This is the TShock plugin repository. All plugins from catbox have been analyzed by manual review processes that may not be perfect. While we believe these files are safe to run, we cannot guarantee a perfect review. All plugins undergo decompilation-based review analysis, but some plugins undergo additional scrutiny.
- AutoTeam by Metacinnabar
- Automatically assigns players a configurable team on world join.
- Tested on TShock 4.5.5
- Download Version 1.0.0 (
) - Source code
- IRCrarria by lemon-sh
- A very simple IRC<->Terraria chat bridge.
- Tested on TShock 4.5.5.
- Download Version 1.2.0
- Source code
- MultiSCore by Megghy
- An easy-to-use Terraria multi-world plugin that allows you to teleport directly to other servers in-game and back via a proxy
- You can adjust the plugin language in the configuration file or modify it to your preferred sentence
- Tested on TShock 4.5.5
- Download Version 1.5.4
- Documentation
- Source code
- TerrariaChatRelay by Lady Narnia (xPanini)
- Highly customizable Terraria Chat Relay with multiple Discord server support
- Tested on TShock 4.5.5.
- Download Version 0.9.2
- Documentation
- Source code
- WorldMapper by Dr. Underscore
- Allows generation of a PNG map of the entire world.
- Tested on TShock 4.5.2
- Download
- Source code
- AdditionalPylons by Stealownz
- Allows placing additional (infinite) pylons more than default Terraria limits
- Tested on TShock 4.5.4
- Download Version
- Source code
- JourneyMixer
- Allows journey mode characters to join a non journey mode world and now visa versa.
- Tested on prerelease 15.
- Source
- Download
- InfiniteChestsV3 by Zaicon
- Allows "infinite" chests and additional features such as auto-refill, password-protected chests, and more.
- Tested on TShock 4.4.0 Pre-2.
- Download Version
- Documentation
- Source code
- ZAdminCmds
- Zaicon's ZAdminCmds updated to 1.4. (
- Tested on TShock 4.4.0 Pre-10.
- Download
- Source code
- Crossplay by Moneylover3246
- Enables cross-platform play on Terraria servers.
- Tested on TShock 4.5.15a.
- Download v1.10.2
- Documentation
- Source code
- AdvancedWarpplates
- Rofle's AdvancedWarpplates but actually including a build in the repo. (
- Tested on TShock 4.4.0 Pre-10.
- Download
- Source code
- ShortCommands
- Zaicon's ShortCommands updated to 1.4. (
- Tested on TShock 4.4.0 Pre-10.
- Download
- Source code
- CloneNotify
- Zaicon's CloneNotify updated to 1.4. (
- Tested on TShock 4.4.0 Pre-10.
- Download
- Source code
- CustomMediumcore by Miffyli
- Ease Mediumcore by selecting which items are dropped upon death.
- Requirements: Server-side characters enabled. Players must have "Casual" difficulty.
- Place
next toTerrariaServer.exe
. - Tested on TShock 4.4.0 Pre-3.
- Download Version
- Source code and documentation
- Tiled by thanatos-tshock
- Provides alternate tile implementations which improve performance and memory usage
- Tested on TShock 4.4.0 Pre-3.
- Download Version
- Source code
- FACommands by MineBartekSA
- Originally created by Hiarni & Zaicon
- Fun and Admin Commands
- Tested on TShock 4.4.0 Pre-12.
- Download Version 1.7.1
- Source code
- Terracord by ldilley
- A Discord <-> Terraria bridge plugin for TShock
- Tested on TShock 4.5.5.
- Download Version 1.3.1
- Documentation
- Source code
- TerraJump by MineBartekSA
- Simple plugin that adds JumpPads
- Tested on TShock 4.4.0 Pre-15.
- Download Version 2.3.1
- Source code
- Invincible Tiles (and walls) by Olink
- Adds the ability for players to blacklist tile ids and wall ids, preventing users from breaking said tiles/walls.
- Tested on TShock 4.4.0 Pre-6.
- Download Version 1.0
- Source code
- TServerWeb - Online Server Manager for TShock by XGhozt
- Manage your TShock server from the web, run commands, manage players, groups, permissions and more.
- Tested on TShock 4.4.0 Pre-7.
