The following sequence diagram illustrates the series of steps taken between various services when posting a node to an index.
Index Service, Validation Service, Library Service and Elasticsearch are all services that are orchestrated inside of the Murmurations Services repository when it is instantiated.
The Node Owner is the individual or organization operating the Node Server that hosts the node's profile.
participant Node Owner
participant Node Server
participant Index Service
participant Validation Service
participant Library Service
participant Elasticsearch
Node Owner->>Node Server: Post profile to profile_url
Node Owner->>+Index Service: Submit profile_url (POST /nodes)
Index Service->>Index Service: Add node record to index DB and <br> create node_id (hash of profile_url)
Note over Index Service: status: received
Index Service->>-Node Owner: Confirm node recorded in DB by returning node_id
Index Service-x+Validation Service: node:created
Validation Service->>Node Server: Check if profile at profile_url
alt check failed
Node Server-->>Validation Service: Profile not found or node unreachable
Note over Index Service: status: validation_failed
else check success
Node Server-->>Validation Service: Return JSON profile data
Validation Service->>Library Service: Get schema(s) & fields
Library Service-->>Validation Service: Return schema(s) & fields
Validation Service->>Validation Service: Validate profile to schema(s) & fields
alt validate failed
Validation Service-xIndex Service: node:validation_failed
Note over Index Service: status: validation_failed
else validate success
Validation Service-x-Index Service: node:validated
Index Service->>Index Service: Set last_updated (Unix timestamp) and <br> profile_hash (hash of JSON profile data) in DB
Note over Index Service: status: validated
Index Service->>Elasticsearch: Post data to Elasticsearch
alt post failed
Note over Elasticsearch: No response
Note over Index Service: status: post_failed
else post success
Elasticsearch-->>Index Service: Return confirmation
Note over Index Service: status: posted
Node Owner->>+Index Service: Poll for status
Index Service->>Index Service: Get status from node record
Index Service->>-Node Owner: Return profile_url, node_id, last_updated, status