diff --git a/code/__DEFINES/~monkestation/span.dm b/code/__DEFINES/~monkestation/span.dm index 0b198672afa0..4da802b4f72a 100644 --- a/code/__DEFINES/~monkestation/span.dm +++ b/code/__DEFINES/~monkestation/span.dm @@ -6,5 +6,3 @@ #define span_ratvar(str) ("" + str + "") #define REQUEST_MENTORHELP "request_mentorhelp" - -#define span_italics(str) ("" + str + "") diff --git a/code/__HELPERS/pronouns.dm b/code/__HELPERS/pronouns.dm index d0b6b5d90629..1265a8aed204 100644 --- a/code/__HELPERS/pronouns.dm +++ b/code/__HELPERS/pronouns.dm @@ -38,9 +38,6 @@ /datum/proc/p_theyve(capitalized, temp_gender) . = p_they(capitalized, temp_gender) + "'" + copytext_char(p_have(temp_gender), 3) -/datum/proc/p_Theyve(capitalized, temp_gender) - . = p_They(capitalized, temp_gender) + "'" + copytext_char(p_have(temp_gender), 3) - /datum/proc/p_theyre(capitalized, temp_gender) . = p_they(capitalized, temp_gender) + "'" + copytext_char(p_are(temp_gender), 2) diff --git a/monkestation/code/__DEFINES/_module_defines.dm b/monkestation/code/__DEFINES/_module_defines.dm deleted file mode 100644 index 40a7ed1c8845..000000000000 --- a/monkestation/code/__DEFINES/_module_defines.dm +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2 +0,0 @@ -/// How much flavor text gets displayed before cutting off. -#define EXAMINE_FLAVOR_MAX_DISPLAYED 65 diff --git a/monkestation/code/__DEFINES/antag_defines.dm b/monkestation/code/__DEFINES/antag_defines.dm deleted file mode 100644 index 33358561c55a..000000000000 --- a/monkestation/code/__DEFINES/antag_defines.dm +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2 +0,0 @@ -/// Whether the antagonist can see exploitable info on people they examine. -#define FLAG_CAN_SEE_EXPOITABLE_INFO (1<<1) diff --git a/monkestation/code/__DEFINES/signals.dm b/monkestation/code/__DEFINES/signals.dm deleted file mode 100644 index 2ba5e101ac47..000000000000 --- a/monkestation/code/__DEFINES/signals.dm +++ /dev/null @@ -1,4 +0,0 @@ -/// Sent from [/mob/living/examine] late, after the first signal is sent, but BEFORE flavor text handling, -/// for when you prefer something guaranteed to appear at the bottom of the stack -/// (Flavor text should stay at the very very bottom though) -#define COMSIG_LIVING_LATE_EXAMINE "late_examine" diff --git a/monkestation/code/__HELPERS/text_helpers.dm b/monkestation/code/__HELPERS/text_helpers.dm deleted file mode 100644 index 0a77515d2914..000000000000 --- a/monkestation/code/__HELPERS/text_helpers.dm +++ /dev/null @@ -1,11 +0,0 @@ -/// -- Text helpers. -- -/// Provides a preview of [string] up to [len - 3], after which it appends "..." if it pasts the length. -/proc/TextPreview(string, len = 40) - var/char_len = length_char(string) - if(char_len <= len) - if(!char_len) - return "\[...\]" - else - return string - else - return "[copytext_char(string, 1, len - 3)]..." diff --git a/monkestation/code/modules/antagonists/_common/antag_datum.dm b/monkestation/code/modules/antagonists/_common/antag_datum.dm index 83ce9227931b..179004449e8d 100644 --- a/monkestation/code/modules/antagonists/_common/antag_datum.dm +++ b/monkestation/code/modules/antagonists/_common/antag_datum.dm @@ -1,6 +1,4 @@ /datum/antagonist - /// Allows antags to check exploitable info - antag_flags = FLAG_CAN_SEE_EXPOITABLE_INFO ///The list of keys that are valid to see our antag hud/of huds we can see var/list/hud_keys diff --git a/monkestation/code/modules/client/preferences/_preferences.dm b/monkestation/code/modules/client/preferences/_preferences.dm deleted file mode 100644 index ea0fb368337c..000000000000 --- a/monkestation/code/modules/client/preferences/_preferences.dm +++ /dev/null @@ -1,11 +0,0 @@ -/// Used to apply preferences at the very end of applying preferences, quirks, clothing, etc. -/datum/preferences/proc/after_prefs_transfer(mob/living/carbon/human/target) - for (var/datum/preference/preference as anything in get_preferences_in_priority_order()) - if (preference.savefile_identifier != PREFERENCE_CHARACTER) - continue - - preference.after_apply_to_human(target, src, read_preference(preference.type)) - -/// See above. Called at the very end of player initialization. -/datum/preference/proc/after_apply_to_human(mob/living/carbon/human/target, datum/preferences/prefs, value) - return diff --git a/monkestation/code/modules/client/preferences/multiline_preferences.dm b/monkestation/code/modules/client/preferences/multiline_preferences.dm deleted file mode 100644 index 08f0aa4ad5df..000000000000 --- a/monkestation/code/modules/client/preferences/multiline_preferences.dm +++ /dev/null @@ -1,162 +0,0 @@ -#define MAX_FLAVOR_LEN 2048 - -/datum/preference/multiline_text - abstract_type = /datum/preference/multiline_text - can_randomize = FALSE - var/max_length = MAX_FLAVOR_LEN - -/datum/preference/multiline_text/deserialize(input, datum/preferences/preferences) - return STRIP_HTML_SIMPLE("[input]", max_length) - -/datum/preference/multiline_text/serialize(input) - return STRIP_HTML_SIMPLE(input, max_length) - -/datum/preference/multiline_text/is_valid(value) - return istext(value) && !isnull(STRIP_HTML_SIMPLE(value, max_length)) - -/datum/preference/multiline_text/create_default_value() - return null - -/datum/preference/multiline_text/compile_constant_data() - return list("maximum_length" = max_length) - -/// Preferences that add onto flavor text datum -/datum/preference/multiline_text/flavor_datum - abstract_type = /datum/preference/multiline_text/flavor_datum - savefile_identifier = PREFERENCE_CHARACTER - category = PREFERENCE_CATEGORY_NON_CONTEXTUAL - priority = PREFERENCE_PRIORITY_NAMES - -/datum/preference/multiline_text/flavor_datum/apply_to_human(mob/living/carbon/human/target, value) - if(!length(value) || istype(target, /mob/living/carbon/human/dummy)) // Don't stick flavor text on dummies - return - - var/datum/flavor_text/our_flavor = target.linked_flavor || add_or_get_mob_flavor_text(target) - if(isnull(our_flavor)) - return - - add_to_flavor_datum(our_flavor, value) - -/datum/preference/multiline_text/flavor_datum/proc/add_to_flavor_datum(datum/flavor_text/our_flavor, value) - SHOULD_CALL_PARENT(FALSE) - stack_trace("add_to_flavor_datum not implemented for [type]") - -/datum/preference/multiline_text/flavor_datum/flavor - savefile_key = "flavor_text" - -/datum/preference/multiline_text/flavor_datum/flavor/add_to_flavor_datum(datum/flavor_text/our_flavor, value) - our_flavor.flavor_text = value - -/datum/preference/multiline_text/flavor_datum/silicon - savefile_key = "silicon_text" - -/datum/preference/multiline_text/flavor_datum/silicon/add_to_flavor_datum(datum/flavor_text/our_flavor, value) - our_flavor.silicon_text = value - -/datum/preference/multiline_text/flavor_datum/exploitable - savefile_key = "exploitable_info" - -/datum/preference/multiline_text/flavor_datum/exploitable/add_to_flavor_datum(datum/flavor_text/our_flavor, value) - our_flavor.expl_info = value - -/// Preferences that add onto crew records -/datum/preference/multiline_text/record - abstract_type = /datum/preference/multiline_text/record - savefile_identifier = PREFERENCE_CHARACTER - category = PREFERENCE_CATEGORY_NON_CONTEXTUAL - priority = PREFERENCE_PRIORITY_NAMES - max_length = MAX_MESSAGE_LEN - -/datum/preference/multiline_text/record/New() - . = ..