- Addon: TServerWeb In-Game Vote Plugin / Source Code
- Addon: TServerWeb Remote Console / Source Code
- Discord Server
- Vanillafier
- Sets up your server to run like the vanilla Terraria server in 1 easy command
- Built on TShock 4.5.0
- Download
- Source Code
- Creative Mode by Bippity
- A simple "Creative Mode" for players
- Built on TShock 4.4.0 Pre-8
- Download
- Documentation/Source Code
- TDiffBackup by tieonlinux
- World file backup system
- Built on TShock 4.4.0 Pre-11
- Download
- Documentation/Source Code
- ShortCommands by Zaicon, updated by tieonlinux
- Create commands aliases/shortcuts
- Built and tested on TShock 4.4.0 Pre-11.
- Download
- Documentation/Source Code
- Team Commands by GameRoom
- Run commands for a whole team.
- Built on TShock 4.4.0 Pre-8
- Download Version 1.2
- Documentation
- Source code
- Smart Regions by GameRoom
- Run programmable commands when a player is in a region.
- Compatible with TShock 4.5.x
- Download Version 1.3.1
- Documentation
- Source code
- Normal Boss Bags by Quinci
- Makes normal mode bosses drop treasure bags as if it were expert mode
- Built and tested on TShock 4.4.0 Pre-12
- Download Version 1.0
- Source code
- AFK Warp/Kick Plugin by Bippity
- Idle players will be warped/kicked after a defined time
- Built on TShock 4.4.0 Pre-12
- Download Version 1.1
- Documentation/Source Code
- Buff Emoticons by The Killer [NL]
- Gives the user a in-game buff for 46 seconds!
- Tested on TShock 4.4.0 Pre-15.
- Download Version 2.1
- Documentation
- Source code
- ListPluginsPlugin by Arthri
- Provides commands for listing the currently loaded plugins.
- Tested on TShock 4.5.5
- Download Version 1.0.1
- Documentation
- Source code
- TemplateMOTDPlugin by Arthri
- TemplateMOTDPlugin replaces TShock's MOTD engine with Scriban.
- Tested on TShock 4.5.5
- Download Version 1.0.0
- Documentation
- Source code
- AutoRegister by brian91292, updated by moisterrific
- Temporarily removed due to a secure code review failure. A defect in the design by @brian91292 would lead to generating predictable passwords that could be easily obtained by malicious servers.
- Source code
- NPC Blocker by Olink, updated by moisterrific
- Allows you to block certain NPCs from spawning in the world.
- Built and tested on TShock
- Download Version 2.0.0
- Documentation
- Source Code
- Character Reset (SSC) by Bippity, updated by moisterrific
- Allows you to reset SSC player data without the hassle of database editing.
- Built and tested on TShock (April Lyrids edition).
- Download Version 1.0.3
- Documentation
- Source Code
- Ghost by DannyDan77, updated by moisterrific
- Allows admins to become invisible to other players.
- Built and tested on TShock 4.4.0 Pre-11.
- Download Version 1.2.0
- Documentation (pls read!)
- Source Code
- InfiniteChestsV3 by Zaicon, updated by moisterrific
- Allows "infinite" chests and additional features such as auto-refill, password-protected chests, and more.
- Built and tested on TShock (April Lyrids edition).
- Download Version 1.2.1
- Documentation
- Source Code
- Calculator by edg-l
- A calculator plugin.
- Built on TShock 4.4.0 Pre-11.
- Download
- Source code
- PlayerInfo by ParadonX, updated by Brycey92
- A player info modifier/checker.
- Built on TShock 4.4.0 Pre-11.
- Download 1.8
- Source code
- SummonLimit by Newy, updated by moisterrific
- Prevents summon hacking.
- Built on TShock 4.4.0 Pre-11.
- Download
- Source code
- TshockLogs_Explosives by slzn, updated by moisterrific
- Helps to track explosives(Bomb, Dynamite, etc... ) usage.
- Built on TShock 4.4.0 Pre-11.
- Download
- Documentation
- Source code
- WorldEdit
- Adds mass tile editing commands.
- Built on TShock 4.4.0 Pre-11.
- Download 1.8.0
- Source code
- RodHealer by ancientgods, updated by moisterrific
- Prevents players from losing HP when spamming the Rod of Discord.
- Built and tested on TShock 4.4.0 Pre-11.
- Download Version 1.2.0
- Documentation
- Source Code
- World Refill by K0rd, updated by Illuminousity
- Refill your world with structures and resources!
- Built and tested on Tshock 4.4.0 Pre-11.
- Download Version 2.1.3
- Documentation
- Source Code
- Auto Team by Don Redhorse
- Joins the players to a team based on permissions
- Tested on TShock 4.4.0 Pre-12.
