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901 lines (760 loc) · 32.3 KB

📖 0x05. NodeJS Basics.

📃 Topics Covered.

This project involves learning NodeJS basics concept covered;

  1. Using NodeJS modules
  2. Reading files
  3. Creating HTTP servers
  4. Using Express JS
  5. Testing with Mocha.
  6. Using Nodemon.

💻 Tasks.

📃 Task requirements.

In the file 0-console.js, create a function named displayMessage that prints in STDOUT the string argument.

    bob@dylan:~$ cat 0-main.js
    const displayMessage = require('./0-console');
    displayMessage("Hello NodeJS!");
    bob@dylan:~$ node 0-main.js
    Hello NodeJS!


  • GitHub repository: alx-backend-javascript
  • Directory: 0x05-Node_JS_basic
  • File: 0-console.js

🔧 Task setup.

# Create solution file.
touch 0-console.js
chmod +x 0-console.js

# Lint.
npm run lint 0-console.js --fix

# Test.
touch tests/0-main.js
chmod +x tests/0-main.js
node tests/0-main.js

✔️ Solution

👉 0-console.js

📃 Task requirements.

Create a program named 1-stdin.js that will be executed through command line:

  • It should display the message Welcome to Holberton School, what is your name? (followed by a new line)
  • The user should be able to input their name on a new line
  • The program should display Your name is: INPUT
  • When the user ends the program, it should display This important software is now closing (followed by a new line)


  • Your code will be tested through a child process, make sure you have everything you need for that
    bob@dylan:~$ node 1-stdin.js 
    Welcome to Holberton School, what is your name?
    Your name is: Bob
    bob@dylan:~$ echo "John" | node 1-stdin.js 
    Welcome to Holberton School, what is your name?
    Your name is: John
    This important software is now closing


  • GitHub repository: alx-backend-javascript
  • Directory: 0x05-Node_JS_basic
  • File: 1-stdin.js

🔧 Task setup.

# Create solution file.
touch 1-stdin.js
chmod +x 1-stdin.js

# Lint.
npm run lint 1-stdin.js --fix

# Test.
node 1-stdin.js
echo "John" | node 1-stdin.js 

✔️ Solution

👉 1-stdin.js

📃 Task requirements.

Using the database database.csv (provided in project description), create a function countStudents in the file 2-read_file.js

  • Create a function named countStudents. It should accept a path in argument
  • The script should attempt to read the database file synchronously
  • If the database is not available, it should throw an error with the text Cannot load the database
  • If the database is available, it should log the following message to the console Number of students: NUMBER_OF_STUDENTS
  • It should log the number of students in each field, and the list with the following format: Number of students in FIELD: 6. List: LIST_OF_FIRSTNAMES
  • CSV file can contain empty lines (at the end) - and they are not a valid student!
    bob@dylan:~$ cat 2-main_0.js
    const countStudents = require('./2-read_file');
    bob@dylan:~$ node 2-main_0.js
        throw new Error('Cannot load the database');
    Error: Cannot load the database
    bob@dylan:~$ cat 2-main_1.js
    const countStudents = require('./2-read_file');
    bob@dylan:~$ node 2-main_1.js
    Number of students: 10
    Number of students in CS: 6. List: Johann, Arielle, Jonathan, Emmanuel, Guillaume, Katie
    Number of students in SWE: 4. List: Guillaume, Joseph, Paul, Tommy


  • GitHub repository: alx-backend-javascript
  • Directory: 0x05-Node_JS_basic
  • File: 2-read_file.js

🔧 Task setup.

# Create solution file.
touch 0-console.js
chmod +x 0-console.js

# Lint.
npm run lint 0-console.js --fix

# Test.
touch tests/2-main_0.js tests/2-main_1.js
chmod +x tests/2-main_0.js tests/2-main_1.js
node tests/2-main_0.js
node tests/2-main_1.js

✔️ Solution

👉 2-read_file.js

📃 Task requirements.

