All the necessary software is installed and ready on the CANFAR server at You need to have an account on GitHub and be part of the GitHub signals-sitelle organisation, check this with Laurie. Each participant will have acces to the cloudy program and the needed python libraries from Linux shell and Python 3 notebooks.
Anyway, if you want to follow the lecture using your own computer, you will need the following:
- Install CLOUDY. We will use the last version c17.02, available from here:
- Add the current directory to the search path for Cloudy executable. In your ~/.bashrc or equivalent, add:
export CLOUDY_DATA_PATH="./:+"
- Python libraries: You will need to have the numpy, pandas, scipy, matplotlib, h5py, astropy, atpy, and pymysql libraries installed. Most of them are pre-installed for any decent python distribution, but check it before starting the lecture. You will also need PyNeb and pyCloudy. They can be installed from pip:
pip install pyneb
pip install pyCloudy
- The notebooks of the lectures. They will be available from the following repository: See below on how to download them.
- open a terminal, download the lecture by
git clone
- As I will certainly update the notebooks during the lecture (correcting mistake, making disgretions), the best is to COPY the notebooks I'm working with into another place to avoid my updates to delete any of your experiments:
cd ; mkdir my_Notebooks ; cp -r SIGNALS_lectures/Notebooks/* my_Notebooks
- ALWAYS open the Notebooks to play with from this Notebooks directory, NOT from the SIGNALS_lectures/Notebooks/. Otherwise it may be complicated to update the Notebooks from my github repository, as you will have changes on your own version. If this is the case, you can always remove your local changes by doing
cd SIGNALS_lectures; git checkout -- .
- From time to time, I will ask you to update the Notebooks by:
cd SIGNALS_lectures; git pull
. This will not change your own Notebooks, so you can still have your own version of them.