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Das Keyboard Q REST API Documentation |
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The developer Q API is a JSON REST API that allows control of the RGB settings of Q devices.
This document explains how to use the Q API. Two options are available: sending requests to the Q cloud service or directly to the desktop application http://localhost:#port/... on the developer's machine.
The Q cloud service and the desktop software use similar endpoints. Note that the Q desktop HTTP server port number is 27301
Here are some useful links to get started smoothly:
The Das Keyboard Q Cloud service uses Oauth2 authentication, so in order to perform a request, you will need to send a token, which will require the use of your client credentials. Indeed, once a user account is created on the Q Cloud service, a client is automatically generated with the name "User_X" where X is a unique id associated to the user.
For example, if Bob signs up to the Q Cloud and has the id 87, a client will be generated for him with the name "User_87".
To get OAuth tokens, please read the Q Authentication documentation.
Responses sent by the server are in JSON format. However, the Q cloud service accepts both "application/json" and "application/x-www-form-urlencoded":
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"PARAM": "VALUE"}'
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -d "PARAM=VALUE"
To send signals to your Q Cloud account, you need to authorize clients (e.g. Twitter, Zappier). The following command gives the list of authorized clients.
Parameters required: ACCESS TOKEN.
curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN'
Result format:
"name": "CLIENT_NAME"
"name":"Desktop App"
To revoke a client, only its name is needed:
Parameters required: ACCESS TOKEN, CLIENT_NAME.
curl -X POST -H 'Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"name": "CLIENT_NAME"}'
If the operation succeeds, you should receive a 200 response.
Parameter required: ACCESS TOKEN.
Returns the list of available devices (JSON Array).
curl -H 'Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN' -X GET
Result format:
"name": "name of the product (string)",
"vid": "vid of the product (string)",
"pid": "pid of the product (string)",
"modelNumber": "number of the model (string)",
"description": "description (string)",
"zones": [
"id": "id (string)",
"description": "description (string)"
"id": "id (string)",
"description": "description (string)"
"name":"Das Keyboard 5Q",
"description":"DK 5Q - The cloud connected keyboard by Das Keyboard",
Returns the list of devices linked to your account (JSON Array).
curl -H 'Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN' -X GET
Result format:
"id": "id of the device (int)",
"userId": "id of the user (int)",
"pid": "pid of the product (string)",
"firmwareVersion": "version of the firmware (string)",
"vid": "vid of the product (string)",
"description": "description (string)",
"zones": [
"id": "id (string)",
"description": "description (string)"
"id": "id (string)",
"description": "description (string)"
"description":"DK 5Q - The cloud connected keyboard by Das Keyboard",
"uuid":"uuid to be set RtLWkEOPxm...",
Returns a list of predefined colors (JSON Array).
curl -H 'Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN' -X GET
Result format:
"code": "hexadecimal code of the color (string beginning by the character '#' and followed by 3 hexadecimal digits)",
"name": "name of the color (string)"
Returns the list of a device's zones (JSON Array).
curl -H 'Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN' -X GET
The GET parameter DK5QPID must correspond to an existing device's pid. Each JSON object will have the structure:
Result format:
"id": "id of the zone (string beginning by 'KEY_')",
"name": "name of the zone (string)"
"name":"Left Ctrl",
Returns the list of a available effects for a device (JSON Array).
curl -H 'Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN' -X GET
The GET parameter DK5QPID must correspond to an existing device's pid.
Result format:
"code": "code of the effect (string)",
"name": "name of the zone (string)"
"label":"set color"
The Das Keyboard 5Q device RGB keys can be controlled via signals.
Quick example of sending a signal on the key Q (DK5Q) using the XY coordinates:
- via the Cloud:
curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN' -X POST -d '{"name": "Apple Stock increase", "pid": "DK5QPID", "zoneId": "2,2", "color": "#008000"}'
- via local API:
curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X POST http://localhost:$PORT/api/1.0/signals -d '{"name": "Apple Stock increase", "pid": "DK5QPID", "zoneId": "2,2", "color": "#008000"}'
The zoneId is the id of the zone to light up. There are three coordinates systems available:
Coordinate system XY
Coordinate system zone code: KEY_{name-of-the-key}
Coordinate system linear
It is recommanded to use the coordinate system XY because it is compatible with every layouts.