Score: 0.0% (Checks completed: 0.0%)

Update SessionAuth class:

Create an instance method def user_id_for_session_id(self, session_id: str = None) -> str: that returns a User ID based on a Session ID:

  • Return None if session_id is None
  • Return None if session_id is not a string
  • Return the value (the User ID) for the key session_id in the dictionary user_id_by_session_id.
  • You must use .get() built-in for accessing in a dictionary a value based on key

Now you have 2 methods (create_session and user_id_for_session_id) for storing and retrieving a link between a User ID and a Session ID.

    bob@dylan:~$ cat 
    #!/usr/bin/env python3
    """ Main 2
    from api.v1.auth.session_auth import SessionAuth
    sa = SessionAuth()
    user_id_1 = "abcde"
    session_1 = sa.create_session(user_id_1)
    print("{} => {}: {}".format(user_id_1, session_1, sa.user_id_by_session_id))
    user_id_2 = "fghij"
    session_2 = sa.create_session(user_id_2)
    print("{} => {}: {}".format(user_id_2, session_2, sa.user_id_by_session_id))
    tmp_session_id = None
    tmp_user_id = sa.user_id_for_session_id(tmp_session_id)
    print("{} => {}".format(tmp_session_id, tmp_user_id))
    tmp_session_id = 89
    tmp_user_id = sa.user_id_for_session_id(tmp_session_id)
    print("{} => {}".format(tmp_session_id, tmp_user_id))
    tmp_session_id = "doesntexist"
    tmp_user_id = sa.user_id_for_session_id(tmp_session_id)
    print("{} => {}".format(tmp_session_id, tmp_user_id))
    tmp_session_id = session_1
    tmp_user_id = sa.user_id_for_session_id(tmp_session_id)
    print("{} => {}".format(tmp_session_id, tmp_user_id))
    tmp_session_id = session_2
    tmp_user_id = sa.user_id_for_session_id(tmp_session_id)
    print("{} => {}".format(tmp_session_id, tmp_user_id))
    session_1_bis = sa.create_session(user_id_1)
    print("{} => {}: {}".format(user_id_1, session_1_bis, sa.user_id_by_session_id))
    tmp_user_id = sa.user_id_for_session_id(session_1_bis)
    print("{} => {}".format(session_1_bis, tmp_user_id))
    tmp_user_id = sa.user_id_for_session_id(session_1)
    print("{} => {}".format(session_1, tmp_user_id))
    bob@dylan:~$ API_HOST= API_PORT=5000 AUTH_TYPE=session_auth ./ 
    abcde => 8647f981-f503-4638-af23-7bb4a9e4b53f: {'8647f981-f503-4638-af23-7bb4a9e4b53f': 'abcde'}
    fghij => a159ee3f-214e-4e91-9546-ca3ce873e975: {'a159ee3f-214e-4e91-9546-ca3ce873e975': 'fghij', '8647f981-f503-4638-af23-7bb4a9e4b53f': 'abcde'}
    None => None
    89 => None
    doesntexist => None
    8647f981-f503-4638-af23-7bb4a9e4b53f => abcde
    a159ee3f-214e-4e91-9546-ca3ce873e975 => fghij
    abcde => 5d2930ba-f6d6-4a23-83d2-4f0abc8b8eee: {'a159ee3f-214e-4e91-9546-ca3ce873e975': 'fghij', '8647f981-f503-4638-af23-7bb4a9e4b53f': 'abcde', '5d2930ba-f6d6-4a23-83d2-4f0abc8b8eee': 'abcde'}
    5d2930ba-f6d6-4a23-83d2-4f0abc8b8eee => abcde
    8647f981-f503-4638-af23-7bb4a9e4b53f => abcde

🔧 Task setup.

✔️ Solution

[:point_right: api/v1/auth/](api/v1/auth/

📃 Task requirements.

