AntiCheatReloaded requires you to have ProtocolLib. You can download it here. Simply drag and drop the AntiCheatReloaded and ProtocolLib jars in your plugin folder. You can now use AntiCheatReloaded, but be sure to have a look at the configuration files, which allow you to change every aspect of the plugin.
AntiCheatReloaded 要求您前置ProtocolLib插件。 您可以在此处下载,只需将 AntiCheatReloaded 和 ProtocolLib jar 拖放到您的plugin文件夹中,就可以使用 AntiCheatReloaded了,但请务必查看配置文件,它可以让您更改插件以达到您的需求。
- Flight/Glide
- ElytraFly
- WaterWalk/Jesus
- FastBreak
- FastPlace
- Chat spam
- Command spam
- Sprint
- (Packet)Sneak
- Speed
- Vclip
- Spider
- NoFall
- FastBow
- FastEat
- FastHeal
- KillAura
- Aimbot
- Reach
- Unicode chat
- FastProjectile
- ItemSpam
- FastInventory
- Timer
- Blink
- Anti-Knockback
- Scaffold
- FastLadder
- Strafe
- NoSlow