Data crawling.
Responsible for crawling and processing the high frequency data of stock transcation in recent years. And the data format would be converted to an appropriate format.
Core algorithm.
Implement the Back Propagation Neural Networks without using any framework (all code is completely written by myself).
System integration.
Integrate the first two parts into a system.
It included data crawling, model design, code implementation, result analysis, experiments and system integration.
- Crawled the data of some stocks’ transactions per day.
- Chose BP Neural Network as model, deduced the formulas myself and implemented code without using any framework.
- The direction accuracy was about 55%-60% and the relative error between the actual and the predicted price maintained at 0.015%. Reached the conclusion that high-frequency data is better for stock price prediction via testing data’s impact at different frequencies.
- Integrated the algorithm into a real-time stock price prediction system.
Need to deploy mysql, and the sql file is in finance.sql
Just call the directly.