Score: 0.0% (Checks completed: 0.0%)

Update api/v1/auth/ by adding the method def session_cookie(self, request=None): that returns a cookie value from a request:

  • Return None if request is None
  • Return the value of the cookie named _my_session_id from request - the name of the cookie must be defined by the environment variable SESSION_NAME
  • You must use .get() built-in for accessing the cookie in the request cookies dictionary
  • You must use the environment variable SESSION_NAME to define the name of the cookie used for the Session ID

In the first terminal:

    bob@dylan:~$ cat
    #!/usr/bin/env python3
    """ Cookie server
    from flask import Flask, request
    from api.v1.auth.auth import Auth
    auth = Auth()
    app = Flask(__name__)
    @app.route('/', methods=['GET'], strict_slashes=False)
    def root_path():
        """ Root path
        return "Cookie value: {}\n".format(auth.session_cookie(request))
    if __name__ == "__main__":"", port="5000")
    bob@dylan:~$ API_HOST= API_PORT=5000 AUTH_TYPE=session_auth SESSION_NAME=_my_session_id ./ 
     * Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)

In a second terminal:

    bob@dylan:~$ curl ""
    Cookie value: None
    bob@dylan:~$ curl "" --cookie "_my_session_id=Hello"
    Cookie value: Hello
    bob@dylan:~$ curl "" --cookie "_my_session_id=C is fun"
    Cookie value: C is fun
    bob@dylan:~$ curl "" --cookie "_my_session_id_fake"
    Cookie value: None

🔧 Task setup.

✔️ Solution

👉 api/v1/auth/

📃 Task requirements.

Score: 0.0% (Checks completed: 0.0%)

Update the @app.before_request method in api/v1/

  • Add the URL path /api/v1/auth_session/login/ in the list of excluded paths of the method require_auth - this route doesn’t exist yet but it should be accessible outside authentication
  • If auth.authorization_header(request) and auth.session_cookie(request) return None, abort(401)

In the first terminal:

    bob@dylan:~$ API_HOST= API_PORT=5000 AUTH_TYPE=session_auth SESSION_NAME=_my_session_id python3 -m
     * Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)

In a second terminal:

    bob@dylan:~$ curl ""
      "status": "OK"
    bob@dylan:~$ curl "" # not found but not "blocked" by an authentication system
      "error": "Not found"
    bob@dylan:~$ curl ""
      "error": "Unauthorized"
    bob@dylan:~$ curl "" -H "Authorization: Basic Ym9iQGhidG4uaW86SDBsYmVydG9uU2Nob29sOTgh" # Won't work because the environment variable AUTH_TYPE is equal to "session_auth"
      "error": "Forbidden"
    bob@dylan:~$ curl "" --cookie "_my_session_id=5535d4d7-3d77-4d06-8281-495dc3acfe76" # Won't work because no user is linked to this Session ID
      "error": "Forbidden"

🔧 Task setup.

✔️ Solution

👉 api/v1/

📃 Task requirements.

Score: 0.0% (Checks completed: 0.0%)

Update SessionAuth class:

Create an instance method def current_user(self, request=None): (overload) that returns a User instance based on a cookie value:

  • You must use self.session_cookie(...) and self.user_id_for_session_id(...) to return the User ID based on the cookie _my_session_id
  • By using this User ID, you will be able to retrieve a User instance from the database - you can use User.get(...) for retrieving a User from the database.

Now, you will be able to get a User based on his session ID.

In the first terminal:

    bob@dylan:~$ cat
    #!/usr/bin/env python3
    """ Main 4
    from flask import Flask, request
    from api.v1.auth.session_auth import SessionAuth
    from models.user import User
    """ Create a user test """
    user_email = "[email protected]"
    user_clear_pwd = "fake pwd"
    user = User() = user_email
    user.password = user_clear_pwd
    """ Create a session ID """
    sa = SessionAuth()
    session_id = sa.create_session(
    print("User with ID: {} has a Session ID: {}".format(, session_id))
    """ Create a Flask app """
    app = Flask(__name__)
    @app.route('/', methods=['GET'], strict_slashes=False)
    def root_path():
        """ Root path
        request_user = sa.current_user(request)
        if request_user is None:
            return "No user found\n"
        return "User found: {}\n".format(
    if __name__ == "__main__":"", port="5000")
    bob@dylan:~$ API_HOST= API_PORT=5000 AUTH_TYPE=session_auth SESSION_NAME=_my_session_id ./
    User with ID: cf3ddee1-ff24-49e4-a40b-2540333fe992 has a Session ID: 9d1648aa-da79-4692-8236-5f9d7f9e9485
     * Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)

In a second terminal:

    bob@dylan:~$ curl ""
    No user found
    bob@dylan:~$ curl "" --cookie "_my_session_id=Holberton"
    No user found
    bob@dylan:~$ curl "" --cookie "_my_session_id=9d1648aa-da79-4692-8236-5f9d7f9e9485"
    User found: cf3ddee1-ff24-49e4-a40b-2540333fe992

🔧 Task setup.

