a simple prompt for ant design
- Prompt
- FromModal
- react >= 16.8
- antd >= 4.0
npm install @five-show/antd-prompt
yarn add @five-show/antd-prompt
import { Prompt } from "@five-show/antd-prompt";
<Prompt visible={visible} onOk={handleOk} onCancel={handleCancel} {...promptProps} />
const value = await Prompt.prompt({
await handleOk(value);
await Prompt.prompt({
onOk: handleOk,
git clone https://github.com/MorningK/antd-prompt.git
cd antd-prompt
npm install
cd example
npm install
npm run start
prop | description | type | default |
visible | Whether the modal dialog is visible or not | boolean | |
title | The modal dialog's title | ReactNode | |
cancelText | Text of the Cancel button | ReactNode | |
onCancel | Specify a function that will be called when a user clicks mask, close button on top right or Cancel button | () => void | Promise | |
okText | Text of the OK button | ReactNode | |
okButtonProps | The ok button props | ButtonProps | |
onOk | Specify a function that will be called when a user clicks the OK button | (value: T) => void | Promise | |
addonBefore | The ReactNode add before Form | ReactNode | |
addonAfter | The ReactNode add after Form | ReactNode | |
modalProps | The modal props | ModalProps | |
formProps | The form props | FromProps | |
name | The name of Form.Item | NamePath | input |
label | The label text of Form.Item | ReactNode | |
required | The initialValue of Form.Item | boolean | true |
initialValue | The initialValue of Form.Item | T | |
formItemProps | The props of Form.Item | FormItemProps | |
children | The children of Form.Item | ReactNode | <Input autoComplete="false" autoFocus allowClear /> |
export type FormModalProps<T = any> = {
visible?: boolean;
title?: React.ReactNode;
cancelText?: React.ReactNode;
onCancel?: () => void | Promise<any>;
okText?: React.ReactNode;
okButtonProps?: ButtonProps;
onOk?: (values: T) => void | Promise<any>;
addonBefore?: React.ReactNode;
addonAfter?: React.ReactNode;
children?: React.ReactNode;
modalProps?: ModalProps;
formProps?: FormProps;
export type PromptProp<T = any> = Omit<FormModalProps, 'onOk' | 'children'> & {
onOk?: (value: T) => Promise<any>;
name?: string;
label?: string;
required?: boolean;
initialValue?: T;
formItemProps?: FormItemProps;
children?: React.ReactNode;