() - // This is here to catch people who have preferences assigned before the manifest is built (IE: roundstart players) - RegisterSignal(SSdcs, COMSIG_GLOB_CREWMEMBER_JOINED, PROC_REF(on_new_player_joined)) - RegisterSignal(SSticker, COMSIG_TICKER_ROUND_STARTING, PROC_REF(unregister_join_sig)) - // Confusingly, roundstart character setup goes "create characters" -> "assign quirks" -> "build manifest" -> "transfer clients in" - // while latejoin character setup is "create charater" -> "transfer clients in" -> "inject manifest entry" -> "assign quirks" - -/datum/preference/multiline_text/record/proc/on_new_player_joined(datum/source, mob/living/carbon/human/joined, rank) - SIGNAL_HANDLER - - apply_to_human_records(joined) - -/datum/preference/multiline_text/record/proc/unregister_join_sig() - SIGNAL_HANDLER - - UnregisterSignal(SSdcs, COMSIG_GLOB_CREWMEMBER_JOINED) - UnregisterSignal(SSticker, COMSIG_TICKER_ROUND_STARTING) - -/datum/preference/multiline_text/record/apply_to_human(mob/living/carbon/human/target, value) - return - -/datum/preference/multiline_text/record/after_apply_to_human(mob/living/carbon/human/target, datum/preferences/prefs, value) - apply_to_human_records(target, prefs, value) - -/datum/preference/multiline_text/record/proc/apply_to_human_records(mob/living/carbon/human/joined, datum/preferences/prefs, value) - if(!ishuman(joined) || istype(joined, /mob/living/carbon/human/dummy)) // Fairly certain this is redundant but let's just be safe - return - - prefs ||= joined.client?.prefs - if(isnull(prefs)) - CRASH("[type] was applied to a mob ([joined]) without prefs.") - - value ||= prefs.read_preference(type) - if(!length(value)) - return // valid - - var/datum/record/crew/associated_record = find_record(joined.real_name) - if(isnull(associated_record)) - if(length(GLOB.manifest?.general)) - stack_trace("[type] was applied to a mob ([joined], [joined.key]) before their record was created.") - return - - add_to_record(associated_record, value) - -/datum/preference/multiline_text/record/proc/add_to_record(datum/record/crew/associated_record, value) - SHOULD_CALL_PARENT(FALSE) - stack_trace("add_to_record not implemented for [type]") - -/datum/preference/multiline_text/record/general - savefile_key = "general_records" - -/datum/preference/multiline_text/record/general/add_to_record(datum/record/crew/associated_record, value) - var/fake_author = "Record Database" - for(var/datum/medical_note/existing_note as anything in associated_record.medical_notes) - if(existing_note.author == fake_author) - existing_note.content = value - return - - var/datum/medical_note/new_note = new(fake_author, value) - new_note.time = "Past record" - associated_record.medical_notes += new_note - -/datum/preference/multiline_text/record/medical - savefile_key = "medical_records" - -/datum/preference/multiline_text/record/medical/add_to_record(datum/record/crew/associated_record, value) - var/fake_author = "Medical Database" - for(var/datum/medical_note/existing_note as anything in associated_record.medical_notes) - if(existing_note.author == fake_author) - existing_note.content = value - return - - var/datum/medical_note/new_note = new(fake_author, value) - new_note.time = "Past record" - associated_record.medical_notes += new_note - -/datum/preference/multiline_text/record/security - savefile_key = "security_records" - -/datum/preference/multiline_text/record/security/add_to_record(datum/record/crew/associated_record, value) - var/fake_author = "Security Database" - for(var/datum/crime/existing_note as anything in associated_record.crimes) - if(existing_note.author == fake_author) - existing_note.details = value - return - - var/datum/crime/new_crime = new("Notes / Past infractions", value, fake_author, "Indetermined") - new_crime.time = "Past record" - new_crime.valid = FALSE // This makes it so the record is printed as "REDACTED", which I think is cool - associated_record.crimes += new_crime - -#undef MAX_FLAVOR_LEN diff --git a/monkestation/code/modules/flavor_text/flavor_examine.dm b/monkestation/code/modules/flavor_text/flavor_examine.dm deleted file mode 100644 index 4a00515fbd54..000000000000 --- a/monkestation/code/modules/flavor_text/flavor_examine.dm +++ /dev/null @@ -1,88 +0,0 @@ -/// -- Extension of examine, examine_more, and flavortext code. -- -/mob - /// Last time a client was connected to this mob. - var/last_connection_time = 0 - -/mob/Logout() - . = ..