✔️ Solution

👉 api/v1/auth/

📃 Task requirements.

Score: 0.0% (Checks completed: 0.0%)

Create a new Flask view that handles all routes for the Session authentication.

In the file api/v1/views/, create a route POST /auth_session/login (= POST /api/v1/auth_session/login):

  • Slash tolerant (/auth_session/login == /auth_session/login/)
  • You must use request.form.get() to retrieve email and password parameters
  • If email is missing or empty, return the JSON { "error": "email missing" } with the status code 400
  • If password is missing or empty, return the JSON { "error": "password missing" } with the status code 400
  • Retrieve the User instance based on the email - you must use the class method search of User (same as the one used for the BasicAuth)
    • If no User found, return the JSON { "error": "no user found for this email" } with the status code 404
    • If the password is not the one of the User found, return the JSON { "error": "wrong password" } with the status code 401 - you must use is_valid_password from the User instance
    • Otherwise, create a Session ID for the User ID:
      • You must use from import auth - WARNING: please import it only where you need it - not on top of the file (can generate circular import - and break first tasks of this project)
      • You must use auth.create_session(..) for creating a Session ID
      • Return the dictionary representation of the User - you must use to_json() method from User
      • You must set the cookie to the response - you must use the value of the environment variable SESSION_NAME as cookie name - tip

In the file api/v1/views/, you must add this new view at the end of the file.

In the first terminal:

    bob@dylan:~$ API_HOST= API_PORT=5000 AUTH_TYPE=session_auth SESSION_NAME=_my_session_id python3 -m
     * Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)

In a second terminal:

    bob@dylan:~$ curl "" -XGET
    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2 Final//EN">
    <title>405 Method Not Allowed</title>
    <h1>Method Not Allowed</h1>
    <p>The method is not allowed for the requested URL.</p>
    bob@dylan:~$  curl "" -XPOST
      "error": "email missing"
    bob@dylan:~$ curl "" -XPOST -d "[email protected]"
      "error": "password missing"
    bob@dylan:~$ curl "" -XPOST -d "[email protected]" -d "password=test"
      "error": "no user found for this email"
    bob@dylan:~$ curl "" -XPOST -d "[email protected]" -d "password=test"
      "error": "wrong password"
    bob@dylan:~$ curl "" -XPOST -d "[email protected]" -d "password=fake pwd"
      "created_at": "2017-10-16 04:23:04", 
      "email": "[email protected]", 
      "first_name": null, 
      "id": "cf3ddee1-ff24-49e4-a40b-2540333fe992", 
      "last_name": null, 
      "updated_at": "2017-10-16 04:23:04"
    bob@dylan:~$ curl "" -XPOST -d "[email protected]" -d "password=fake pwd" -vvv
    Note: Unnecessary use of -X or --request, POST is already inferred.
    *   Trying
    * TCP_NODELAY set
    * Connected to ( port 5000 (#0)
    > POST /api/v1/auth_session/login HTTP/1.1
    > Host:
    > User-Agent: curl/7.54.0
    > Accept: */*
    > Content-Length: 42
    > Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
    * upload completely sent off: 42 out of 42 bytes
    * HTTP 1.0, assume close after body
    < HTTP/1.0 200 OK
    < Content-Type: application/json
    < Set-Cookie: _my_session_id=df05b4e1-d117-444c-a0cc-ba0d167889c4; Path=/
    < Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
    < Content-Length: 210
    < Server: Werkzeug/0.12.1 Python/3.4.3
    < Date: Mon, 16 Oct 2017 04:57:08 GMT
      "created_at": "2017-10-16 04:23:04", 
      "email": "[email protected]", 
      "first_name": null, 
      "id": "cf3ddee1-ff24-49e4-a40b-2540333fe992", 
      "last_name": null, 
      "updated_at": "2017-10-16 04:23:04"
    * Closing connection 0
    bob@dylan:~$ curl "" --cookie "_my_session_id=df05b4e1-d117-444c-a0cc-ba0d167889c4"
      "created_at": "2017-10-16 04:23:04", 
      "email": "[email protected]", 
      "first_name": null, 
      "id": "cf3ddee1-ff24-49e4-a40b-2540333fe992", 
      "last_name": null, 
      "updated_at": "2017-10-16 04:23:04"

Now you have an authentication based on a Session ID stored in cookie, perfect for a website (browsers love cookies).

