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35 lines (28 loc) · 1.54 KB

File metadata and controls

35 lines (28 loc) · 1.54 KB


The official issue tracker for the slurm-gcp repo is at


We welcome code contributions and patches, but we do not accept Pull Requests through Github at this time. Please submit patches as attachments to new bugs under the "C - Contributions" severity level.

Please break patches up into logically separate chunks, while ensuring that each patch can still run without errors. (Anticipate that a developer using git bisect may pick any intermediate commit at some point.)

If you decided to reformat a file, please submit non-functional changes (spelling corrections, formatting discrepancies) in a separate patch. This makes reviewing substantially easier, and allows us to focus our attention on the functional differences.

If you make an automated change (changing a function name, fixing a pervasive spelling mistake), please send the command/regex used to generate the changes along with the patch, or note it in the commit message.

While not required, we encourage use of git format-patch to geneate the patch. This ensures the relevant author line and commit message stay attached. Plain diff'd output is also okay. In either case, please attach them to the bug for us to review. Spelling corrections or documentation improvements can be suggested without attaching the patch as long as you describe their location.


This repo attempts to follow the PEP 8 style guide for Python (