- Download Version 1.0.0
- Documentation and SourceCode
- TShockPrometheus by Swantzter
- Exposes the current player count on the server to prometheus
- Tested on TShock 4.4.0 Pre-15.
- Download Version 1.0.0
- Source code
- TShock Server REST Mobile by 647
- Manage players/users, bans, world, groups and server directly from your mobile device.
- Tested on TShock 4.4.0 Pre-15.
- Android APKs (iOS Should build directly from MacOS using Flutter SDK and XCode installed)
- Source code Flutter App
- Source code Dart Wrapper (Doc)
- Essentials+ by QuiCM (and various others <3)
- Compile your plugin as normal.
- Upload your release and any resources you need to Catbox or another service. Your plugin will be reuploaded to DigitalOcean Spaces after it has been reviewed, for download. Please provide a link to download your plugin in your pull-request.
- Upload the source code to your plugin to GitHub. You do not need to make your source a copyleft license (like GPL) or even make it anything other than proprietary.
- Copy the template below and add in the required things in the required spots.
- Send a pull request to this repository. Add your plugin to the list above near the other plugins.
- Don't remove anything that isn't yours and don't change anything you didn't already add.
- When your plugin is approved, it will be added to the list.
- When you need to update your plugin, change the version number or other attributes, upload to Catbox or another service, and then re-submit your plugin. Your download link will be updated to reflect the new version.
- New plugins can appear at the top of the list. You are not guaranteed to be at the top of the list for long. If you comment on whether or not you should or shouldn't be placed at the top of the list, you will be placed not at the top of the list. You are forbidden from 'renaming' a plugin to a different name and resubmitting as a new plugin to appear at the top of the list. If we suspect that you have done this, you will be moved to the bottom of the list.
This is the sample template:
* [My cool plugin]( by aMoka
* Adds the ability for players to ship other players. Does fancy stuff. Amazing!
* Tested on TShock 4.4.0 Pre-2.
* [Download Version 1.2.3](
* [Documentation](
* [Source code](
Maybe you just don't want to provide much. In that case, the minimum stuff that you need to provide is this:
* My cool plugin by aMoka
* Adds the ability for players to ship other players. Does fancy stuff. Amazing!
* Tested on TShock 4.4.0 Pre-2.
* [Download Version 1.2.3](
* [Source code](
You can add anything on top of the template that you want within reason. Your Discord server, Instagram profile, or whatever else are all acceptable.
The one thing you cannot do is link to a non-Catbox download link. It's fine if you offer downloads somewhere else too (and you can link to the list of those downloads), but you need to have a catbox link here that goes directly to something someone can install.
If your plugin hasn't been reviewed in 1 day (give or take a few hours), please send a message to particles#0015 in Discord and a message to You will either get $10 US or a Discord Nitro subscription as reward for being significantly delayed. This offer only applies if you are not a TShock collaborator and if the pull-request contains only one plugin change. Please expect a response time of one day per plugin.
- If you update your plugin but don't update
it will be rejected. - If you upload unknown assemblies that cannot be verified for security origin, it will be rejected.
- If your plugin contains obvious security flaws, including SQL injection attacks, it will be rejected.
If you include 3rd party dependencies, please link to dependency download page on nuget. Please minimize the number of dependencies to a reasonable amount. If you submit an exorbotent amount of dependenices, we reserve the right to not review your plugin. If you modify a third party dependency please explicitly state this. Your plugin will be rejected if your third party dependency, e.g., Discord.Web.dll
, exists on nuget but the assembly you submitted does not match a real version.
Do not make more than one plugin submission per PR.
Your plugin will be rejected, your GitHub account will be reported, and you are required to pay $200 via Bitcoin for the inconvenience of dealing with you. Also, you will be permanently banned from all Pryaxis or TShock related services and your plugin(s) may be rendered inoperable by TShock.
These are the changes made to this page that aren't really plugin related.
- Created system for submitting plugins. - May 18, 2020.
- Updated system to include TShock test version. - May 18, 2020.
- Add slow plugin review scheme. - June 18, 2020.
- Plugin slowness scheme revised to require one plugin per PR to be elligable. - May 28, 2021
- Clarified review process, added tips for making reviws faster. - Aug 11, 2021
- Uploaded all plugins to DigitalOcean Spaces so that plugins can be deleted serverside if necessary. - October 17, 2021
We will probably add categories when we get more than 5 plugins to help people sort through them. You can also tag your plugins on GitHub with the tshock
tag or the tshock-plugin
tag or the terraria