🔧 Task setup.

✔️ Solution

👉 api/v1/views/, 👉 api/v1/views/

📃 Task requirements.

Score: 0.0% (Checks completed: 0.0%)

Update the class SessionAuth by adding a new method def destroy_session(self, request=None): that deletes the user session / logout:

  • If the request is equal to None, return False
  • If the request doesn’t contain the Session ID cookie, return False - you must use self.session_cookie(request)
  • If the Session ID of the request is not linked to any User ID, return False - you must use self.user_id_for_session_id(...)
  • Otherwise, delete in self.user_id_by_session_id the Session ID (as key of this dictionary) and return True

Update the file api/v1/views/, by adding a new route DELETE /api/v1/auth_session/logout:

  • Slash tolerant
  • You must use from import auth
  • You must use auth.destroy_session(request) for deleting the Session ID contains in the request as cookie:
    • If destroy_session returns False, abort(404)
    • Otherwise, return an empty JSON dictionary with the status code 200

In the first terminal:

    bob@dylan:~$ API_HOST= API_PORT=5000 AUTH_TYPE=session_auth SESSION_NAME=_my_session_id python3 -m
     * Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)

In a second terminal:

    bob@dylan:~$ curl "" -XPOST -d "[email protected]" -d "password=fake pwd" -vvv
    Note: Unnecessary use of -X or --request, POST is already inferred.
    *   Trying
    * TCP_NODELAY set
    * Connected to ( port 5000 (#0)
    > POST /api/v1/auth_session/login HTTP/1.1
    > Host:
    > User-Agent: curl/7.54.0
    > Accept: */*
    > Content-Length: 42
    > Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
    * upload completely sent off: 42 out of 42 bytes
    * HTTP 1.0, assume close after body
    < HTTP/1.0 200 OK
    < Content-Type: application/json
    < Set-Cookie: _my_session_id=e173cb79-d3fc-4e3a-9e6f-bcd345b24721; Path=/
    < Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
    < Content-Length: 210
    < Server: Werkzeug/0.12.1 Python/3.4.3
    < Date: Mon, 16 Oct 2017 04:57:08 GMT
      "created_at": "2017-10-16 04:23:04", 
      "email": "[email protected]", 
      "first_name": null, 
      "id": "cf3ddee1-ff24-49e4-a40b-2540333fe992", 
      "last_name": null, 
      "updated_at": "2017-10-16 04:23:04"
    * Closing connection 0
    bob@dylan:~$ curl "" --cookie "_my_session_id=e173cb79-d3fc-4e3a-9e6f-bcd345b24721"
      "created_at": "2017-10-16 04:23:04", 
      "email": "[email protected]", 
      "first_name": null, 
      "id": "cf3ddee1-ff24-49e4-a40b-2540333fe992", 
      "last_name": null, 
      "updated_at": "2017-10-16 04:23:04"
    bob@dylan:~$ curl "" --cookie "_my_session_id=e173cb79-d3fc-4e3a-9e6f-bcd345b24721"
    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2 Final//EN">
    <title>405 Method Not Allowed</title>
    <h1>Method Not Allowed</h1>
    <p>The method is not allowed for the requested URL.</p>
    bob@dylan:~$ curl "" --cookie "_my_session_id=e173cb79-d3fc-4e3a-9e6f-bcd345b24721" -XDELETE
    bob@dylan:~$ curl "" --cookie "_my_session_id=e173cb79-d3fc-4e3a-9e6f-bcd345b24721"
      "error": "Forbidden"

Login, logout… what’s else?

Now, after getting a Session ID, you can request all protected API routes by using this Session ID, no need anymore to send User email and password every time.

🔧 Task setup.

✔️ Solution

👉 api/v1/, 👉 api/v1/auth/

📃 Task requirements.

