- Embers Rekindled(new Knapping Type for Caminite Blend, Recipes support). Support Soot if installed.
- Forestry(Recipes support)
- Thermal expansion(Add Enderium, Signalum, Lumium as TFC Metal, Recipes support)
- Thaumcraft(Add Thaumium and Void metal as TFC Metal)
- Actually Additions(Add TFC Olive Oil to AA oil gen)
- Tech Reborn(Add Refined Iron as TFC Metal, Recipes support)
- Better With Mods(Recipes support)
- Ceramics(new Knapping Type for Porcelain, Recipes support)
- Rustic(Add new Rustic Chairs/Table from TFC Wood, Recipes support)
- Mekanism(Add Refined Obsidian and Refined Glowstone as TFC Metal, use TFC Metallum For Osmium, Recipe support)
- Improved Backpacks(new Knapping Type for Tanned Leather)
- Pyrotech(new Knapping Types for Refractory and Flint Clay, Recipes support)