Our interdaomentional space station connecting Governauts reaching for the stars with Astro!
Jump in the group on Telegram to get involved: https://t.me/joinchat/QHk_O8liMtUwODgx
Let's facilitate community daovelopment and growth by enabling DAOs to coordinate collaboration, resources & experiments in ways that wouldn't be possible with a single DAO or multiple independent DAOs. We can bring together a daoverse group of communities, and each would have an equal voice to guide future iterations of DAO interactivity.
The following code folders exist as a framework for creating and maintaining MultiDAOs. Currently there are no tools to help with developing the concept, so this repo will be a way for testing the theory and ideas of MultiDAOs.
This repo also stems from experiments between Croncat and other DAOs, and the topic was part of a talk at NEARCON Alpha. You can checkout the slides for that presentation here.
There are two types of proposal templates available, for both single and multi DAOs:
Each folder has context to help you craft proposals for whatever you need.
related communities working together for a common purpose, like a partnership, friendly competition, or a coalition of DAOs
organizations may create temporary MultiDAOs to coordinate a temporary initiative (events, projects, or campaigns)
promoting daoversity through structured communication about important decisions made by ecosystem participants
To test each feature of the MultiDAO, a simple demo with a few member DAOs will be used to try all types of proposals and other interactions before launching the main MultiDAO. Consider this DAO as the "staging" environment of multiDAOs.
TODAO: daoscussion + coordaonation
Session Zero Notes:
- MultiDAO for event planning
- MultiDAO Guild (REPO): supporting innovation of DAOs
- Add notes on how to stake DAO funds