Score: 0.0% (Checks completed: 0.0%)

Actually you have 2 authentication systems:

  • Basic authentication
  • Session authentication

Now you will add an expiration date to a Session ID.

Create a class SessionExpAuth that inherits from SessionAuth in the file api/v1/auth/

  • Overload def __init__(self): method:
    • Assign an instance attribute session_duration:
      • To the environment variable SESSION_DURATION casts to an integer
      • If this environment variable doesn’t exist or can’t be parse to an integer, assign to 0
  • Overload def create_session(self, user_id=None):
    • Create a Session ID by calling super() - super() will call the create_session() method of SessionAuth
    • Return None if super() can’t create a Session ID
    • Use this Session ID as key of the dictionary user_id_by_session_id - the value for this key must be a dictionary (called “session dictionary”):
      • The key user_id must be set to the variable user_id
      • The key created_at must be set to the current datetime - you must use
    • Return the Session ID created
  • Overload def user_id_for_session_id(self, session_id=None):
    • Return None if session_id is None
    • Return None if user_id_by_session_id doesn’t contain any key equals to session_id
    • Return the user_id key from the session dictionary if self.session_duration is equal or under 0
    • Return None if session dictionary doesn’t contain a key created_at
    • Return None if the created_at + session_duration seconds are before the current datetime. datetime - timedelta
    • Otherwise, return user_id from the session dictionary

Update api/v1/ to instantiate auth with SessionExpAuth if the environment variable AUTH_TYPE is equal to session_exp_auth.

In the first terminal:

    bob@dylan:~$ API_HOST= API_PORT=5000 AUTH_TYPE=session_exp_auth SESSION_NAME=_my_session_id SESSION_DURATION=60 python3 -m
     * Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)

In a second terminal:

    bob@dylan:~$ curl "" -XPOST -d "[email protected]" -d "password=fake pwd" -vvv
    Note: Unnecessary use of -X or --request, POST is already inferred.
    *   Trying
    * TCP_NODELAY set
    * Connected to ( port 5000 (#0)
    > POST /api/v1/auth_session/login HTTP/1.1
    > Host:
    > User-Agent: curl/7.54.0
    > Accept: */*
    > Content-Length: 42
    > Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
    * upload completely sent off: 42 out of 42 bytes
    * HTTP 1.0, assume close after body
    < HTTP/1.0 200 OK
    < Content-Type: application/json
    < Set-Cookie: _my_session_id=eea5d963-8dd2-46f0-9e43-fd05029ae63f; Path=/
    < Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
    < Content-Length: 210
    < Server: Werkzeug/0.12.1 Python/3.4.3
    < Date: Mon, 16 Oct 2017 04:57:08 GMT
      "created_at": "2017-10-16 04:23:04", 
      "email": "[email protected]", 
      "first_name": null, 
      "id": "cf3ddee1-ff24-49e4-a40b-2540333fe992", 
      "last_name": null, 
      "updated_at": "2017-10-16 04:23:04"
    * Closing connection 0
    bob@dylan:~$ curl "" --cookie "_my_session_id=eea5d963-8dd2-46f0-9e43-fd05029ae63f"
      "created_at": "2017-10-16 04:23:04", 
      "email": "[email protected]", 
      "first_name": null, 
      "id": "cf3ddee1-ff24-49e4-a40b-2540333fe992", 
      "last_name": null, 
      "updated_at": "2017-10-16 04:23:04"
    bob@dylan:~$ sleep 10
    bob@dylan:~$ curl "" --cookie "_my_session_id=eea5d963-8dd2-46f0-9e43-fd05029ae63f"
      "created_at": "2017-10-16 04:23:04", 
      "email": "[email protected]", 
      "first_name": null, 
      "id": "cf3ddee1-ff24-49e4-a40b-2540333fe992", 
      "last_name": null, 
      "updated_at": "2017-10-16 04:23:04"
    bob@dylan:~$ sleep 51 # 10 + 51 > 60
    bob@dylan:~$ curl "" --cookie "_my_session_id=eea5d963-8dd2-46f0-9e43-fd05029ae63f"
      "error": "Forbidden"

🔧 Task setup.

