diff --git a/monkestation/code/modules/datums/brain_damage/mild.dm b/monkestation/code/modules/datums/brain_damage/mild.dm
index a0d10cda3a9b..a57c380ca48e 100644
--- a/monkestation/code/modules/datums/brain_damage/mild.dm
+++ b/monkestation/code/modules/datums/brain_damage/mild.dm
@@ -4,43 +4,91 @@
scan_desc = "kleptomania"
gain_text = "You feel a strong urge to grab things."
lose_text = "You no longer feel the urge to grab things."
+ // The percent chance for kleptomania to actually activate every tick
+ var/kleptomania_chance = 2.5
+ // The percent chance to pickpocket from someone, instead of from the ground.
+ var/pickpocket_chance = 25
- owner.apply_status_effect(/datum/status_effect/kleptomania)
- ..()
+/datum/brain_trauma/mild/kleptomania/on_life(seconds_per_tick, times_fired)
+ if(owner.incapacitated())
+ return
+ if(!SPT_PROB(kleptomania_chance, seconds_per_tick))
+ return
+ if(!owner.has_active_hand())
+ return
+ if(owner.get_active_held_item())
+ return
- owner.remove_status_effect(/datum/status_effect/kleptomania)
- ..()
+ if(prob(pickpocket_chance))
+ steal_from_someone()
+ else
+ steal_from_ground()
- id = "kleptomania"
- status_type = STATUS_EFFECT_UNIQUE
- alert_type = null
- var/kleptomania_chance = 2.5
+ var/list/potential_victims = list()
+ for(var/mob/living/carbon/human/potential_victim in view(1, owner))
+ if(potential_victim == owner)
+ continue
+ potential_victims += potential_victim
+ if(!length(potential_victims))
+ return
+ var/mob/living/carbon/human/victim = pick(potential_victims)
+ var/list/items_in_pockets = victim.get_pockets()
+ if(!length(items_in_pockets))
+ return
+ var/obj/item/item_to_steal = pick(items_in_pockets)
+ owner.visible_message(
+ span_warning("[owner] attempts to remove [item_to_steal] from [victim]'s pocket!"),
+ span_warning("You attempt to remove [item_to_steal] from [victim]'s pocket."),
+ span_warning("You hear someone rummaging through pockets.")
+ )
+ if(!do_after(owner, item_to_steal.strip_delay, victim) || !victim.temporarilyRemoveItemFromInventory(item_to_steal))
+ owner.visible_message(
+ span_warning("[owner] fails to pickpocket [victim]."),
+ span_warning("You fail to pick [victim]'s pocket."),
+ null
+ )
+ return
+ owner.visible_message(
+ span_warning("[owner] removes [item_to_steal] from [victim]'s pocket!"),
+ span_warning("You remove [item_to_steal] from [victim]'s pocket."),
+ null
+ )
+ owner.log_message("picked [victim.name]'s pockets (kleptomania)", LOG_ATTACK, color = "orange")
+ if(QDELETED(item_to_steal))
+ return
+ if(!owner.putItemFromInventoryInHandIfPossible(item_to_steal, owner.active_hand_index, TRUE))
+ item_to_steal.forceMove(owner.drop_location())
+ // Get a list of anything that's not nailed down or already worn by the brain trauma's owner.
+ var/list/stealables = list()
+ var/list/currently_worn_gear = owner.get_all_gear()
+ for(var/obj/item/potential_stealable in oview(1, owner))
+ if(potential_stealable.anchored)
+ continue
+ if(potential_stealable in currently_worn_gear)
+ continue
+ if(!potential_stealable.Adjacent(owner))
+ continue
+ stealables += potential_stealable
+ // Shuffle the list of stealables, then loop through it until we find an item to grab.
+ for(var/obj/item/stealable as anything in shuffle(stealables))
+ if(!owner.CanReach(stealable, view_only = TRUE))
+ continue
- if(prob(kleptomania_chance) && owner.m_intent == MOVE_INTENT_RUN && !owner.get_active_held_item() && !(owner.incapacitated()) && owner.has_active_hand())
- if(prob(25)) //we pick pockets
- for(var/mob/living/carbon/human/victim in view(1, owner))
- var/pockets = victim.get_pockets()
- if(victim != owner && length(pockets))
- var/obj/item/I = pick(pockets)
- owner.visible_message("[owner] attempts to remove [I] from [victim]'s pocket!","You attempt to remove [I] from [victim]'s pocket.", FALSE, 1)
- if(do_after(owner, I.strip_delay, victim) && victim.temporarilyRemoveItemFromInventory(I))
- owner.visible_message("[owner] removes [I] from [victim]'s pocket!","You remove [I] from [victim]'s pocket.", FALSE, 1)
- log_admin("[key_name(usr)] picked [victim.name]'s pockets with Kleptomania trait.")
- if(!QDELETED(I) && !owner.putItemFromInventoryInHandIfPossible(I, owner.active_hand_index, TRUE, TRUE))
- I.forceMove(owner.drop_location())
- break
- else
- owner.visible_message("[owner] fails to pickpocket [victim].","You fail to pick [victim]'s pocket.", FALSE, 1)
- else //we pick stuff off the ground
- var/mob/living/carbon/C = owner
- for(var/obj/item/I in oview(1, C))
- if(!I.anchored && !(I in C.get_all_gear()) && I.Adjacent(C)) //anything that's not nailed down or worn
- I.attack_hand(C)
- break
+ owner.log_message("attempted to pick up (kleptomania)", LOG_ATTACK, color = "orange")
+ stealable.attack_hand(owner)
+ break
var/list/pockets = list()