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188 lines (149 loc) · 9.09 KB

File metadata and controls

188 lines (149 loc) · 9.09 KB

20 February 2022 Peter L. Morrell Falcon Heights, MN

Partitioning of SNPs into those found in core and noncore genes

Files needed include the following

  • Core genes list - /panfs/roc/groups/9/morrellp/shared/Datasets/Cowpea_Pan/VunguiculataIT97K-499-35_v1.2/ITKcore.txt
  • Noncore genes list - /panfs/roc/groups/9/morrellp/shared/Datasets/Cowpea_Pan/VunguiculataIT97K-499-35_v1.2/ITKnoncore.txt
  • Core genes BED file - /panfs/roc/groups/9/morrellp/shared/Datasets/Cowpea_Pan/VunguiculataIT97K-499-35_v1.2/core_sort.bed
  • Noncore genes BED file - /panfs/roc/groups/9/morrellp/shared/Datasets/Cowpea_Pan/noncore_sort.bed
  • GFF3 for genes - /panfs/roc/groups/9/morrellp/shared/Datasets/Cowpea_Pan/VunguiculataIT97K-499-35_v1.2/annotation/Vunguiculata_IT97K-499-35_v1.2.gene.gff3.gz
  • GFF3 for VeP analysis - /panfs/roc/groups/9/morrellp/shared/Datasets/Cowpea_Pan/VunguiculataIT97K-499-35_v1.2/annotation/Vunguiculata_IT97K-499-35_v1.2.gene_exons.sort.gff3.gz
  • VCF - SNPs /panfs/roc/groups/9/morrellp/shared/Datasets/Cowpea_Pan/VunguiculataIT97K-499-35_v1.2/SNPs/IT97K_combined_genotype_snps_filtered.g.vcf.gz
  • VCF - indels /panfs/roc/groups/9/morrellp/shared/Datasets/Cowpea_Pan/VunguiculataIT97K-499-35_v1.2/SNPs/IT97K_combined_genotype_indels_filtered.g.vcf.gz
  • FASTA - reference genome - /panfs/roc/groups/9/morrellp/shared/Datasets/Cowpea_Pan/VunguiculataIT97K-499-35_v1.2/assembly/Vunguiculata_IT97K-499-35_v1.0.fa.gz
  • VeP example script - /panfs/roc/groups/9/morrellp/shared/Datasets/Cowpea_Pan/

Tools for cutting up GFF3 files are limited, but package below is useful


gffutils is an easy install

pip3 install gffutils

Testing gffutils on the command line

  • Starting with a raw (unsorted) GFF3 from JGI, decompressed
  • Going to read our list of core and noncore genes from a cut-down spreadsheet
  • Each gene needs to be listed on a single line in the form 'Vigun11g226200.v1.2'
  • We'll make these files available in the DRUM archive for the manuscript

Code block will read in a GFF3 and a list of genes

  • Output will be a BED file of positions where each gene occurs
  • This file can be used to cut down a VCF file to include SNPs in core or noncore genes
import gffutils
fn = gffutils.example_filename('/Users/pmorrell/Downloads/Vunguiculata_IT97K-499-35_v1.2.gene.gff3')
[// don't print] print(open(fn).read())
gene = db['Vigun11g226200.v1.2']
[// needed to add the '.v1.2' to the each of the gene names to make the code below work!]
genes = open('/Users/pmorrell/Downloads/ITKnoncore.txt','r').read().splitlines()
[//] genes = open('/Users/pmorrell/Downloads/ITKcore.txt','r').read().splitlines()
for i in genes:
    locus = db[i]
    print(locus.chrom,locus.start, locus.end,, sep='\t')

The BED file created is not sorted. Can accomplish that with the code below.

sort -k 1,1 -k2,2n noncore.txt >noncore_sort.bed
sort -k 1,1 -k2,2n IT97K_only_noncore.bed >IT97K_only_noncore_sort.bed
module load bcftools/1.9

Can identify the overlap in a VCF and BED file (and cut down the VCF file) using either bedtools or bcftools

  • bedtools would look like this, but I'm not clear on how the information in the header is handled (seems like the header is just appended)
bedtools intersect -header -a IT97K_combined_genotype_snps_filtered.g.vcf.gz -b ~/Workshop/Cowpea/noncore_sort.bed >~/Workshop/Cowpea/noncore_IT97K_combined_geno

Running bcftools requires more setup, but bcftools view will do the work

  • Need to perform a series of actions to setup cowpea
  • The genome, VCF, and GFF need to compress with bgzip
  • Need to unzip, bgzip, and typically reindex each file
  • GFF3 needs a tabix index, VCF will need a bcftools index version of indexing
  • Used rough Python code to create noncore_sort.bed
cd ~/shared/Datasets/Cowpea_Pan/VunguiculataIT97K-499-35_v1.2/SNPs/
[//  copy the VCF to scratch and bgzip]
cp -aR IT97K_combined_genotype_snps_filtered.g.vcf.gz /
gunzip /
[//  need htslib to get bgzip and tabix]
module load htslib
bgzip -@ 3 /

cd ~/shared/Datasets/Cowpea_Pan/assembly/
cp -aR Vunguiculata_IT97K-499-35_v1.0.fa.gz /
cd /

