A python package and docker application for the automatic detection of evoked responses in SPES/CCEP data
- First install ERdetect, in the command-line run:
pip install erdetect
- To run:
- a) With a graphical user interface:
python -m erdetect ~/bids_data ~/output/ --gui
- b) From the commandline:
python -m erdetect ~/bids_data ~/output/ [--participant_label PARTICIPANT_LABEL [PARTICIPANT_LABEL ...]]
- c) To process a subset directly in a python script:
import erdetect
erdetect.process_subset('/bids_data_root/subj-01/ieeg/sub-01_run-06.edf', '/output_path/')
To launch an instance of the container and analyse data in BIDS format, in the command-line interface/terminal:
docker run multimodalneuro/erdetect <bids_dir>:/data <output_dir>:/output [--participant_label PARTICIPANT_LABEL [PARTICIPANT_LABEL ...]]
For example, to run an analysis, type:
docker run -ti --rm \
-v /local_bids_data_root/:/data \
-v /local_output_path/:/output \
multimodalneuro/erdetect /data /output --participant_label 01
General documentation can be found here.
The tool can be configured by three means:
- Graphical User Interface (GUI)
- Command-line, arguments and options can be found here
- JSON input configuration file, usage documentation can be found here
Written by Max van den Boom (Multimodal Neuroimaging Lab, Mayo Clinic, Rochester MN)
Deviation from baseline method by Dorien van Blooijs & Dora Hermes (2018), with optimized parameters by Jaap van der Aar
Adapted the peak-finder algorithm by Nathanael Yoder, see Matlab version.
- IeegPrep (https://github.com/MultimodalNeuroimagingLab/ieegprep)
- BIDS-validator (https://github.com/bids-standard/bids-validator)
- NumPy
- SciPy
- Matplotlib
This project was funded by the National Institute Of Mental Health of the National Institutes of Health Award Number R01MH122258 to Dora Hermes