01"^^xsd:date ; # start date of service @@ -119,26 +192,4 @@ dct:startDate "1990-01-01"^^xsd:date ; # Date when the rule started ] ; dcat:keyword "System Date", "Current Date"@en ; - dct:publisher [ - a foaf:Organization ; - foaf:uri ; - foaf:name "Sociale Verzekeringsbank"@nl - ] . - -<#birthcertificate_date_dataset> a dcat:Dataset ; - dct:title "Birth Certificate Date"@en ; - dct:description "Dataset containing birth certificate dates used for age determination."@en ; - dct:issued "1990-01-01"^^xsd:date ; - dcat:accessURL ; - dcat:keyword "Search with surname, first names and municipality of registration"@en ; - dct:publisher [ - a foaf:Organization ; - foaf:uri ; - foaf:name "Rijksdienst voor Identiteitsgegevens (RvIG)"@nl - ] ; - ronl:source . - -<#aow_dpia> a cpsv-ap:DataProtectionImpactAssessment ; - dct:title "Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA) for AOW Age Determination Algorithm"@en ; - dct:description "Assessment of data protection risks and compliance with privacy regulations."@en ; - dcat:accessURL . \ No newline at end of file + dct:publisher .