[// copy the GFF to scratch, unzip and then index]
cp -aR /panfs/roc/groups/9/morrellp/shared/Datasets/Cowpea_Pan/VunguiculataIT97K-499-35_v1.2/annotation/Vunguiculata_IT97K-499-35_v1.2.gene_exons.gff3.gz /
cd /
gunzip Vunguiculata_IT97K-499-35_v1.2.gene_exons.gff3.gz
[// sorting the GFF before we compress]
grep -v "#" Vunguiculata_IT97K-499-35_v1.2.gene_exons.gff3 | sort -k1,1 -k4,4n -k5,5n -t$'\t' | bgzip -c >Vunguiculata_IT97K-499-35_v1.2.gene_exons.sort.gff3.gz
tabix -p gff Vunguiculata_IT97K-499-35_v1.2.gene_exons.sort.gff3.gz

[// need to
cd ~/Workshop/Cowpea
gunzip noncore_IT97K_combined_genotype_snps_filtered.g.vcf.gz

module load bcftools/1.9

[// bgzip genome]
gunzip Vunguiculata_IT97K-499-35_v1.0.fa.gz
bgzip Vunguiculata_IT97K-499-35_v1.0.fa

Copying files back to the original directories after bgzip and indexing

cd /
cp -aR IT97K_combined_genotype_snps_filtered.g.vcf.gz ~/shared/Datasets/Cowpea_Pan/VunguiculataIT97K-499-35_v1.2/SNPs/
cp -aR IT97K_combined_genotype_snps_filtered.g.vcf.gz.csi ~/shared/Datasets/Cowpea_Pan/VunguiculataIT97K-499-35_v1.2/SNPs/
cp -aR Vunguiculata_IT97K-499-35_v1.2.gene_exons.sort.gff3.gz ~/shared/Datasets/Cowpea_Pan/VunguiculataIT97K-499-35_v1.2/annotation/
cp -aR Vunguiculata_IT97K-499-35_v1.2.gene_exons.sort.gff3.gz.tbi ~/shared/Datasets/Cowpea_Pan/VunguiculataIT97K-499-35_v1.2/annotation/
cp -aR Vunguiculata_IT97K-499-35_v1.0.fa.gz ~/shared/Datasets/Cowpea_Pan/VunguiculataIT97K-499-35_v1.2/assembly/
cp -aR Vunguiculata_IT97K-499-35_v1.0.fa.gz.fai ~/shared/Datasets/Cowpea_Pan/VunguiculataIT97K-499-35_v1.2/assembly/

Cutting down VCF file to contain only core or noncore gene-related variants

module load bcftools/1.10.2
bcftools view \
/panfs/roc/groups/9/morrellp/shared/Datasets/Cowpea_Pan/VunguiculataIT97K-499-35_v1.2/SNPs/IT97K_combined_genotype_snps_filtered.g.vcf.gz \
--regions-file \
/panfs/roc/groups/9/morrellp/shared/Datasets/Cowpea_Pan/core_sort.bed \
--output-type z \
--output-file core_IT97K_combined_genotype_snps_filtered.g.vcf.gz
module load bcftools/1.10.2
bcftools view \
/panfs/roc/groups/9/morrellp/shared/Datasets/Cowpea_Pan/VunguiculataIT97K-499-35_v1.2/SNPs/IT97K_combined_genotype_snps_filtered.g.vcf.gz \
--regions-file \
/panfs/roc/groups/9/morrellp/shared/Datasets/Cowpea_Pan/IT97K_only_noncore_sort.bed \
--output-type z \
--output-file /panfs/roc/groups/9/morrellp/shared/Datasets/Cowpea_Pan/noncore_only_IT97K_combined_genotype_snps_filtered.g.vcf.gz

Using the summary of output of VeP from Elaine's runs to plot variants by class

import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame({'Variant Set': ['Core - SNPs', 'Noncore - SNPs', 'Core - Indels', 'Noncore - Indels'], 'Synonymous': [89298, 100112, 0, 0], 'Inframe Indel': [0, 0, 3960, 6447], 'Missense': [81135, 170812, 0, 0], 'Stop Gain': [889, 3662, 196, 687], 'Start or Stop Change': [356, 836, 252, 297], 'Frameshift': [0, 0, 3672, 16908]})

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
sns.set(rc = {'figure.figsize':(15,8)})

df.set_index('Variant Set').plot(kind='bar', stacked=True, color=['steelblue', 'dodgerblue', 'salmon', 'darkred', 'red', 'firebrick'])
  • 5 March 2022, continuing analysis on additional set of genes

  • There are more stop gains and missense variants in noncore genes. This could
    result from reduced purifying selection, but it could also be due to poorer
    annotation or the inclusion of pseudogenes in the noncore annotations.
    To reduce the difference in quality of annotation, Tim and Maria suggested
    looking at variants that are core and noncore in IT97K. Created a file with
    "noncore" genes that are present in IT97K. Using the spreadsheet

[//]:  remove all the blank lines in list pasted from the spreadsheet
[//]: also needed to add `.v1.2` to the end of gene names
sed '/^[[:space:]]*$/d' IT97K_noncore.txt >IT97K_only_noncore.txt

5 March 2022, running on IT97K only noncore genes

module load bcftools/1.10.2
[//]: creating the VCF for IT97K only noncore; need file for SNPs and indels
bcftools view \
/panfs/roc/groups/9/morrellp/shared/Datasets/Cowpea_Pan/VunguiculataIT97K-499-35_v1.2/SNPs/IT97K_combined_genotype_indels_filtered.g.vcf.gz \
--regions-file \
/panfs/roc/groups/9/morrellp/shared/Datasets/Cowpea_Pan/IT97K_only_noncore_sort.bed \
--output-type z \
--output-file /panfs/roc/groups/9/morrellp/shared/Datasets/Cowpea_Pan/noncore_only_IT97K_combined_genotype_snps_filtered.g.vcf.gz