✔️ Solution

👉 api/v1/auth/, 👉 api/v1/

📃 Task requirements.

Score: 0.0% (Checks completed: 0.0%)

Since the beginning, all Session IDs are stored in memory. It means, if your application stops, all Session IDs are lost.

For avoid that, you will create a new authentication system, based on Session ID stored in database (for us, it will be in a file, like User).

Create a new model UserSession in models/ that inherits from Base:

  • Implement the def __init__(self, *args: list, **kwargs: dict): like in User but for these 2 attributes:
    • user_id: string
    • session_id: string

Create a new authentication class SessionDBAuth in api/v1/auth/ that inherits from SessionExpAuth:

  • Overload def create_session(self, user_id=None): that creates and stores new instance of UserSession and returns the Session ID
  • Overload def user_id_for_session_id(self, session_id=None): that returns the User ID by requesting UserSession in the database based on session_id
  • Overload def destroy_session(self, request=None): that destroys the UserSession based on the Session ID from the request cookie

Update api/v1/ to instantiate auth with SessionDBAuth if the environment variable AUTH_TYPE is equal to session_db_auth.

In the first terminal:

    bob@dylan:~$ API_HOST= API_PORT=5000 AUTH_TYPE=session_db_auth SESSION_NAME=_my_session_id SESSION_DURATION=60 python3 -m
     * Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)

In a second terminal:

    bob@dylan:~$ curl "" -XPOST -d "[email protected]" -d "password=fake pwd" -vvv
    Note: Unnecessary use of -X or --request, POST is already inferred.
    *   Trying
    * TCP_NODELAY set
    * Connected to ( port 5000 (#0)
    > POST /api/v1/auth_session/login HTTP/1.1
    > Host:
    > User-Agent: curl/7.54.0
    > Accept: */*
    > Content-Length: 42
    > Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
    * upload completely sent off: 42 out of 42 bytes
    * HTTP 1.0, assume close after body
    < HTTP/1.0 200 OK
    < Content-Type: application/json
    < Set-Cookie: _my_session_id=bacadfad-3c3b-4830-b1b2-3d77dfb9ad13; Path=/
    < Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
    < Content-Length: 210
    < Server: Werkzeug/0.12.1 Python/3.4.3
    < Date: Mon, 16 Oct 2017 04:57:08 GMT
      "created_at": "2017-10-16 04:23:04", 
      "email": "[email protected]", 
      "first_name": null, 
      "id": "cf3ddee1-ff24-49e4-a40b-2540333fe992", 
      "last_name": null, 
      "updated_at": "2017-10-16 04:23:04"
    * Closing connection 0
    bob@dylan:~$ curl "" --cookie "_my_session_id=bacadfad-3c3b-4830-b1b2-3d77dfb9ad13"
      "created_at": "2017-10-16 04:23:04", 
      "email": "[email protected]", 
      "first_name": null, 
      "id": "cf3ddee1-ff24-49e4-a40b-2540333fe992", 
      "last_name": null, 
      "updated_at": "2017-10-16 04:23:04"
    bob@dylan:~$ sleep 10
    bob@dylan:~$ curl "" --cookie "_my_session_id=bacadfad-3c3b-4830-b1b2-3d77dfb9ad13"
      "created_at": "2017-10-16 04:23:04", 
      "email": "[email protected]", 
      "first_name": null, 
      "id": "cf3ddee1-ff24-49e4-a40b-2540333fe992", 
      "last_name": null, 
      "updated_at": "2017-10-16 04:23:04"
    bob@dylan:~$ sleep 60
    bob@dylan:~$ curl "" --cookie "_my_session_id=bacadfad-3c3b-4830-b1b2-3d77dfb9ad13"
      "error": "Forbidden"

🔧 Task setup.

✔️ Solution

[:point_right: 👉 api/v1/auth/, 👉 api/v1/, 👉 models/

✔️ Solution

[:point_right: 👉 api/v1/auth/

👨 Author and Credits.

This project was done by SE. Moses Mwangi. Feel free to get intouch with me;

📱 WhatsApp +254115227963

📧 Email [email protected]

👍 A lot of thanks to ALX-Africa Software Engineering program for the project requirements.