For example, to send a signal on the key Q (US_layout):
To send a signal on the key Q (105 keys layout):
3,3 (different coordinates than with the 104 keys)
NB: "|-F" = left pipe and "|-R" = right pipe
- Via the Cloud:
curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN' -X POST -d '{"name": "Apple Stock increase", "pid": "DK5QPID", "zoneId": "2,2", "message": "It worked", "effect": "BLINK", "color": "#008000", "action": "open:chrome", "shouldNotify": true, "isRead": true, "isArchived": true, "isMuted": true}'
- Via local API:
curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X POST http://localhost:$PORT/api/1.0/signals -d '{"name": "Apple Stock increase", "pid": "DK5QPID", "zoneId": "2,2", "message": "It worked", "effect": "BLINK", "color": "#008000", "shouldNotify": true, "isRead": true, "isArchived": true, "isMuted": true}'
For more examples, please check out the API examples.
Resource representations:
name: string - name of Signal, e.g. "Apple Stock increase".
pid: string - pid of the device, e.g. "DK5QPID".
zoneId: string - id of the zone, e.g. "KEY_Q", "x,y", "74". cf Understanding zoneId
color: string which has to begin by the character '#' and be followed by 3 or 6 hexadecimal digits - color of the Signal, e.g. "#008000".
Optional fields:
message: string - message of Signal (default: empty string ""), e.g. "Lucky you! Apple stock is greater than $500".
effect: string - effect of the Signal (default: "SET_COLOR"), e.g. "BLINK".
action: string which is formatted "actionType:value" - action that can be triggered once the Signal has been received (the actionType is either "ur" or "open")
shouldNotify: boolean - indicates if the applications should create a notification when the Signal is received, only if it has not been read or archived (default: false), e.g. true.
isRead: boolean - indicates if the Signal has been read (default: false), e.g. true.
isArchived: boolean - indicates if the Signal has been archived (default: false), e.g. true.
isMuted: boolean - indicates if the Signal has been muted (default: false), e.g. true.
The response is a JSON object containing the id of the signal created.
Parameter required: ACCESS TOKEN.
curl -H 'Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN' -X GET
In order to obtain a list of Signals created after a certain time: Parameter required: ACCESS TOKEN, EPOCH_TIME.
curl -H 'Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN' -X GET
GET parameters can also be added:
curl -H 'Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN' -X GET,DESC
Result format:
"id": "id of the Signal (long)",
"userId": "id of the user (integer)",
"pid": "pid of the device (string)",
"zoneId": "id of the zone (string)",
"name": "name of the Signal (string)",
"color": "color of the Signal (string beginning by the character '#' and followed by 3 hexadecimal digits)",
"effect": "effect of the Signal (string)",
"action": "action linked to the Signal (string)",
"isRead": "indicates if the Signal has been read (boolean)",
"isMuted": "indicates if the Signal has been muted (boolean)",
"isArchived": "indicates if the Signal has been archived (boolean)",
"shouldNotify": "indicates if the Signal should notify the user when received (boolean)",
"clientName": "name of the Client who created the Signal (string)",
"message": "message of the Signal (string)",
"readAt": "time at which the Signal has been read (long: epoch time, can be null)",
"createdAt": "time at which the Signal has been created (long: epoch time)",
"updatedAt": "time at which the Signal has been updated (long: epoch time)"
"name":"Today's forecast",
"message":"Hope it's not too cold today!",
"name":"Apple stodbf7c8ee834d382ddc1fdb490b0a17c0ease",
"clientName":"NOTICE: zoneId automatically converted from KEY_A to 99. 1055 [email protected] null",
"sort":"createdAt: ASC,zoneId: ASC",
Q signal statuses work very much like an email from Gmail. It can be read or
unread, archived and muted. One cannot change the content of an email.
Only the signal fields isMuted
, isRead
and isArchived
can be updated.
: a user has read the signalisArchived
: archived signals are not visible but still present in the list of all signalsisMuted
: unused
Example: Updating a signal to 'isRead' = true status
curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN' -X PATCH -d '{"isRead": true, "isArchived": false}'
The GET parameter ID must correspond to an existing signal's id.
curl -H 'Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN' -X DELETE
The GET parameter ID must correspond to an existing signal's id.
When a signal is displayed on a zone id (i.e. one or more LEDs), the following end point will return its color:
Get color of zone id 83 for device 5Q keyboard:
curl -H 'Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN'
Result format:
"color": "#F00"
A device shadow is a set of most recent signals per zone, i.e. what is currently displayed on the device.
Get the shadow of DK5QPID.
curl -H 'Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN'```
Result format:
"name":"signal name",