() - last_connection_time = world.time - -/** - * Flavor text and Personal Records On Examine INS AND OUTS (implementation by mrmelbert from MapleStation) - * - Admin ghosts, when examining, are given a list of buttons for all the records of a player. - * (This can probably be moved to examine_more if it's too annoying) - * - When you examine yourself, you will always see your own records and flavor text, no matter what. - * - When another person examines you, the following happens: - * > If your face is covered (by helmet or mask), they will not see your favor text or records, unless you're wearing your ID. - * > If you are wearing another player's ID (In disguise as another active player), they will see the other player's records and flavor instead. - * > If you are not wearing another player's ID (if you are unknown, or wearing a non-player's ID), no records or flavor text will show up as if none were set. - * > If you do not have any flavor text or records set, nothing special happens. The examine is normal. - * - * - Flavor text is displayed to other players without any pre-requisites. It displays [EXAMINE_FLAVOR_MAX_DISPLAYED] (65 by default) characters before being trimmed. - * - Exploitive information is displayed via link to antagonists with the proper flags. - * - * Bonus: If you are not connected to the server and someone examines you... - * an AFK timer is shown to the examiner, which displays how long you have been disconnected for. - */ - -// Carbon and human examine don't call parent -// so we need to replicate this across all three -// Really I should be using the signal but at least this guarantees order -/mob/living/examine(mob/user) - . = ..() - . += late_examine(user) - -/mob/living/carbon/examine(mob/user) - . = ..() - . += late_examine(user) - -/mob/living/carbon/human/examine(mob/user) - . = ..() - . += late_examine(user) - -/// Mob level examining that happens after the main beef of examine is done -/mob/living/proc/late_examine(mob/user) - . = list() - SEND_SIGNAL(src, COMSIG_LIVING_LATE_EXAMINE, user, .) - - // Who's identity are we dealing with? In most cases it's the same as [src], but it could be disguised people, or null. - var/datum/flavor_text/known_identity = get_visible_flavor(user) - var/expanded_examine = "" - - if(known_identity) - expanded_examine += known_identity.format_flavor_for_examine(user) - - if(linked_flavor && user.client?.holder && isAdminObserver(user)) - // Formatted output list of records. - var/admin_line = "" - - if(linked_flavor.flavor_text) - admin_line += "\[FLA\]" - if(linked_flavor.expl_info) - admin_line += "\[EXP\]" - if(known_identity != linked_flavor) - admin_line += "\nThey are currently [isnull(known_identity) ? "disguised and have no visible flavor":"visible as the flavor text of [known_identity.name]"]." - - if(admin_line) - expanded_examine += "ADMIN EXAMINE: [ADMIN_LOOKUPFLW(src)] - [admin_line]\n" - - // if the mob doesn't have a client, show how long they've been disconnected for. - if(!client && last_connection_time && stat != DEAD) - var/formatted_afk_time = span_bold("[round((world.time - last_connection_time) / (60*60), 0.1)]") - expanded_examine += span_italics("\n[p_Theyve()] been unresponsive for [formatted_afk_time] minute(s).\n") - - if(length(expanded_examine)) - expanded_examine = span_info(expanded_examine) - . += expanded_examine - -// This isn't even an extension of examine_more this is the only definition for /human/examine_more, isn't that neat? -/mob/living/examine_more(mob/user) - . = ..