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Simulation-based Inference Benchmark

Build Status Python 3.8+

Benchopt is a package to simplify and make more transparent and reproducible the comparisons of optimization algorithms. This benchmark is dedicated to simulation-based inference (SBI) algorithms. The goal of SBI is to approximate the posterior distribution of a stochastic model (or simulator):

$$q_{\phi}(\theta \mid x) \approx p(\theta | x) = \frac{p(x \mid \theta) p(\theta)}{p(x)}$$

where $\theta$ denotes the model parameters and $x$ is an observation. In SBI the likelihood $p(x \mid \theta)$ is implicitly modeled by the stochastic simulator. Placing a prior $p(\theta)$ over the simulator parameters, allows us to generate samples from the joint distribution $p(\theta, x) = p(x \mid \theta) p(\theta)$ which can then be used to approximate the posterior distribution $p(\theta \mid x)$, e.g. via the training of a deep generative model $q_{\phi}(\theta | x)$.

In this benchmark we only consider amortized SBI algorithms that allow for inference for any new observation $x$, without simulating new data after the initial training phase.


This benchmark can be run using the following commands:

$ pip install -U benchopt
$ git clone
$ benchopt run benchmark_sbi

Alternatively, options can be passed to benchopt run to restrict the runs to some solvers or datasets:

$ benchopt run benchmark_sbi -s npe_lampe -d slcp --n-repetitions 3

Use benchopt run -h for more details about these options, or visit


Everyone is welcome to contribute datasets, solvers (algorithms) or metrics.

  • Datasets represent different prior-simulator pairs that define a joint distribution $p(\theta, x) = p(\theta) p(x \mid \theta)$. The data they are expected to return (Dataset.get_data) consist in a set of training parameters-observation pairs $(\theta, x)$, a set of testing parameters-observation pairs $(\theta, x)$ and and a set of reference posterior-observation pairs $(p(\theta \mid x), x)$.
  • Solvers represent different amortized SBI algorithms (NRE, NPE, FMPE, ...) or different implementations (sbi, lampe, ...) of such algorithms. They are initialized (Solver.set_objective) with the training pairs and the prior $p(\theta)$. After training (, they are expected to return (Solver.get_result) a pair of functions log_prob and sample that evaluate the posterior log-density $\log q_{\phi}(\theta \mid x)$ and generate parameters $\theta \sim q_{\phi}(\theta \mid x)$, respectively.
  • The main objective is the expected negative log-likelihood $\mathbb{E}_{p(\theta, x)} [ - \log q_{\phi}(\theta \mid x) ]$ over the test set. Other metrics such as the C2ST and EMD scores are computed (Objective.compute) using the reference posteriors.