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File metadata and controls

110 lines (77 loc) · 4.98 KB


The TaskCare service is generally operated on-premise. This means that both the actual application server and required third-party services must be installed and operated in their own environment, either standalone or containerized.

System Environment

The application uses a number of third-party services and also requires them to function correctly. It is therefore necessary to make these services available and to make them known accordingly. The following third-party services are required, the exact versions are TaskCare release dependent:


MySQL is a database that is used for the storage of application data. It is used as primary storage for business data and event sourcing. The application expects a specific table structure from the database, which must be created before it can be used. The exact definition of the tables can be found here. It is the responsibility of the database administrator to ensure that the application can access the database and that the required tables are created.


Redis is a key-value store that is used for the storage of temporary application state. This includes the tokens used for authentication and authorization as well as the state of the application itself.


MinIO is a S3-compatible object storage service that is used for the storage of file attachments.

LDAP Server

LDAP is a directory service that can be used for user authentication and authorization. Instead of manually adding users to the application, users can be synchronized and used from an LDAP server. An LDAP compatible directory service is required for this. However, the use of such a service is optional.


As mentioned above, the TaskCare service is generally operated on-premise. For error-free operation, the application must also be configured accordingly. Third-party services must be made known and settings made. For a detailed overview of the configuration, see here. The application can run either as system software (standalone) or in a container. Depending on this, either Docker or a Java Runtime Environment (JRE) is required.


Because the application is written in Java and based on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), a Java Runtime Environment (JRE) is required, if the application is to run in standalone mode. The exact version of the JRE version depends on the used TaskCare release.


The application binary is delivered as a fat JAR file and sets up its own application server internally on start-up. Because of this no Java EE application server is required, a JRE is sufficient.

If all requirements have been met, the application can be started via JRE with the following command:

java -jar taskcare-api-<VERSION>.jar

Build application

If for any reason a pre-built binary cannot be used, for example during development, it is possible to build the application manually¹. The custom binary can be built with the Maven build system using a local installation. The result is an executable Java archive (JAR), which can be started in standalone mode as described above. To build it, run the following command:

mvn clean package

The resulting artifact, usually located in the project's target directory (target) and named taskcare-api-<VERSION>.jar, can be executed by the above command.

¹If the application is to be built directly from the source code instead of obtaining a pre-built executable, the Java Development Kit (JDK) and Apache Maven are required.


The application can also be run in a container using the provided or self-built Docker image. This does not require a Java Runtime Environment (JRE) installation on the target system, but an installation of the Docker Engine.

Even with container deployment, the application still has to be configured. This is basically the same as for standalone operation. When using a configuration file, however, it must be ensured that this is made accessible to the container, for example by mounting a volume. Alternatively, the container can be configured using system environment variables. For configuration details see configuration.

The release in the form of a Docker image can be started as follows:

docker run -d -p 8080:8080 -v <CONFIG_PATH>:/usr/local/etc/taskcare/api -v <LOGS_PATH>:/usr/local/var/log/taskcare/api taskcare/api:<VERSION>

Build image

Should it be necessary in the development phase or for other reasons to build the Docker image directly from the source code, this is also possible. No Java development tools or installations are required for this either, the image is built in multi-stage operation on a Docker basis. The provided Dockerfile can be used to build:

docker build -t taskcare/api:<VERSION> .