FootFiesta is an online store specializing in sports shoes and sneakers from renowned brands like Nike and Adidas. The platform boasts a modern user interface (UI) with delightful animations, including features such as adding products to the cart, bookmarking items, and adjusting sizes.
Here are the key technologies employed in this app:
- Jetpack compose for UI : FootFiesta ensures a seamless and visually appealing user experience.
- Navigation: Efficient navigation within the app is facilitated by Compose Navigation.
- Hilt for dependency Injection: Hilt simplifies dependency management, enhancing code maintainability.
- Room: Complex data storage is handled using Room, allowing efficient local data management.
- DataStore: For shared preferences (such as app launch state and language), DataStore proves invaluable.
- MacroBenchmark: To measure app performance, MacroBenchmark provides valuable insights.
- Baseline Profiles: These profiles optimize startup processes and reduce unnecessary animations.
- LottieFiles: Loading animations seamlessly with Compose is achieved through LottieFiles.
- Animations & Transitions: The app features updated and infinite animations and smooth transitions.
- Timber: Library for android that simplifies the process of logging.
- Coil: Loading images efficiently with Jetpack Compose is made possible by Coil.
- Pager layout: Accompanist Pager Layout enhances the user experience.
- Placeholder: Placeholder components contribute to a polished UI.
- WhatIf: Handling conditional statements, nullables, collections, and booleans in a readable and cleaner manner.
FootFiesta combines cutting-edge technologies to create an engaging and user-friendly platform for sports enthusiasts and sneaker aficionados alike!
Some screenshots of the Application:
Splash Screen | Get Started Screen | Login Screen | Home Screen |
Add To Cart Screen | Bookmarks Screen | Profile Screen | Cart Screen |
Checkout Screen | Orders History Screen | App Logo |