- Fixed broken Deploy controller
- none
- none
- Further work on Angular Style Guide implementation
- none
- Fixed broken karma test setup
- Using Angular Style Guide for code structure etc.
- Added e2e tests as an example
- Added a home page - so the tabs are navigatable.
- none
- node v5.0.0 support (flat node_modules structure)
- none
- New Codeflow Control Panel
- Use on packages only containing 'mobilecaddy1' namespace
- Replace bower deps with matching NPM ones.
- none
- Dep bounce
- ios9 Patch
- logger calls added
- Settings updates ** sync tables option ** MTI linking ** Table content insert into log option
- none
- Added missing 'logout' call.
- CORS server removed (now in mobilecaddy-codeflow dep)
- MobileCaddy libs now injected in controllers and service
- Dep bump
- none
- none
- Testing Resources View added to settings area.
- Support for upgrade information on startup and example code for "resume" cordova event
- Placeholder code for cordova "online", "offline" and "resume" events
- Move mock data to mock dir from test dir
- Added karma/jasmine to give example of how to unit test
- Dep bump
- none