- Python.
- Pascal's Triangle.
Create a function def pascal_triangle(n): that returns a list of lists of integers representing the Pascal’s triangle of n:
- Returns an empty list if n <= 0
- You can assume n will be always an integer
guillaume@ubuntu:~/0x00$ cat 0-main.py
pascal_triangle = __import__('0-pascal_triangle').pascal_triangle
def print_triangle(triangle):
Print the triangle
for row in triangle:
print("[{}]".format(",".join([str(x) for x in row])))
if __name__ == "__main__":
guillaume@ubuntu:~/0x00$ ./0-main.py
# Create task file and set write permission.
touch ./0-pascal_triangle.py
chmod +x ./0-pascal_triangle.py
pycodestyle ./0-pascal_triangle.py
pep8 ./0-pascal_triangle.py
# Create test file
touch ./0-main.py
chmod +x ./0-main.py
This project was done by SE. Moses Mwangi. Feel free to get intouch with me;
📱 WhatsApp +254115227963
📧 Email [email protected]
👍 A lot of thanks to ALX-Africa Software Engineering program for the project requirements.