() - var/datum/flavor_text/known_identity = get_visible_flavor(user) - - if(known_identity) - . += span_info(known_identity.format_flavor_for_examine(user, FALSE)) - else if(ishuman(src)) - // I hate this istype src but it's easier to handle this here - // Not all mobs should say "YOU CAN'T MAKE OUT DETAILS OF THIS PERSON" - . += span_smallnoticeital("You can't make out any details of this individual.\n") diff --git a/monkestation/code/modules/flavor_text/flavor_helpers.dm b/monkestation/code/modules/flavor_text/flavor_helpers.dm deleted file mode 100644 index d91d4cc7717e..000000000000 --- a/monkestation/code/modules/flavor_text/flavor_helpers.dm +++ /dev/null @@ -1,73 +0,0 @@ -// -- Extra helper procs for humans. -- - -/* Determine if the current mob's real identity is visible. - * This probably has a lot of edge cases that will get missed but we can find those later. - * (There's gotta be a helper proc for this that already exists in the code, right?) - * - * returns a reference to a mob - - * - returns SRC if [src] isn't disguised, or is wearing their id / their name is visible - * - returns another mob if [src] is disguised as someone that exists in the world - * returns null otherwise. - */ -/mob/living/proc/get_visible_flavor(mob/examiner) - RETURN_TYPE(/datum/flavor_text) - - var/datum/flavor_text/found_flavor = linked_flavor - // Simple animals, basic animals, anything that's not a human/silicon is lumped under "simple" - if(found_flavor?.linked_species != "simple" || HAS_TRAIT(src, TRAIT_UNKNOWN)) - return null - - return found_flavor - -/mob/living/carbon/human/get_visible_flavor(mob/examiner) - // your identity is always known to you - if(examiner == src) - return linked_flavor - - var/shown_name = get_visible_name() - if(shown_name == "Unknown" || HAS_TRAIT(src, TRAIT_UNKNOWN)) // Redundant, but just in case - return null - - var/datum/flavor_text/found_flavor - // the important check - if the visible name is our flavor text name, display our flavor text - // if the visible name is not, however, we may be in disguise - so grab the corresponding flavor text from our global list - if(shown_name == linked_flavor?.name || findtext(shown_name, linked_flavor?.name)) - found_flavor = linked_flavor - else - found_flavor = GLOB.flavor_texts[shown_name] - - // if you are not the species linked to the flavor text we found, you are not recognizable - if(found_flavor?.linked_species != dna?.species.id) - return null - - return found_flavor - -/mob/living/silicon/get_visible_flavor(mob/examiner) - if(examiner == src) - return linked_flavor - - var/datum/flavor_text/found_flavor = linked_flavor - if(found_flavor?.linked_species != "silicon" || HAS_TRAIT(src, TRAIT_UNKNOWN)) - return null - - return found_flavor - -/mob/proc/check_med_hud_and_access() - return FALSE - -/mob/living/silicon/check_med_hud_and_access() - return TRUE - -/mob/living/carbon/human/check_med_hud_and_access() - var/list/access = wear_id?.GetAccess() - return HAS_TRAIT(src, TRAIT_MEDICAL_HUD) && (ACCESS_MEDICAL in access) - -/mob/proc/check_sec_hud_and_access() - return FALSE - -/mob/living/silicon/check_sec_hud_and_access() - return TRUE - -/mob/living/carbon/human/check_sec_hud_and_access() - var/list/access = wear_id?.GetAccess() - return HAS_TRAIT(src, TRAIT_SECURITY_HUD) && (ACCESS_SECURITY in access) diff --git a/monkestation/code/modules/flavor_text/flavor_hrefs.dm b/monkestation/code/modules/flavor_text/flavor_hrefs.dm deleted file mode 100644 index ed5987bd603f..000000000000 --- a/monkestation/code/modules/flavor_text/flavor_hrefs.dm +++ /dev/null @@ -1,16 +0,0 @@ -// -- Extra human level procc etensions. -- -/mob/living/carbon/human/Topic(href, href_list) - . = ..() - if(href_list["flavor_text"]) - if(linked_flavor) - var/datum/browser/popup = new(usr, "[name]'s flavor text", "[name]'s Flavor Text (expanded)", 500, 200) - popup.set_content(text("