Warning: Physical trauma[LAZYLEN(wounded_part.wounds) > 1? "s" : ""] detected in [wounded_part.name]"
- for(var/k in wounded_part.wounds)
- var/datum/wound/W = k
- render_list += "[W.get_scanner_description()]
+ for(var/limb_wound in wounded_part.wounds)
+ var/datum/wound/current_wound = limb_wound
+ render_list += "[simple_scan ? current_wound.get_simple_scanner_description() : current_wound.get_scanner_description()]
+ if (scanner.give_wound_treatment_bonus)
+ if(!advised)
+ to_chat(user, span_notice("You notice how bright holo-images appear over your [(length(wounded_part.wounds) || length(patient.get_wounded_bodyparts()) ) > 1 ? "various wounds" : "wound"]. They seem to be filled with helpful information, this should make treatment easier!"))
+ advised = TRUE
render_list += ""
if(render_list == "")
- if(istype(scanner))
+ if(simple_scan)
+ var/obj/item/healthanalyzer/simple/simple_scanner = scanner
// Only emit the cheerful scanner message if this scan came from a scanner
- playsound(scanner, 'sound/machines/ping.ogg', 50, FALSE)
- to_chat(user, span_notice("\The [scanner] makes a happy ping and briefly displays a smiley face with several exclamation points! It's really excited to report that [patient] has no wounds!"))
- else
- to_chat(user, "